Oct 28, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Have they determined who actually penned the employee letter and which employees actually signed it? Was it one of the senior staff that just got let go?

When I first saw 'we demand' I knew they blew it. Not 'respectfully request' - demand. Um, you aren't in a position to make demands. You are not union; you are at-will employees. If I were a hiring manager, I would be scrutinizing resumes with recent Twitter experience very, very carefully.

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They probably did so anonymously, but people like this can't hide their ideology for long. Musk and the new staff will smoke out the rats in short order.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Penetrating analysis.

While the Comms Control landscape remains foggy for now, I believe that massive forces are realigning themselves to address the new realities.

I found it fascinating that Bannon had a long segment with Kash yesterday, in which the new terms of engagement between MAGA and the political elite were clearly enunciated. Specifically, both men made it crystal clear that MAGA is now officially in the driving seat, and that disobedience will be met with extreme prejudice by the new owners of the GOP.

While this rhetoric may not surprise MAGA, I think it will have come as a bracing reprimand to the political creatures taking over the reins of power in the next Congress.

More profoundly, the sudden unification of the Qish wing with the War Room wing of MAGA will have the intended effect of shocking the enemy, which has heretofore labored under the delusion that the Trump team is severely disunited and riven with infighting and rivalry.

I think we will see more of this reunification on our side post election, which will bring great pain and sadness to the enemies now beleaguered forces.

I suspect these trends will be reflected very visibly, quite soon, in at least some level of friendly cooperation between Twitter, Truth Social and Rumble.

If not yet a formal collaboration, at least some flexibility in cross platform content sharing.

A new dawn in America Rising, as a weary populace begins to throw off the shackles of totalitarian abuse and once again dares to believe in itself.

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I like the use of this "reunification" term.

We have long speculated that Bannon and Kash are at least tangentially a part of the Q Operation. That theory has only strengthened of late.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

I’m strongly inclined to believe this as well seeing as Trump himself has been ReTruthing Q accounts about overtly Q related topics for almost a couple months now. Kash Patel, General Mike Flynn, these guys have been going onto overtly Q related podcasts for several months now everyone from X22Report, Charlie Ward, many others on Rumble. I was initially very surprised to see someone so close and so key to the uncovering of the RussiaGate Hoax just casually talking to streamers who’ve been researching Anon boards for years. Now it’s all starting to coalesce and make sense.

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Totally agree. They know what these streamers talk about. None of their appearances are by mistake.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Hmmm... interesting. I wonder if Mitch McConnell was listening to that confab between Bannon and Kash. Sure would be nice to see McConnell (and McCarthy) stripped of their powers. Both rule through fear and intimidation, a recipe for sure reprisal if and when said powers are diminished and eventually lost.

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Good point. In my mind, however, there is no clarity yet over exactly which side those two are on. Both may have been playing a role. Time will tell.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Very good.

Highly credible possibility.

Conversely, try this one: Manchin is a Judas goat for the old Democrat party, whose role is to present MAGA with a seemingly bipartisanship-friendly olive branch.

But he’s still a loyal democrat: he realizes that McConnell, for all the theatrics between him and Trump, manages to accomplish enormous things for the GOP.

What bigger triumph for Manchin and the democrat machine but to oust McConnell in return for a tenuous and questionably honest role (at best) within the GOP.

After this election, btw, who the heck needs Joe Manchin? He’ll come begging for Trump’s endorsement next election. Take that to the bank.

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I like seeing these sorts of exchanges in the comments. Respectful parsing and countering of theories. We are greater than the sum of our parts.

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make that 200%

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Your last point is key. Whatever Manchin may have been worth, he'll lose it all when the GOP takes the senate back.

Far as getting rid of McConnell, all depends who replaces him.

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Yes, they well may be playing a role; but the way they play the game (regardless of where their loyalty may eventually be seen to lie) is a good way to make enemies. Enemies who bide their time until it is time to strike. Very patient enemies, in most cases. With very long memories.

Joe Manchin was willing to join the GOP, but under one condition: McConnell out as leader. That tells me something.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

You are erudit and a pleasure to read. Thank you for naming and describing the cultural trends of our internet experience. You have spoken to my mental observations . Reading your essay has sharpened my thinking process. I thank you.

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Much appreciated, Lynn! The responses from this community give me more confidence each week.

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

keep up the good work

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

What a fascinating read! I was not familiar with the metaphor term “walled garden” as it applies to information access, a members only kind of closed system. I’m familiar with it’s effects, but the term itself and it’s usage in this context was new to me.

The secret garden isn’t secret anymore.

And the intricate mazes (censorship) built into the garden of truth are maps shared by the great awakening which can not be bound by lies and clever traps anymore.

The healthiest collective mind is comprised of independent thinkers who haven’t lost touch with their intuitive inner compass, sharing the map through the maze of lies, propaganda, twisted “narrative stories”. Truth has a way of resonating…leading us ever onward to the ultimate garden of all that is good in humanity.

Thanks for another great read, BurningBright. Always an interesting and thought-trip ponder, reading your articles

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Very well said. Thank you for reading, as always.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

I have to say that I'm so loving Elon's Reality Show! It's like when you turn the lights on in your home and you discover cockroaches that disperse running off in different directions being found out because of the light. I recently watched all of the Matrix movies (spoiler alert) and if I understood the last one, I'm thinking after exposing the matrix, he went back in to help those who were still trapped in it, am I right about that, hmmmm. anyway, that's how I see Elon Musk and twitter. Sometimes we get caught up in the 'we and them' that we really forget that's not what the battle is about...and I believe so many will realize that we could actually think differently and still be civil...and once again Burning Bright....you ROCK!!!!

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I think the intellectual reach of the Matrix sequels exceeded their grasp, but the first film is a work of art and a seminal work of modern times.

Yup. Important to remind ourselves that we're here to save the sleepers, not to condemn them.

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Everything “including” the kitchen sink!

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This is the first thing I thought, as well.

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

The points you’ve made are revealing. Most of “us” likely hadn’t thought about the fact that the censorship of conservatives not only removed them from the battlefield, but also created individual silos where information is revealed-yet only to the believers (to a great extent). TS has been ridiculed by the left; but the powers haven’t worried nearly as much because the numbers are not as significant as those in the Twitter battlefield. Excellent, excellent points that all need to consider since the goal is to awaken. Like you’ve stated, that’s what the powers truly fear. And, why we need to gear up for the battle to waken more. You cannot know how thankful we are for your insights! God bless you!

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Glad you enjoyed this perspective :)

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

This is easily one of the best most insightful takes on the Elon Musk takeover of Twitter I’ve read. It’s both broad and at the same time nuanced. Of course the Walled Garden is one to the components of this surveillance state that we’ve been fighting and it’s so difficult to attack because it’s so easy to comply that we’ve been socially engineered and conditioned to reflexively accept our Technological Slavery as Uncle Ted so perfectly outs it.

For most of my life and many others we’ve all been under the illusion now a delusion that these Big Tech firms are “muh private companies”. They’re not and now not only do we have some paper trails for the initial seed money leading back to Intel agencies but we’ve got documentation of them openly overtly colluding with the Regime to censor the truth and keep these maniacs in power.

Whatever the status of Musk himself White/Black/Grey Hat etc. the mere fact that the engineered social etiquette if you want to call it that meaning the rules laid down by the Commie social engineers that were until a couple days ago masquerading as Twatter employees, a huge amount of that almost overnight has simply vanished. I got my own Twitter account back after over a year and I didn’t find out until I tried to post a new message and retweet others. The ensuing shitstorm that’s going to unfold over the next 9 days will be something truly historic.

Having fallen victim to PC talking points in many years past long before I even had an inkling of what Cultural Marxism really was, I can recall distinctly what the feeling of having my mind changed by superior arguments felt like mentally. It’s as if pillars that you thought were made of stone for a decade or more, suddenly start to generate cracks over the course of maybe a half hour. Then over the course of barely a minute those pillars turn into sand and finally they collapse. It’s a feeling of being totally unmoored and adrift in outer space.

Given how carefully constructed the Regime Narrative around basic unavoidable topics from the vaccine mandates, Ukraine, hyperinflation, Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell, dozens of other major stories that’ve been suppressed, one of the things we’ll see over the course of this coming week is millions likely 10’s of millions of former NPCs suddenly accidentally tripping over viral Based memes. Memes that are so potent in their red pilling effect and yet so simple and elegant in their premise that basic tenets of the GAE Global American Empire religion/cult will be called into question.

Bacteria on Mars is life but a heartbeat on Earth isn’t?

Elites ranting about climate change and sea levels flying around in private jets buying oceanfront mansions?

Politicians ordering their serfs to wear masks while they themselves flout their own rules.

This is all simple low hanging fruit but the broader idea being I don’t think for a moment that even if this is all an engineered PsyOp, which it absolutely could be, I don’t think for a second that we’re going to be living in the same country a week from now.

I think the Overton Window may just bend so fast it might shatter altogether at least a fella can dream.

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A fantastic take and very well-stated. You have a sharp mind and a clear, immediate grasp on what I call Macro thinking. This allows us to see Systems rather than getting lost in the matrix.

Your projections heavily mirror my own thinking, and if you haven't, I think you'd get a kick out of Narrative Whiplash, one of my more popular phrases around these parts.

I also saw that you became a supporter today. Thank you very much.


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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

I finally finished your Narrative Whiplash piece and one of the first things that came to my mind in regards to Macro and Micro Pattern Recognition Autists was Fentanyl Floyd in the Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Summer of Love 2020.

The second I heard about that video, my mind almost immediately placed together several disparate stories and linked them together on a chain. Namely we had a virus that emanated from China, suddenly as of March 2020 everything was locked down, people had been cloistered up inside for 2 months, the weather was heating up, and towards the end of May we had Corporate Press propaganda shills screeching at small business owners who were protesting the lockdowns and wanted to open up their businesses because they were going bankrupt.

Virtually overnight after the video the party line suddenly changed to encouraging people to go outside to riot which I thought was a surreal moment that certainly work me up to the fact that the lockdowns were total bullshit. That being said that wasn’t the only red flag I suddenly saw.

I remember scratching the surface of the story and came across the detail that Derek Chauvin and George Floyd may have KNOWN each other because they ran security at the same strip club. Floyd was supposedly arrested for passing a fake $20 bill and counterfeiting is purely a Secret Service investigation because they’re under Dept of Treasury so why weren’t the Fed’s called in? There were also rumors that Chauvin and Floyd were part of some sort of counterfeit operation and it went sideways. Chauvin had multiple excessive force complaints going back over a decade and the prosecutor who let him off all those times was none other than Amy Klobuchar and this is what ended up torpedoing her Democratic Presidential campaign.

The final piece was reading about a container ship from China that had something like $300k in counterfeit bills that was raided weeks prior. I immediately thought what if just what if the CCP wanted to wage war in America. One way would be mass counterfeiting but if that got discovered then starting a race riot by bribing/blackmailing a few city cops is perfectly within their capability to do. Killing a single drug addict on camera? What would that cost them? A few hundred thousand? Maybe a few million? Several assets placed to pull strings and favors, make threats? Spread the video via the Big Tech platforms that’ve already been infiltrated by your people?

It’s not a far fetched idea. That being said this was still 2+ years before now and now we know for near certainty that all of these Silicon Valley firms are just fronts for the Intel agencies so the question really boils down to who controls them.

I strongly suspect it’s whoever managed to cover up the entire Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell saga with Lolita Island which is likely Maxwell’s father’s former employer Israeli Mossad. Fun fact btw the elder Maxwell a billionaire who mysteriously died falling off his yacht in the early 90’s, turns out he was the co-owner of McGraw Hill publishing which prints something like 90% of the textbooks for American public schools aka government run indoctrination camps for kids. Explains a lot about why our history is so slanted, why all narratives around race circle around Anti-White race hatred, why Kanye West’s entire existence is being nuked, the history of the Khazarian Mafia, etc., and frankly that’s a whole mother rabbit hole by itself.

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So many rabbit holes to go down, which is why we must divide and conquer.

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Thank you for that. I think I will indeed start my own Substack. These comments as is are already getting to be that length. 😂👌🥳🇺🇸 WWG1WGA

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Thank you for your kind words. I’m considering starting my own Substack because I’ve got a lot to say and I suspect video might not be the optimal format for these thoughts. I became a supporter today because of this piece you wrote. Keep up the great work and I’ll absolutely read your piece on Narrative Whiplash great title btw

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Love your writings BB. Love also the connection between you and Jon. Not American so these last 2 years following the works of a few of your likeminded writers have opened up a whole new world to me in American politics and the impact it has on the rest of us. Brilliant work -

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Thanks for reading, Kathy!

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Had to take a moment to do some research. Never a disappointment here at BB university. Not only am I expanding my discernment and vocabulary I am now learning German. ( yes I looked it up ) and if that’s not enough, the great foresight from readers like @Pluribus help me fill in things I have missed while floating at my high altitude. Hoping to be able to timely engage in the near future.

I plan on engaging, with Gusto!


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Much appreciated, Sam!

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Do we think the "richest man in the world" can afford to have a slow roll strategic pr campaign, going back years, to formulate his tony stark character... one that, by 2022, would be in position to chat w putin, credibly opine on saving humanity and take over twitter (to be the face of to bury, pay out, clean up and reposition op?)? Do we think the largest DoD contractor/ nasa replacement/ largest satellites operator co with a third of its tesla production in Shanghai and a factory in Berlin...achieved all that without anyone in the cia/military/industrial complex having accomplished some degree of control? If bernard arnaut knew how to throw a young kanye off track as a blossoming fashion competitor... was the military industrial complex, populated by the likes of boeing, gm etc... not savvy enough to "intervene" during musks early empire success? The only answer viable is, to quote our leader: "c'mon man!"

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Haha well said. The more strange everything gets, the more obvious it appears that there has been a massive and multifaceted plan underway for some time.

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Check out recent episode 429 of the Corbett report podcast on elon... just skip the bs in first 5-10 minutes. Talks about elon's wef young keader status, cia linked funding for paypal n friends, huge role of gvt subsidies in his financial rise, how twitter buy was great cover for liquidating billions in peak-priced tesla stick, etc... and where his twitter and brainlink interests lead we do not know. Bottom line - my take - elon is way too "fun" in relation to his business footprint, thus a face man, thus not worth emotionally buying into as "on our side". Elon is still young. One thing we should know by now - the games being played on earth are long games, long cons. Shit playing out now, players in the news now: seeded decades ago. Draw own conclusions then about elon's current positioning for us. His pr is good - no doubt. He plays well with the public - no doubt.

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This is why I don't need to buy into Elon being a "white hat" to believe that his actions will ultimately serve our ends.

Trump's messaging re: Twitter takeover is consistent with this reading.

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Oracle is the link here. The owner of oracle that is. Larry Ellison was a huge donor to President Trump in 2020 and I read he also put 3 billion towards the purchase of Twitter. So, I think action speaks louder than words. That sink Elon brought in was the best!

My mother asked sometime in early 2021 if I really thought the vaccine was created to harm us intentionally by our government. I told her I did. She hang her head and said “oh, I’m so sorry “ implying I was crazy because after all, our government would never do anything like that. I can understand how she can’t fathom that and the majority of Americans couldn’t “go there”

I think the narrative has been flipped. Whether COG is in effect and President Trump is behind this mass waking up of America and the rest of the world, remains to be seen. I think we have amazing people behind the scenes who are doing everything they can to save our country. We may never know who they are. I believe they were born just for this war. God knows. He prepared them for the battle of our lifetime.

As far as Twitter goes, early on when Parlor shut down, I was permanently banned from Twitter and numerous times facebook has censored me. It’s awful not having a voice when everything within you is telling you this is vital information and we have must get it out. I’m looking forward to seeing watch Elon really does. Firing those in charge was actually what he said he was going to do, so I’m hopeful. That’s where I am. Hopeful

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It's going to be very interesting to see how the information battlefield transforms in the coming months.

Stay positive!

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You too. Take care and be safe. I love all of your articles. Makes this old brain think!

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Go gettem tiger! You have the skill. I pray for your inspiration.Reach for the stars. The worst that will happen is to fall into the clouds. The only failure is to give up. Persistence is the eternal key to all endeavors.

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Thank you, Lynn!

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Thanks,BB! I think for now I will enjoy what is happening to Twitterland, but keep my guard up about Elon. He has another side, a side that allegedly married a witch, or just had kids with her, one of the two. I believe his children are named “A” and “B”? He also wants to see the human brain connected to the collective to steal a Star Trek plot line. So he’s got a lot going on, which is not at all surprising.

Also, power corrupts, and he’s got a lot of power right now. We would do well to pray he sees the traps which are surely being set for him by the cabal, if he’s not yet trapped. 🙏🏼

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Important to apply Bicameral Thinking. Trump's messaging is consistent in that this move will ultimately serve our ends, whether [they] want it to or not.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Another excellent piece. Thank you.

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Thanks for reading!

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I’m intrigued by Elon Musk. Lord Jesus said its easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than a rich man get to Heaven. But we forget the next part:

He said it’s not impossible.

Elon sold all properties, released much of his material weightiness before buying Twitter expertly bluffing. Pretending to walk away from the table (and baiting them into disclosing lies to shareholders) he caught his fish.

“How do you catch a fish?”

“Define bait.”

Prior to this, he went on Rogan and discussed the sale of all of his properties saying properties are a mental weight to maintain and a distraction. He’ll just rent from now on. (Lightening himself up: those who have ears, let him hear).

Now he’s what I mean when I type #saveourchildren

are we paying attention? Evil is not money, it’s HOW we spend it. Actions defile us. Actions will save us. Willingness.

As we each wake up, being the Prodigal Sons, we will each take the necessary action.

“When in Rome…”

Some disguises are better than others. Musk’s disguise (mask) is falling off. But we are blind for now.

It is what It is. Like you said, we are (part of) the plan.

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