The Righteous Russia series represented my first foray into exploring the concept of the Sovereign Alliance. But China is a more Enigmatic Empire. Still, wouldn't it be something if we were more aligned than we've been led to believe? This long-form is my attempt to explore that question—and all those that spin out from it—by revisiting past writings and fusing them with future musings.
What were the net effects of the DeepSeek Op?
Surely you’ve seen the news that those dastardly Chinese apparently—allegedly—deployed an AI chatbot that put Techboi Genius Sam Altman’s to shame, and for a fraction of the cost and energy, prompting the boss himself to issue the following (telling) statement:
“The release of DeepSeek AI from a Chinese company should be a wake up call for our industries that we should be laser focused on competing to win. We have the best scientists in the world. This is very unusual. We always have the ideas. We’re always first.” – Donald J. Trump
Huh. Quite the statement, and just days after hosting Altman and some other tech oligarchs who may or may not be under patriot control in a presser that caused quite a bit of reaction among the MAGA and even the Truther faithful.
I don’t lead with this data point on data itself to date a piece I hope will stand the test of time. Rather, I lead with it because it’s the latest example of just how complex the Info War is, and yet, how clearly visible the signal, if you’re calibrated accordingly.
And the biggest, boldest and yes, brightest signal in the Info War today is the Sovereign Signal.
What is that signal? Well, as I said at the time, it’s that …
The Sovereign Alliance is very real, and while I don't believe the narrative of that alliance will be codified in the Collective American Mind for some time, the gravity of it can be glimpsed for those paying attention to the game theory game board.
This gravity often comes in the form of pincer moves that occur SEEMINGLY at random and yet, whose net effects (which always lead to the solidification of multipolarity) speak to long-term coordination.
Lately, as only a few in this space are talking about, it seems to me we're seeing yet another pincer being executed between Donald Trump and Xi Jinping, who I believe is being prepped by both establishment harpies AND patriot ghosts in the machine as the prime narrative threat of the 2025-26 story cycle.
Muh Russia is running on fumes, and while I do think there are escalations yet to be seen in the narrative of the US vs. Russia, and by extension, Trump vs. Putin before we get the conclusion of the peacemakers arc, Xi Jinping is entering 2025 from stage left, and is set to send the global economic system into engineered chaos, albeit for the purpose of moving us toward the very sovereign, multipolar system envisioned and publicly discussed by all three world leaders.
When it comes to DeepSeek vs. OpenAI, then, less attention should be focused on the short term price action of US tech stocks (though this is a signal that most of them are built on a mountain of sand,) and much more on the temporal effects such a deployment will visit on the future prospects of humanity.
In the wrong hands, technology is a human-controller. It can limit free action and curtail free thought, and bind civilizations according to the whims and wiles of autocrats and oligarchs.
In the right hands, technology has always been a human extender, and the prime vector through which it accomplishes this is by freeing up human time, since time is foundational to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The little things.
So, how do we determine who the RIGHT hands are? Do we assign trust to figures who say the things we like, or do we map the net effects of their actions?
To me, the clearest way to determine which leaders and Mind-Movers are working in our best interest is to see which ones push the first principles mindset that the RIGHT hands are not their hands, but OURS.
In short, calls and actions pushing humanity toward DECENTRALIZATION are signals of sovereignty, and the DeepSeek deployment has essentially rug-pulled the tech world's former attempts to control the time flow of technological progress in what could be the new frontier.
So, when you see Trump respond to the deployment by calling it "a very unusual wake-up call" that should make us "laser focused on competing to win," while saying America is usually first in this realm, he's giving away the game.
In free competition, the people win.
So, when you see Trump vs. Xi 2025 escalate, keep the endgame in mind, and recognize that both are pushing toward it.
So, what am I suggesting is being signaled in Trump’s statement? And yes, even in his continuing tariff tantrums?
Knowledge of what’s really going on behind the scenes. Knowledge of who really controls the United States at the advent of the Golden Age, and knowledge of who really controls China …two legs of what I have dubbed the Sovereign Alliance, a collection of once silent-running, now quite the opposite leaders who’ve given oligarchs the world over many sleepless nights.
Donald Trump may be one of the key figures in the war against the Globalist Deep State, but if you've been following this war for a while, you'll know he's a key piece of a much larger puzzle.
This publication was founded by an exploration of one such figure in the Righteous Russia series, but there are more in this august and enigmatic company.
After all, in order to take down a centuries-old Satanic Death Cult, you need to bring friends; as it turns out, Trump seems to have some in very high places they've tried to convince us are quite the opposite.
But who are these friends, and what specific attributes do they bring to the table that will help lead us toward a more sovereign, multipolar world?
As I put it recently …
You can either pantomime emotional reactions on either side of the Info War divide when it comes to the War for Peace, alternatively fretting about the (im)possibility of WW3 kicking off ... OR, you can recognize that what we're watching is the narrative translation of a war that has already been fought, and largely won some time ago.
As I've been saying for three years now, Trump and Putin don't just have the power to make peace, but to mandate it. They've always had that power. They just needed to get a few Nazis out of the way to do it as cleanly as possible.
Now, we're going to see a series of tit-for-tats between the two sovereign leaders while the vampires in the fading and fangless western globalist hegemon attempt to goad them into the actualization of the last war—the one that will never arrive because it was headed off by the Sovereign Alliance in the greatest story that, sadly, may never be fully told, unless you were paying attention.
But to call something a Sovereign Alliance, you need more than two to tango.
In order to form a mesh of sustained peace and prosperity, you need regions of responsibility on a Micro and Macro scale, and I have long considered the current Macro capable of enforcing or at least defending a mutual sovereign mesh—which some refer to as multipolarity—to be the US, Russia … and China, which is why China is in the current crosshairs narratively, but much like Russia, I believe the deals are done on an Actual level, and have been for some time.
The decoupling, in other words, is mutual.
When it comes to Russia, the “deal” between east and west in this context is quite literal—heading off the actualization of WW3. But kinetic wars aren’t the only ones we need to avoid, as economic wars can be as devastating, though they’re often slower to metastasize, much like cancer.
So then, how about one of the more enigmatic figures in the Sovereign Alliance, one who all sides of the sociopolitical zeitgeist seem to misunderstand?
What do we make of Xi Jinping? And what do we make of the revived Chinese Empire he purports to lead?
Perhaps a good starting point is in my recent framing of the core members of the Sovereign Alliance in Game Theory terms, from Trump the Main Tank to Putin the Warrior and MBS the Cleric … Xi’s role could be the most subtle and yet, the most pivotal when it comes to systemic change.
The reason the narrative has been so slow in turning on the systemic side against China is because the narrative work between Trump and Xi has been handled with a deft touch. In place of the direct, ‘strongman’ postures of Trump and Putin, Trump and Xi have largely sparred through proxies, asides and innuendos, and largely about trade, currency and globalism … subjects they actually agree on far more than you might know.
Why the secrecy, then? Why not be direct?
Well, where the “rivalry” between the US and Russia has been engineered for a century, I believe the resolution therein can be just as quick.
Westerners and Russians alike can accept the pragmatism figures like Trump and Putin have cultivated in their respective story arcs, and so, since Putin has ostensibly achieved everything he set out to in the DeNazification effort in the Donbas—rather, since Trump and the Devolution plan allowed him to—coming to the table has been seeded, even in the minds of those who hate both. It is a matter of course, the ending the story is charting in the Macro Narrative, and soon to be in the Actual.
In short, there is nothing in any paradigm to be gained by the US and Russia being enemies other than death and the illusion of hegemony.
(In fact, I predicted the very framework of the peace deal way back in 2022, in ‘Fait Accompli,’ which I suggest you read if you want a preview of something the central narrative will soon codify as a shocking, ‘new’ development.)
China—rather, the STORY of China—is a different beast, as the Collective Western Mind has been seeded with the idea and germinated with the actualization of the prospect and then the fact that, from the perspective of the Globalist Hegemon, one empire gains directly FROM the other’s losses on a sovereign scale.
The relationship between the US and China is different by design, and not the design of sovereign men, nor by a design so crude as that of the faux conflict between the US and Russia, which is as dated as the Cold War era Hollywood fare it was built on, as the two have been intertwined economically for decades, a relationship that accelerated rapidly in the 90s under the Clinton Regime, whose primary Chinese contact Xi Jinping eventually deposed in a move not dissimilar to what Putin did with the Russian Oligarchy in the 1990s, as a new breed of faux capitalism rushed in to fill the power vacuum left over in the wake of the ouster of the Bolsheviks in the Reagan era.
Due to this complexity, co-dependence and the sheer economies of scale, the decoupling era between the US and China will be—has been, rather—quite painful for Globalist corporations, but, if we’re being honest, also on the peoples they have subjugated through engineered dependence, and so, cultivating the public mandate to ‘go to the table’ with China is more fraught with sociopolitical peril, as Trump can neither be seen as getting in bed with the “communistic, collectivist” enemy—though I would contend China decreasingly represents them—nor can he be seen taking a blowtorch to all of the biggest companies—and thus, employers—in the west on the back of a scorched earth approach to economic severance.
Luckily for both men—Trump, the American Manufacturing Czar, and Xi, the emergent leader of the Multipolar Push—we seem to have had a few acts of God along the way that have forced American manufacturing back home, while forcing the Chinese to respond to a mutually-engineered trade war by focusing on domestic production rather than simply scaling western exports.
But then, had you noticed how the Covid era accelerated not just the decoupling of our respective economies on an actual level, but, perhaps more importantly, on a narrative one, provoking the bipartisan public mandate for a return to nationalism, which is to say, sovereignty … something Trump made his name on and, contrary to the knowledge of most westerners, Xi did as well?
As I wrote in a recent feature:
Donald Trump can be considered enigmatic by friend and foe alike … the former because they often underestimate his ability to fall ass backwards into success after success on both actual and narrative levels, the latter because they often underestimate him to their own detriment, later finding themselves on the losing end of those same deployments as the Orange Man sits across from them wearing his earned and knowing grin.
Vladimir Putin can be considered enigmatic in a slightly different fashion, as his relatively controlled demeanor compared to Trump paints the picture of poise and even threat—like a tiger coiled to spring, but not in any rush to do so.
But of all the members of the dubbed Sovereign Alliance, I believe Xi Jinping is the one friends and enemies understand the least, with many often unsure which position he occupies on the game board relative to the Chinese leader, and I believe that aura, that strategy is baked in, and is a feature of the Xi template rather than a bug.
As I have pointed out on several occasions on my various podcast appearances, it is exceedingly rare—if not impossible—to find a clip of Donald Trump referencing his supposed enemy-in-waiting in Xi Jinping without informing all listening audiences in one of his famous winding asides that, of all his political counterparts, Xi is the ‘smartest,’ and a figure Trump ‘knows quite well.’
As for the template and role I believe he serves in this emergent sovereign mesh of abstract and actual power projection on the game board, Xi is the control wizard or sorcerer of the bunch, a position that comes with serious potential, and one that is often not recognized by the opposing side until it is too late to do anything about it.
In the context of an RPG game, the control wizard isn’t JUST a figure that casts spells, but one that seeks to control the very terrain—the conditions—in which the battle takes place. From changing systems dynamics—think weather modification in a virtual world, physical augmentations for allied party members and counter spells that weaken enemy combatants so the Tank and Warrior might do their work more efficiently—to changing the very rules of the game in a finite space and time, the control wizard is key for the enemy to take OFF the game board before he establishes his position, as, once he has done so, the battlefield has often shifted too dramatically to move back.
Applying this framing to Xi Jinping where it concerns the Info War and this Fifth-Generation War against the Globalist Hegemon can be tricky, but when you reframe the ‘Trade War’ between he and Trump and note the net effects of the severance not of mutual cooperation, but certainly of mutual dependence that accelerated during the Covid lockdowns between the American and Chinese economies, one begins to see that said severance is actually mutually beneficial for both American and Chinese interests, with the former able to focus on boosting domestic manufacturing rather than relying on cheap foreign labor just as the latter uses Trump’s tariffs to don the narrative shielding required to kick the Globalist oligarchy OUT of China once and for all, reducing the ability for said hegemon to exploit its peoples to enrich themselves.
What is particularly genius about this particular play style is that the opposing side rarely notices it until it’s too late, with the bulk of their attention typically focused on the Tank and Warrior classes.
After all, the enemy we face isn’t relegated to financial, clandestine, military and even narrative rails, but also globalist ones, with dominion, usury and interdependence being used to trap the world into a mesh of globalism designed to benefit stateless oligarchs and corporations to the detriment of the free peoples.
Now observe the establishment’s halting turn on the very nation they once praised as the future of the Globalist world as the rug gets pulled out from under them, and as Xi puts his support behind Putin and others in the emergent BRICS nations and the Global South in keeping with a vision toward multipolarity rather than subjugation that stands as the true underpinning to the much-demonized ‘Belt and Road initiative.’
When one digs into the history of Xi—as is the case with every member of the Sovereign Alliance—one comes away with the impression of a shrewd, cunning and impossibly patient master in waiting, and one who will not be easily turned from the field now that his position is set, and his spells are cast.
But then, since we’re not just on the cusp of, but apparently running full speed into the next American Golden Age, I thought it might be fun to dust off some writing I did for
several years ago, run it through the cognitive cypher of the Bright Army, and see how it’s all held up.This is my Info War crack at the Doomed Dynasty and the Empire of Enigma, the most amorphous and yet, perhaps the most important leg of the Sovereign Alliance to parse and project where it concerns divorcing from the Globalist system that would have used it—that DID—use it as the economic vice and vampire as it used the US Military Industrial Complex as their cudgel.
And you know what? Like Righteous Russia before it … I think this particular dive has held up pretty well, and while it’s more difficult to parse, and while my conclusions are less certain and more amorphous, like mist on the winds, I think it’s all the more scintillating because of it.
But then, you’ll be the judge of that, won’t you?
Chapter 1 - Taiwan Tipping - October 2022
Perspective is a strange thing.
While there will likely always be a certain contingent of the so-called ‘Truth Community’ prone to fear-mongering, blackpilling and general dooming, those of us who adopt a more Macro view of ongoing events, from Actual to Potential/Narrative tend to see the game board with a more optimistic bent.
In zooming out to take in and project the net effects of Narrative Deployments from political apparatus’ to Mass Media, one can better engage with and discern the intent behind such Narratives.
Lately, I have not been alone in arguing that I feel we are on the verge of a Crisis Cascade as we enter the chaotic sociopolitical waters approaching the rocky shallows of the 2022 Midterm Elections, undoubtedly one of the most important election cycles in recent American history. From raging consumer inflation and an engineered economic crash to the escalating and accelerating hot and cold/energy war raging in the east between Russia and the proxy forces of NATO and the Western powers that would be, it seems that all the world is a stage at present, and we’re in the Second Act, which tends to feature rising narrative tension en route to a series of escalating climaxes.
That said, where I differ from some is in furthering the argument that this Crisis Cascade, while unpleasant for freedom-minded citizens the world over to weather will ultimately be a good thing, providing both the opportunity to shake the Collective Mind and our fellow citizen sleepers from their surface-level endorsement of the agreed-upon programming and the opportunity for the powers that will be—the powers that we install on both a State and National level—to rebuild new sovereign systems, from the financial to the international out of the ashes of the old.
One of the implied crises that seems to be resurfacing of late is the ongoing tensions between China and Taiwan, and by extension, between China and the western hegemony that ruled the Globalist order relatively unchallenged until the timely—and coordinated, in my view—intervention of Vladimir Putin in Russia.
Chinese tensions with the United States are nothing new. Trump himself engaged with this narrative and helped to enflame it during his time in office, from repeated warnings about China’s implied encroachment onto Taiwanese sovereignty to his infamous—and highly effective—trade war targeting Chinese supply chains, and—perhaps more to the point—U.S. conglomerates grown fiscally fat selling out American interests to the perceived root of communist power in the east.
The China-Taiwan narrative is re-entering the Collective Mind along with so many other converging narratives as of late, and this is a narrative that—much like Russia-Ukraine—has been continuously seeded by Trump after he voluntarily relinquished the public levers of power and ostensibly devolved the U.S. role of Commander-in-Chief while other objectives could be actioned in this Fifth-Generation Psychological War.
While the surface-level narrative impact of having two simultaneous conflicts between eastern superpowers and plucky ‘sovereign’ underdogs is juicy in and of itself, I believe most in this community see through the fog and attempt to parse the actual intent behind these deployments, especially when they have been forewarned by one of the great truth-tellers of our time.
In a recent post on Truth Social, I put forth the following Macro reading as to just why this China-Taiwan Narrative—and possibly Actual—event is interesting, especially in light of its timing:
Add this to the fact that President Xi Jinping has recently threatened kinetic action in Taiwan, perfectly mirroring Trump’s recent assertions, and the world is being prepped for yet another escalation in global tensions while the one man that could ostensibly mandate calm and stability is away from the aforementioned public levers of power, all the while a dementia patient occupies the White House set along with his handlers, on one side or the other.
Personally, I am far beyond the realm of coincidence when it comes to parsing these parallel deployments by ‘our side’ and ‘theirs,’ which leads me to a somewhat-positive reading of this ratcheting Taiwan Straight tension.
That said, it’s important to note that the Taiwan situation has been escalating and seemingly de-escalating so much on its own as to give Narrative Whiplash even to Anons, many of whom were expecting the situation to ‘go hot,’ in August, on the back of Nancy Pelosi’s contentious and highly controversial visit to the island.
We might have been wrong on the timing, but when you revisit the August narratives from the perspective of the Media Industrial Complex and the Collective Mind of American Society, the people came away from these ‘scares’ largely with the reading that the powers that would be are not only incapable of making rational decisions in light of active global superpowers, but that their seeming attempts to circumvent the ripple effects that could spill out of the eastern theater could be the very actions to kick off a catastrophic series of consequences the likes of which the United States has not seen in some time, either at home or abroad.
Since I’m not shy about my relatively renegade reading of the Russia-Ukraine ‘war,’ I will be direct in my view of a potential China-Taiwan ‘hot’ situation, and that is simply that, if it does happen, it will have done so with the tacit approval and foreknowledge of American patriots.
While I firmly believe there are two China’s, just as I believe there is an American contingent of patriots and an ‘American’ faction of Deep State operators, and while I cannot pretend to be capable of penetrating the Chinese theater with enough depth and clarity to suss out who is whom on that side of the game board, the allusions between Taiwan and Ukraine are too obvious and numerous to count, just as the timing of Xi’s escalatory rhetoric in the aftermath of Putin’s imply some level of coordination, for better or worse.
Given that I personally view Taiwan as one of a number of strategically-significant proxy states for Globalist interests, from the EU to NATO, and a technological power house supplying the largest companies in the American Oligarchy with their cheap means of production and labor, the common reading of the island nation as an innocent and ‘Democratic’ bystander on the world stage is seriously lacking to me.
That said, Taiwan’s standing in the Collective Western Mind as an underdog in keeping or even exceeding the psychological mapping of Ukraine should not be discounted, and in fact, I believe it will be essential to getting the ‘Normie’ audience to engage with this complex theater on a much more active level than they would otherwise.
As I often argue at Burning Bright, in order to ‘defeat’ a psychological enemy in a Fifth-Generation War, you need not convince them to adopt your paradigm right away; you need only engineer a series of exposures and contradictions to their own paradigm to force them to disengage with it.
In this way, the bulk of American society can view China as flatly evil and Taiwan as flatly good and courageous, while understanding at a base level that, were the ‘Orange Man’ still in the highest office in the land, it is highly unlikely that global players such as Putin and Xi would be making the moves they have been—moves that may simultaneously serve to undermine Globalist hegemony while providing Trump with the public mandate to retake a more active and public role in the rebalancing of sovereign—and American—power on the world stage.
I often employ what I call ‘Bicameral Thinking’ when it comes to analyzing otherwise-obscured narratives in this Strange War. Therefore, it is worthwhile to follow the Media Industrial Complex reading of the China-Taiwan situation to its logical conclusions:
Herein, we can see how tensions going ‘hot’ in Taiwan could serve Globalist agendas, providing a convenient excuse for the US to get embroiled in yet another proxy war that serves to simultaneously distract Americans from Domestic controversies—of which there are and will be many to come—and Crises, while serving as the means to continue propping up the flagging Military Industrial Complex that has been bleeding profits since Trump’s Doha Agreement was fulfilled by the Devolved Biden Administration in the wake of the optically-disastrous Kabul Withdrawal.
That said, I believe patriots in the west along with enigmatic allied sovereigns in the east have engineered a Reverse Hegelian Dialectic on these Controllers, wherein [their] engineered and seeded Narratives ultimately serve to undermine their own ends and their own paradigm.
After all, Ukraine’s standing as the decades-long piggybank of the Western elite has never been more in focus than it is today, in the wake of nearly a year of exhaustive and contradictory propaganda meant to hide that very fact. This is to say nothing of the ongoing reveals of and defense for Nazi-aligned Azov forces ostensibly fighting for ‘global democracy’ atop carefully-curated CNN chyrons and over looped videogame cinematic footage of dastardly Russian assaults and amidst retracted and debunked reports of Russian war crimes.
Should the China-Taiwan situation go ‘hot’ in the coming months or years, I believe we will see a mirror of the Russia-Ukraine deployment, which was seeded and predicted publicly and controversially by Donald Trump during his time in office and, increasingly during his time occupying the most amplified and respected political peanut gallery in history as he jeers and highlights the repeated failures of his would-be replacement, while being shielded by any potential fallout of a global rebalancing that could be underway in the east.
Certainly Crises such as the EU Energy Crisis and the impending crash of the US financial system were warned about by Trump in prescient (almost planned) detail, but even those observations pale in comparison to his stated warnings on Russian and Chinese aggression and boldness.
It’s no secret that I personally do not buy into the idea of Putin and Xi being ‘bad.’ In fact, I argue quite the opposite around these parts. But from a narrative perspective, Russia and China offer just about the most formidable pair of allies to each other and adversaries to the western hegemony since the Axis powers in World War 2.
What greater enemy to be compared against. What greater war to win?
What greater peace to be achieved.
(Have you recognized the Narrative Seeding for that last point?)
And that last point is where I see things going: no matter what happens with the current escalating tensions in the Taiwan Strait, the Biden Admin—and the collective west, by proxy—will be made to look utterly foolish, while Donald Trump will continue to look like a borderline prophet by comparison.
The establishment doesn’t know what to do with the China-Taiwan narrative, because patriots have caught them in a Hegelian death loop in the Collective Mind. The American public does not want war, which they believe will result if the west appears ‘weak’ to leaders such as Xi and Putin. The American public also does not want to be seen as ‘losing’ should any conflict go kinetic.
It’s quite the Chinese Finger Trap for the current establishment to be caught in, wouldn’t you say, especially if certain theories followed by this audience hold true, and the true levers of power in the West reside far outside of the poisoned grip of the DC Swamp at present?
(But then, none of you have heard of the Devolution Theory, have you?)
What an interesting time for Donald Trump to be on the sidelines.
Shielded from criticism. Shielded from the optics chains of Administrative power … and yet, ready and waiting to step in, should the public demand it.
So … how did Chapter 1 hold up?
Of course, we haven’t (yet) seen the Taiwan theater ‘go hot,’ either on an Actual or a perceived Narrative level, and yet, the story that it could has never been more top of mind for the western world, and, I’d expect for the Globalists who fear that very thing.
Now that Trump is back behind the public levers of power in the west, will we see Xi extend his reach and attempt to ‘DeNazify’ the island nation, as Putin has in the Donbas? Or might we see a more peaceful reconciliation and easing of tensions?
These days, I lean toward the latter. Either way, I do not believe Taiwan will be considered a siloed state from China for much longer, no matter what the fading hegemon has to say about it.
It’s up to you whether or not you think that’s a bad thing.
Now, let’s get into the meat of the discussion, and dive back into the dig that first convinced me Xi Jinping was indeed a member of the Sovereign Alliance.
Chapter 2 - Tigers and Flies - October 2022
As many of you reading this today can attest, it can be a lonely thing, searching for the truth in this complicated world.
Such a search is rendered even more challenging when it becomes clear to each of us in our own time that this elusive prize, which should be clear as sunlight over a winter field is not obscured by nature, but rather through subversive intent. Through the will of those who would seek to control. To guide nations like others guide ships, and to write and rewrite history like others write stories.
That said, as many of you can ALSO attest, once the veil is lifted from your eyes—no matter how it is lifted and no matter what it concerns—there is no putting that particular genie back in the bottle.
While freeing, this truism in the search for truth brings with it a rather frustrating and disorienting conundrum: while ‘waking’ to the previously-hidden truth of one situation—be it a historical or cultural touchstone event, or even the catalyst and motives behind any given war—results in the dissolution of the previous paradigm prison, said dissolution does not, by definition result in the birth of a new paradigm to take its place.
Thus, when we wake from one lie, we are often more confused than when we started, and can find ourselves chasing leads that lead to nowhere, or following the allure of shining paradigms in waiting that are little more than lies themselves.
And yet, to search for the truth sometimes means striking out for an island barely glimpsed through the mists. One that could hold truthful terrors just as readily as treasures, and one that could resolve into the jagged spikes and spires of paradox rather than the guiding light of discovery.
Many of you have found yourselves here by following a mix of intuition, intelligence and discernment in order to first reject the System of Lies the powers that would be have erected in the societies that raised us before beginning the slow and painful process of putting the pieces back together again in a way that fits better than they did before. From Devolution and Continuity of Government in the wake of the ‘2020 Election That Wasn’t’ to the Media Clown Show that is the collective narrative panic issuing out of the Eastern Front in Ukraine, it behooves one to adopt Bicameral Thinking when attempting to rule your understanding of events on a game board we can only see the faintest edges of, to hunt down contradictions in the narratives that are presented to us and to seek patterns in order to piece together those that fit it better.
Which brings us to the focus of today’s piece—that being the shifting tides along the Taiwan Straight, and the shifting pieces on a game board in China that, while as important as any in such times as these is arguably even more impenetrable than the Russian theater.
While I am far from the first writer to propose the possibility that President-in-waiting Donald Trump is working with a Sovereign Alliance that includes but is not limited to Russia and China—at least, sovereign elements within Russia and China—today I would seek to provide some interesting trend lines and data points that could lead you to ask questions not just of the leaders they have propped up before you to sell you an American Doom in the place of an American Dream, but of the enemies they would threaten you with who could be little more than shadows on the wall … and perhaps much more.
In Taiwan Tipping, I explored the idea that Trump’s projections of increasing tensions in the Taiwan Straight and even kinetic action to come—largely reminiscent of Russia’s push into Ukraine—were less warnings for us and more warnings for [them,] represented by the Pretender in the White House and the Globalist elements fighting to keep from being completely encircled by a combination of sovereign leaders moving in unison around them while their own citizenry—us—begin to rise up and rediscover our voices, and our spirits.
Instead of highlighting a potential Chinese offensive against the ‘sovereign’ island nation of Taiwan as a negative thing, I posited that, while I cannot pretend to know all of the Potential Events that could spin out of that Actual Event, I could confidently project a return of escalation narratives in the Taiwan Straight and an opportunity for Trump to codify not just his position as truth-teller in the Collective Mind of American—even world—society, but also as a potential ‘savior’ of sorts who could ride in and broker a predetermined peace with leaders that, while ostensibly linked to him in adversarial terms throughout his tenure, might be much more willing to bargain with him than the charlatans attempting to rule in his stead.
The impact of such a narrative event, to say nothing of its logistical and kinetic complexity would be difficult to fathom, and yet, such a fortuitous turn, if it comes to pass would be nothing Trump himself has not projected and predicted, and confidently so.
Just days later, China held its 20th National Congress, during which President Xi Jinping was elected to a record third term by the delegates in attendance. While Xi proceeded to outline his solidifying vision for Chinese expansion, progression and, yes, reunification—a nasty prospect, according to the talking heads on LED screens throughout the west—such proclamations barely made the headlines spilling out of the event in the wake of the strange scene that transpired in the middle of the political ceremony.
By now you’ve likely seen it—a strange, somewhat disconcerting scene during which Hu Jintao, the immediate presidential predecessor to Xi was quite forcefully ‘helped’ out of his chair by attendants, one of whom brandished a bright red folder. While Hu appeared to protest his removal—both directly to the attendants and to a silent Xi himself—what was even more jarring about the scene was the fact that this was done in full view and in full silence before 2,300 delegates.
Of course, ‘official’ media sources in China quickly attempted to pour cold water on the scene in the aftermath, claiming that Hu was led out of the chamber due to health concerns, which is entirely possible based on the reading of the start of the above clip. Still, the optics were inarguably dramatic, even dire in terms of coverage from the international media, who took the opportunity to fear monger about the silent, firm show of control as Xi seeks to usher in his final crushing, dystopian vision for Chinese dominance.
Which marks quite the media turn from their decades of narrative defense run on behalf of Chinese production and American subversion throughout the tenures of previous U.S. Administrations.
To make a comparison, as
pointed out in our discussion of this topic on a recent episode of the Devolution Power Hour, this would be the equivalent of watching a feeble and confused Barack Obama being led out of the House Chamber in the US Capitol Building with Donald Trump seated next to him.Talk about narrative ammunition, and the Media Industrial Complex certainly took notice. The question becomes, for which side?
I would call this timing serendipitous, but that would be giving me far too much credit and the great truth teller of our time too little. After all, as I argued last time around, all I did was pay attention to what Trump told us to pay attention to, while keeping my mind open to the possibility that there is more to President Xi Jinping than meets the eye, which I intend to explore at length in this series.
While Donald Trump has not openly positioned himself as a friend to China, he has repeatedly positioned himself as someone with a good ‘working’ relationship with Xi himself. It is my belief that almost nothing Trump does or says is without intent, and that he is more careful with his words than even many of his ardent supporters believe. This narrative approach Trump has taken with Xi provides him with shielding to both the Media apparatus that has been seeking to tear him down for years and to his more narrow-minded supporters, who see anything with a red flag on it as a precursor to a crushing wave of Red Communism.
This approach also comes with a Bicameral paradigm of its own, wherein Trump seems to suggest that there are two Chinas—the one ‘we’ see and the one he sees, just as there are two Americas—the one [they] attempt to show us and the one we choose to embrace.
For now, however, I want to leave you not with a lingering focus on Xi, but rather the narratives being spun out of the Media Industrial Complex, and even by reactionary sectors of the so-called ‘Truth Community’ on behalf of the man who was politically and symbolically deposed in his presence.
The Atlantic wrote that, “This dramatic, mysterious bit of theater only underscored the general theme of the congress—Xi’s ultimate consolidation of power.”
Well. I can’t say I find anything to disagree with in that assessment, at least if you read the whole event with the ‘forceful removal’ filter in place.
Moving on to the BBC, our favorite government-run and taxpayer-funded propaganda outlet in the former motherland was even more direct, positing that this “deliberate piece of political theatre” underscores that, “Unlike Mr. Hu, whose presidency between 2003 and 2013 was seen as a time of opening up to the outside world, Mr. Xi has presided over a country that has become increasingly isolated.”
Now … which media-maligned world leader does that particular narrative projection remind you of?
Even Roger Garside of the sometimes-Based Epoch Times saw the move as “a demonstration to the world that Xi had swept aside all rivals and is now the undisputed ruler of the nation,” while warning that such a move betrays Xi’s intention to give “priority to loyalty to him over experience and competence in government.”
This ‘experience and competence,’ and ‘opening up’ of the Hu era is characterized by the continuation of Clinton-era trade deals between the U.S. and China that robbed both the American people of manufacturing and technology jobs in some of the largest companies born in their own nation, while sentencing a generation of Chinese laborers to toil for fractions of a petrodollar in order to manufacture the treasures of the west, with no domestic production of their own to speak of.
Hu was a Globalist’s dream, working with George Bush Jr. and Barack Obama alike in order to ‘strengthen’ ties between Globalists the world over while ever weakening the position of sovereigns.
Such narratives have positioned Hu Jintao as a victim of a disrespectful violation of decorum at best and an overt political purge at worst, which is why, at Burning Bright, I very rarely talk about Actual Events any longer than is necessary, and focus much more closely on the narratives (Potential Events) being spun out of them. After all, we can tell much about the players on the board by the way they are positioned in the stories their writers tell.
As I often say in reference to the collective enemy’s constant attempts to mark threats to [their] Democracy … they’re not lying.
After all, from The Atlantic to The BBC to The Epoch Times, observations that Xi has consolidated and solidified his grasp on power ring as true as the optics do, whether or not Hu’s removal from the Congressional chamber was some sort of purge or nothing more than an awkwardly-timed health check.
The question is, if these optics are putting both bought and paid Marxist media rags and right-wing doomers on heart monitors, does it hint that there is another angle to take with regards to the Chinese theater, and the Chinese leadership?
Is there more we can glean from looking not just to Xi Jinping’s past, from his rise to power to his seeming war with legacy elements within the Chinese Communist party and even allusions to Presidents Trump in the U.S. and Putin in Russia, and from his present, from his shoring up of the emergent and growing BRICS alliance to his posture toward western globalists?
After all, the very title of this piece, ‘Tigers and Flies,’ is a reference to the name given to the ‘anti-corruption’ campaign that Xi has reportedly been waging from within his own borders since he took office.
But then, I suppose we’ll leave all that to next week. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with this broad, not overly bold observation:
Times, they are a-changin.
I’m just not entirely sure they’re changin’ for the worse.
NOW I think we’re getting somewhere.
I remember the ‘Tigers and Flies’ campaign blowing my mind when I dug into it in 2022, and I still haven’t managed to trace all the threads to their place in what is sure to be a dizzying tapestry. We’ll get back to that particular dig down below.
That said, isn’t it interesting to refer back to ‘State-run’ media like the BBC in the current context of the USAID exposure of the US Media Industrial Complex?
Those of us in this audience have known for ages that the media is bought and paid for, but now, in a surreal actualization of promises made not just by Donald Trump, but by the infamous Q Drops, the receipts aren’t just being provided, but in full view of the Collective (and increasingly Awakening) American Mind at the advent of a new American Golden Age.
Now … think of everything you thought you knew about Xi Jinping and modern China, and think of which vultures sold the stories to you.
But then, didn’t I imply there were ‘Two Chinas?’
Chapter 3 - The Two Chinas - November 2022
If you’re reading this, chances are you consider yourself part of a growing collective of self-informed minds who engage with open source information in an active manner, and pass all Media Industrial Complex narratives through a cognitive filter that has and continues to be developed under the harsh, obfuscating conditions of what many of us colloquially refer to as ‘the Information War.’
While this term and others such as ‘Shadow War,’ ‘Strange War,’ and any number of other names assigned to the times we’re living through can seem dramatic, or born out of the realm of fiction, those who have spent significant time researching the ongoing conflict between the various factions and systems of Globalism against the rising leaders and collections of Sovereignty—ourselves included—know that such terms only just begin to scratch the surface of truth that makes up Fifth-Generation Warfare.
There is a war for your mind, and for the Collective Mind of western society. Thus, when we engage with narratives, we must always seek out and expose contradictions, while also considering the intent of the source and the veracity of the claims and arguments being advanced. I would expect you to do the same with my writings.
With that out of the way, this entry in the ongoing China series seeks to answer a deceptively complex question at the heart of virtually all narratives to spin out of the Chinese theater in the Shadow War—that being, ‘Who controls that most enigmatic of nations?’
Reactionary takes on either side of the proverbial aisle might come away with a firm and surprisingly-consistent answer: both left and right-wing Americans who get their news in an unironic manner from the very Media industrial Complex independent, citizen journalists such as myself are attempting to expose no doubt consider Xi Jinping, the Chinese President to be the de facto and philosophical leader of the hated—to the West—Chinese Communist Party. They parrot this storyline without delving into the implications of the claim, the intent of those advancing it and the literal meaning it implies.
Most importantly, they fail to consider the inherent contradictions involved in advancing this claim in the first place.
While Xi Jinping is undoubtedly the leader of the CCP, the question, when dug a little deeper, begins to reveal some interesting turnings as to what that means, in the ever-changing contexts we attempt to parse around these parts.
Thus, as we delve into Xi Jinping’s recent history and attempt to reconcile it with claims of communism, dictatorial intent and projected dreams of world domination and subjugation, perhaps the better question is not, ‘Who controls China?’ but rather, ‘Which China does Xi Jinping control?’
While I do not pretend to have firm conclusions thus far into my China research, I am confident in this, if nothing else: what you have been told of Xi Jinping and China is not so much a lie as a carefully-obscured truth that hides the underlying sea change China has been undergoing since he first came to power in 2013—a rise that not only mirrors those of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, which we will cover in detail later on—but that also hints as to the future layout of the game board in this global ideological, tactical and political maelstrom.
Returning to the premise of this piece, then, we come back to the central question to spin out of its original intent—that being, which China does Xi Jinping control, and is it the one that Globalists from Brussels to Washington, DC want him to?
To understand just how important the breaks from tradition I will highlight regarding Xi Jinping next are, it behooves one to consider the overarching Chinese paradigm within the western mind as it has been crafted over the last few decades, and to parse paradigms, we must engage with those who spin them up and cast them over the population like spells.
While the Liberal, Globalist Elite were championing China trade deals, the offshoring of American production and increasing economic ties between the two nations—with American Oligarchic Organizations from Amazon to Apple housing much of their nation-destroying infrastructure within the Chinese Kingdom—for years prior to and immediately following Trump’s ascension to the highest seat of power in the west, that tune has changed of late following the Trump-engineered exposure of this ongoing merging of Oligarchic Systems as being one of the core, underlying rots at the foundation of American Sovereignty.
But what if I told you that Xi Jinping appeared to be on the same page as Trump?
What if I argued that, in spite of Trump’s trade war visiting short-term damage onto the Chinese stock market and most particularly the profit margins and viability of the offshore production apparatus of the American Oligarchs that would wield our political institutions in a manner eerily reminiscent of Mao’s China or the Soviet Union’s Marxist terrors, Xi had broken from the dark traditions of his immediate and long-running forebears in order to both detach the collective west from Chinese dependency, while also freeing his own people from wage slavery as they toil away under foreign companies to produce the treasures Americans carry around in their pockets as they go about their days, none the wiser?
We cannot know for certain what Xi Jinping intends with his crystalizing and unifying vision of China in the wake of the 20th National Chinese Congress we covered last, but we can be assured that the Globalist rags of the west are unified on one common front: for [them,] whatever vision it is that Xi is advancing flies in the face of the American Oligarchy, and thus, flies in the face of all that the Media and Political would-be elite in the west hold dear.
With the following narrative data points regarding Xi’s rise to power and ensuing war on the mirror image Chinese Oligarchy in mind, I believe you may come to see exactly why that is.
But don’t take my word for it. After all, The Hill, one of the most ‘prestigious’ of MSM backwaters recently ran the tantalizing and stage-setting header:
And check out exactly what they were so ashamed to have got wrong about Xi before running that through the same cognitive filter you’ve developed with regards to the desired paradigm of the Globalist powers that would be over the last several years:
“To be fair, little was known about Xi the man before his accession to the leadership. The ‘Old China Hands’ were careful to point that out, and regularly expressed modesty in their predictions. However, it is disconcerting that, in hindsight, virtually all the assessments of the incoming Xi administration yielded, essentially, the same wrong conclusions:”
Before we move on to what said ‘conclusions’ were regarding the MSM and Establishment Politicos’ predictions of the Xi era, let the very fact that [they] were deceived so effectively and completely regarding Xi’s intentions and vision for his nation—and by extension, his nation’s place in the new, Sovereign and Multi-Polar World Order that I believe Trump and Putin are erecting alongside the BRICS coalition—clue you in to which China Xi truly owes his loyalty to, for surely if it was the same China Bill Clinton and the Bushes elevated to such extreme economic heights and trade imbalance, we would not be seeing such abject panic out of the same rags that cheered it all on during the preceding Hu Administration.
As for said ‘conclusions’ that ultimately proved to be wrong—and disappointingly so, according to these Politicos—the following list is what The Hill proposes as administrative and political philosophies and guiding principles that came oh so close to coming to fruition, or even expanding in the wake of Xi’s rise:
“Xi was more likely to be a liberal than a conservative.
More pro-market economic reforms were coming.
Foreign businesses would increasingly be allowed to participate in the China market.
Liberal political reform may be unlikely, but retrenchment was equally unlikely.”
Now, if you removed everything you’ve been programmed to think about Xi Jinping, would that dream list not look like something this same Media Apparatus might claim was or would also be dashed and trampled under the boots of ANY of the America First candidates we saw (and continue to see) in action in this week’s massive Midterm Elections flashpoint in the United States?
Or even what the same Complex might mark Putin himself as the antithesis of, as the Russian leader continually looks inward during times of mounting tension and international distress, only looking outward for cooperation with strategic allies when doing so bolsters the position of his nation, and by extension, his people?
How about the embattled and under siege Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil? Would the Media Industrial Complex define his administration as being liberal, pro Globalist market, pro foreign business and pro Marxist reformation?
And The Hill was not alone in ringing the Globalist alarm bells as every ‘legacy’ Media institution from the BBC to AP News covered Xi’s unprecedented third term with the same breathless, dramatic flare.
As I have often said, if you want to know whom the enemy fears—in this case, the Globalist-aligned Media Industrial Complex—look to the whip and lash of their words, their headlines and their glowing chyrons.
Even our favorite Sultan Slug himself, George Soros got in on the Xi-bashing in recent months, and he did it before the 20th National Congress and its ensuing fallout solidified his position as leader not just of the China of today, but that of tomorrow. Almost as if he knew something was coming. Something almost as problematic to him as the nationalistic and Globalist-eschewing and even openly-combating rises of Putin and Trump, the only other two world leaders the Globalist mega financier has deemed a ‘threat to Democracy’ in recent years.
Interesting company to be in, no doubt.
Of course, what exactly the MSM—and the Collective, Globalist West—got ‘wrong’ about Xi was the fact that they assumed he would continue both the expansionist and economy-subverting, Oligarchy-friendly and labor-crushing policies of his immediate predecessor, Hu Jintao, the very man who was led away from the chamber of the aforementioned 20th National Congress in very public—and very humiliating—fashion.
Hu was a friend an ally to such American stalwarts as Barack Obama, George Bush, Jr. and Bill Clinton, representing an era of ‘opening up’ to the western world in a manner that, somewhat shockingly (please triple whatever sarcasm you get out of that,) didn’t seem to bring anyone but the top 0.1% of our countries together.
While I was tempted to read the 2013 rise of Xi as a continuation of the Hu era, the western media decidedly does not, though they did ‘get it wrong,’ at the time, which implies that Xi’s efforts of media and political obfuscation have been as successful—if not more so—than those of Trump and Putin as they attempt to reign in, supplant and ultimately eradicate their respective Deep States.
In short, the China Xi would usher in on the back of decades—generations—of communist oppression and economic subservience to the West appears to be coming to an end, and when one looks through the prism of the situation and considers the possibility that Trump’s trade war is not just a means of reducing our dependency and reliance on China, but on their reliance on us, the picture starts to become much clearer.
Taking these narrative data points along with the Devolution context that most of you are well-versed in, it is difficult to come away with a reading of the solidification of Xi’s hold on power and the continued separation of our two mega economies without the sneaking suspicion that there could be much more coordination—in a positive manner, for a change—between the sovereign, nationalist and populist leaders of our nations than you might have thought.
But then, what is it about Xi Jinping that [they] fear so much? And is there any direct evidence—actions, not media projections—we might look to in order to confirm that said fear is well-placed, and that might give us more actionable, confidence-inspiring data points that suggest or calcify some of the more provocative theories of grand clandestine alliances that underly the theory of the Sovereign Alliance?
If this piece has been an appetite-whetting exploration of the Potential and Narrative side of Xi from the perspective of the Globalist Deep State, then might a deeper dive into the Actuals of his first two terms—and stated intentions of his unprecedented third—bring us closer to a firm picture of the man, and of the two disparate images of China he may be attempting to meld into one?
Let’s see if we can start to make sense of why the powers that would be in the West fear him so.
Now … let’s get to the good stuff …
Chapter 4 - Empire’s Enigma - December 2022
It’s a term we throw around quite a bit in this community, and for good reason.
Whether you’re talking about Donald Trump, whom I describe as a Master of Narrative Warfare in no uncertain terms, Elon Musk and his assault on the Communications platforms of the Media Industrial Complex or Vladimir Putin and his calm, steady and sometimes disconcerting, looming presence on the international game board as the cretins and crows in the EU lope on the edges of his expanding domain and sphere of influence, there is as much Potential as there is Actual on the Fifth-Generation game board—as much illusion as truth.
Attempting to parse which is which and who is whom is one of the great challenges of analyzing modern warfare, and also one of the most satisfying, and while we can be prone to putting players neatly into ‘white hat/black hat’ boxes, sometimes it behooves us to zoom out rather than in, and examine the net effects a given faction or player is visiting on the game board that is the international, ongoing war between Globalism and Sovereignty the world over, and see what we can learn and how we might project the moves ahead.
Perhaps more so than any of the aforementioned figures, the man I find most difficult to read on the current game board is also the feature of this dive.
Xi Jinping needs no introduction to audiences in this community and beyond, and yet, he stands as one of the most talked-about and—I would argue—misunderstood leaders on the world stage.
From the furthest Left to the NeoCon Right, Xi is maligned by much of the West, and as I have said in other contexts, the very prospect that we in this community might find ourselves in steady agreement with even the most programmed and ‘asleep’ among us where it concerns Xi is reason enough to reexamine our underlying premises.
After all, you don’t need to read the entire Righteous Russia series (although you should) in order to come away with a reading of the farcical Ukraine money laundering and influence-peddling Op that is more friendly to Russia and the aforementioned Putin than any of your unawakened fellows would, and yet, perhaps prodded along by Trump’s successful and sustained trade war and the very real evils committed by the Chinese Communist Party, there are not many among us who extend the same benefit of the doubt to Xi where it concerns the transition period we seem to be witnessing as the international order changes from one rooted in collectivism to sovereignty and free trade.
That said, as I have argued previously, rather than examining the rhetoric of the leaders themselves in this theater, I like to zoom out and take in a Macro viewpoint, which also includes examining the Narratives the international and Globalist-aligned Media Industrial Complex advance regarding all players and factions on the Game Theory game board.
As we explored above, the very same media that spent Trump’s entire first term lambasting him as the symbolic return of that infamous leader from Nazi Germany has turned their judging eye and venomous pens to Xi, a figure that they openly defended and excused during the very same term as Trump set about dismantling every deal the Chinese leader had apparently won over to the detriment of Americans, and even to Chinese citizens.
Of course, if you were paying attention during our examination of the stark differences between Xi and the preceding Hu regime in China, you would know that the vast majority of these China-emboldening and U.S.-weakening deals were put in place under previous Administrations, as the American Oligarchy have been on a long, slow and steady march to replace onshore production and thus, economic stimulus with cheap foreign labor.
While Americans have borne a heavy cost in the ensuing generations from an economic perspective, the resultant labor crisis in China has been tragic to behold, as the Chinese people have been transformed into a slave class serving foreign iPhone manufacturers in the aftermath of the suffering they endured at the hands of Maoist leaders.
We also examined the unique and long-running structure of Chinese governmental systems, which place a premium on legacy bloodlines and autocratic, region-based rule, where local judges, magistrates, security chiefs and the equivalent of governors have wielded unassailable administrative power over the decades … until recently.
Which brings us to the meat of this examination, that being the political origins of the Xi Jinping Administration, which was just elected—or took by political force—an unprecedented third term while publicly humiliating its predecessors and national political enemies.
Taken with the recent context of contentious meetings between Xi and Western Globalist-aligned ‘leaders’ such as Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau—the former sheepishly requesting a dissolution of tensions with the proxy island iPhone nation of Taiwan while the latter was ridiculed in a public forum for comments he made about Xi’s leadership—a closer look at Xi’s rise to power in the East paints a very different picture to what we have been told by American leaders on either side of the proverbial aisle, while providing some tantalizing mirrors into other leaders within the Sovereign Alliance we will explore in greater detail below.
After all, as any who have been following my writing for any length of time will tell you, I am borderline obsessed with Narratives and Psychological Warfare. That said, while I find the Mainstream Media ‘turn’ on Xi and China to be indicative of a larger BRICS-opposed play by Globalists—leading me to believe BRICS is very much in the interest of sovereigns the world over—Actual Events must map onto Potential Events and Narratives in order to hold weight and water.
So, what can we learn when we take a look at some of the Actual Events and data points of Xi’s rise to and solidification of power in China?
Well, how about the prospect that some of the wealthiest business (ie: corruption) magnates in China decided to liquidate their assets and flee in the direct aftermath of Xi’s unprecedented Third Term and public humiliation of Hu and other Globalist leaders?
What about his continued appointments of Military and Strategy loyalists within his Politburo Standing Committee as he consolidates power and, more importantly, loyalty before making good on his long-standing promises to join Putin in ushering in a multi-polar international world order to replace the Western Hegemony that has been as damaging to China and Russia as it has been to the American citizen, and starkly opposed to how it has enriched and benefited the oligarchies in all lands?
Taken together with both the recent Media Industrial Complex turn on him and his aims along with the following data points chronicling his rise to power, the picture of Xi Jinping is made refreshingly clear in some respects and tantalizingly obscured in others.
A Picture of Xi Jinping
As president, Xi created a Politburo Standing Committee, wherein formerly independent heads of State now report to him on economic issues.
This is one of eight “small groups” that Xi now chairs personally, including the National Security Commission, reversing decades of institutionalized rule and giving the appearance of autocratic rule.
Xi transferred the responsibilities of “internal security” to himself, meaning he heads his own equivalent of the Secret Service.
Xi’s most direct hold is over the central command structure of the Peoples Liberation Army. As Tai Ming Cheung observed, “No other Chinese Communist Party leader, not even Mao Zedong, has controlled the military to the same extent as Xi does today. Mao had to share power with powerful revolutionary-era marshals.” – University of California San Diego, October 2017
For the first time ever, Xi has created a commander-in-chief position in the PLA Joint Battle Command. This designation is typically split among Generals.
The Peoples Armed Police, who ostensibly guard internal security, which used to report to the CCP Central Military Commission and the State Council now report to Xi personally.
Combining the two points above in practical terms, Xi has sole authority over both the Peoples Liberation Army AND the Paramilitary Police. For the first time.
Xi’s time from 2013-17 was spent waging a highly public war against CCP corruption: as such, he officially punished 1.4 million party members, including more than 100 generals and admirals.
His stated goal was to “restore public respect for the Party.” It was a matter of “survival or extinction.”
Xi later expanded the Discipline Commission to seek out corruption and levy punishment against local and government-adjacent officials, including doctors, professors and executives.
Get a load of this take from the Journal of Democracy: “Hu let senior CCP figures govern their own policy domains and build their own patronage networks. Xi Jinping has been systematically demolishing the organizational bases for patronage networks controlled by others.”
Early on in his rule, Xi’s administration removed six party leaders for alleged coup attempts, including security head and Politburo Standing Committee members Zhou Yongkang, Bo Xilai, top Hu aide Ling Jihua and generals Xu Caihou, Guo Boxiong, and Sun Zhengcai.
According to the China Media Project, the recruitment of new party members now includes much stricter loyalty parameters and official pledges/oaths to “The People’s China.”
Whereas local councils have historically appointed judges, Xi transferred that responsibility, again, to internal affairs, meaning he and his loyalists have installed all Chinese judges since 2013.
According to the Journal of Democracy, under former President Hu, “collective leadership was “a system with a division of responsibilities among individual leaders in an effort to prevent arbitrary decision-making by a single top leader.”
While some of these points, such as “arbitrary decision-making by a single top leader” might on the surface reflect Western values and make some semblance of sense, the entire theater takes on a completely new persuasion when taken from the viewpoint that Xi may have been spending the last decade systematically rooting out and wiping out legacy Globalist corruption from the halls of power in China.
From putting together his own council of military advisors and leaders consistent with a National Security Council and Combatant Commanders in the US to wielding a law-and-order approach to purging corruption from the Chinese ranks, it is worth considering the prospect that President Xi Jinping is not at all who the Media Industrial Complex tells us he is … at least literally.
That said, as I often say when discussing the Media and Establishment Politicians’ repeated use of the ‘threat to our Democracy’ refrain, it could be that Xi is exactly who [they] claim him to be and fear him to be where it concerns [their] dark designs, just as Trump, Putin and others are, and by diving into the mirrors between that select group of could-be sovereign leaders, we might better map out the larger game board and see which way the winds are blowing as it concerns a return to sovereignty or a further slide into Globalist collectivism.
I don’t know about you, but the more I learn about who’s who and what’s what in this fascinating war for the future of mankind, the more encouraged I become, no matter how dark things may seem at times.
Now, let’s take a look at the mirrors between the rise of Xi, Putin and Trump, and see what it tells us about each, and about the world we could be heading into once the Globalist dominoes tumble and fall.
Chapter 5 - Mirror, Mirror - December 2022
If I haven’t lost you yet on my continued deep dive into the various contradictions—or seeming contradictions—between what the Media Industrial Complex, prominent Globalists and the Deep State apparatus have told us about China and more importantly, its leader, President Xi Jinping so far, then I think it’s safe enough to begin to draw a clearer line from—and not between—him and some of the other leading figures in what I have been dubbing the Sovereign Alliance as I attempt to parse the factions, ‘sides’ and end goals of the Fifth-Generation Information War that we all track on a daily basis.
Of course, ‘Information War’ is just one of many terms for the conflict we all study, read about, write about and pontificate on, as this war spans virtually every System and function of global society. From the Economic and Financial to the Kinetic and even the Psychological, there is a war both FOR and AGAINST your mind, your bank account, your economic and social power and yes, probably even your very soul being waged every night and day, in all the various turnings of modernity.
I am not the first person in this movement to suggest that we aren’t simply on the cusp of World War 3 … we are already in it. We have been in it, potentially for decades, though things certainly heated up when a certain Orange Man came riding down a golden escalator not so very long ago and provoked the Deep State to go ALL IN in defense of their expansive, vast, domineering and ultimately more brittle and vulnerable than you would believe System of Systems.
I was first drawn into the coverage of this fascinating conflict because, in addition to actually caring whether or not we have a sovereign future in this world, and in addition to desperately wanting to see justice visited upon the enemies of humanity—and yes, the enemies of whatever God you do or do not believe in—I have always been drawn to stories.
Stories of heroes and villains, myths and legends, good and evil. Stories that are so complex that their simple lessons are imparted that much more soundly in the subconscious of the reader or watcher along with stories that run opposite modes, delivering deceptively complex ruminations through seemingly-simple and even surface-level narratives.
While we are currently in the midst of an infinitely complex war between the forces of Globalism and Sovereignty worldwide, I believe that the complexion of the ‘story’ of that war we are being sold by one side and told by the other fits the second scenario more closely: deceptively simple.
As we take a step back and take in the entire game board, from the continued devolution of the US political and economic system to the continued exposure of the toothless bureaucracy of the European Union, the hypocrisy of engineered social movements, a kinetic war involving Russia and a trade war involving China, one might be forgiven for thinking we are simply observing an ideological, fiscal and sometimes-kinetic conflict between the paradigms and paragons of East and West.
And in so doing, one would miss the forest for the trees.
For just as many in this community are all too aware that our societies and systems have been subverted, coerced and subjugated by a once-hidden enemy that is not so hidden anymore, I also believe that we have more allies than we know, and in more places than we might think.
This is why I engage in Macro-level thinking and Directional thinking as I attempt to apply my own analysis to both Actual and Potential/Narrative Events and Deployments, as I wish to peer through the surface and unearth the truth at the heart of these Deployments.
In so doing, I believe I have come away with a broad, albeit incomplete grasp of the overall conflict, the sides on the Game Theory game board, and have potentially caught a glimpse into a more hopeful, free and yes, sovereign future for us all—one that mirrors suggestions made in the infamous and genius Q Drops and that tracks with the analysis of plenty of other thinkers in this movement, and likely with many of you.
In the end, we are watching a War of Stories play out that is laid over the very real Financial, Kinetic and Psychological War being waged in more theaters than any of us can parse alone, and as I often say around these parts, we have better writers.
That said, stories, at the end of the day are only as good—only as compelling—as the characters that inhabit them and that bring life to their drama and codify and embody their themes.
And we have some highly compelling characters inhabiting this story, don’t we?
From Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping to Joe Biden, these characters can be both real and unreal at the same time, playing out roles that have either been assigned to them or that they have taken on, taking action and deploying Narratives of their own free will and volition or unwitting and largely unwilling as they are hemmed in on the Game Board—trapped by better players with longer-term strategies at play.
While there are dozens upon dozens of prominent figures to analyze in the war between Globalism and Sovereignty, those I wish to focus on today represent what is in my view a Trinity of seemingly-disparate and sometimes seemingly-opposed leaders that could together usher in an age of stability, peace and even prosperity, should they have the public mandate and the personal will to do so.
It may seem outlandish to some to suggest a ‘secret’ alliance between Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, while the very prospect seems obvious and apparent to others.
Before you even begin to engage with the prospect that these three men—and those that pushed them into the spotlight and guide them through the twists and turns of Fifth-Gen Warfare—could represent a more unified Sovereign triumvirate than it would appear at first blush, it is worth fighting through the cognitive dissonance that could be assailing you right now as you remember that all three have faced coordinated and mirrored attacks by the very Globalist Deep State Media Apparatus this community, this writer and this publication were forged to fight against.
In fact, as we explored above, swapping out the headlines of Globalist rags from Trump, Xi and Putin leaves one disoriented and guessing at which of these enigmatic, and yet, larger than life characters draws the ever-shifting, ever-poisonous ire of the collective of collectivists and their puppet-string financiers such as George Soros and his ilk most strongly at any given time.
It has been said and it is rarely argued by any in this community that the subversive enemy that we have been fighting on an Informational and Psychological level for years—and that some of our former leaders have been fighting for far longer—solidified their now-fraying grasp on power worldwide through infiltration instead of invasion.
I would simply submit to you that the opposite could also be the case, and when you take even a surface-level look at the rises, early agendas and continuing actions and deployments of this Trinity of leaders, you might begin to see a picture being painted of a return to global—rather than globalist—cooperation, support and mutual sovereignty that belies the surface-level tensions that have largely been drummed up by the very subversive matrix we’re toppling one deep dive at a time.
So then, while we will take deeper dives on each of these topics in the future, on a Macro level, what is it about Trump, Putin and Xi that suggests more coordination and sharing of vision than Q Drops have suggested and flights of fancy would hope for?
I would suggest that we can break the makings of these leaders down into a Mirrored Quadrant:
A Populist Rise …
Surely both American and international readers need not be inundated with a treatise on Donald Trump’s rise to power in the United States. In addition to all of the hinted-at and aforementioned clandestine operations that may or may not be underway on either side in the war between Globalism and Sovereignty, the baseline, memetic and meteoric rise of Trump and Trumpism can be owed to a war on the former and a defense of the latter.
Donald Trump is the first American leader—perhaps the first major world leader—in decades to wage a Narrative War—and one with very real net effects—on the Globalist class, breaking from decades of subversive, engineered and Administrative tradition by extolling the virtues of independence, strength and idealism that closely mirrors Presidents Reagan and Kennedy before him.
This rise awoke within the American populace a sleeping giant that was tickled and ultimately tricked by the Bush Jr. Admin and utterly demoralized under the communist, Marxist reign of Obama.
Trump did not create the preconditions of sovereignty in the American zeitgeist; he tapped into a well that was already there, gushing, flowing and crashing beneath the surface, waiting for the right figure at the right moment in the right era to break the brittle ground atop it before it could fully calcify.
This rise closely mirrors that of Vladimir Putin in the near east, as I have chronicled extensively in the series that first put me on the Truth Community map, Righteous Russia, as the Russian people are no strangers to communist infiltration, Marxist subversion and Soviet subjugation and eradication.
And as I have explored herein, I would argue that Xi Jinping rode a similar populist wave en route to an almost unheard-of swell in nationalist populism in the far east, running his very campaign on a promise to go to war with the ‘tigers and flies’ of an entrenched, embedded enemy that would control them from on high.
Military Backing …
Donald Trump might not have a public background in the military—although he did attend the New York Military Academy in the 1960s—but he tapped into the same Military and nationalist base Bush Jr. subverted as part of his own American rise.
More to the point, Trump broke from recent tradition and recalled Kennedy’s cabinet appointments and civilian advisory councils by leaning heavily on his support within the US Military, specifically the marines. Hell, his inauguration speech was conducted while ringed by marines in what many—myself included—took as a shot across the bow to the collectivists.
And who could forget this infamous moment?
Vladimir Putin, for his part has a far more extensive military career than Trump—that we know of—and made similar appointments on taking the Russian Presidency in a bit of a shock rise in the late 90s, ushering in a new era of Russian sovereignty and nationalism not seen in literally a full century following the tragic and forced ending of Czar Nicholas and his family.
And as we explored above, Xi Jinping broke heavily with LONG-term Chinese political tradition by forming his own Secret Service/Security equivalent rather than relying on that appointed and funded by the CCP, restructured the Chinese Chain of Command in the People’s Liberation Army to effectively make him Commander-in-Chief in a mirror to his counterpart in the west and placed renewed focus on the kinetic power of his nation in service to a worldwide vision that he dubs as ‘multi-polar’ in contrast to the globalist vision for collectivism and subjugation.
A War on the Oligarchy …
With regards to the Military ‘careers’ and backing of this potential Sovereign Trinity, it is worth applying a healthy dose of skepticism to the prospect that said backing alone does not always or even often signal political or kinetic intent on the part of the leader who rides it into the halls of power.
After all, how many former Presidents and world leaders have worn their respective nations’ sense of national pride and history as a subversive skin suit en route to embroiling their people into Forever Wars in the Middle East and beyond meant to enrich the Oligarchic class that were the true collectivist and financial might behind their respective thrones?
I’ll get no argument from this community that Donald Trump broke from this very morose tradition by immediately going to war on a Narrative level with the jackals and crows in the US political class, using the Media Industrial Complex as a means of boosting his own messaging while putting the corporate and political cronies on the defense in a way no leader has before him.
The result of this Narrative campaign has been the steady and complete exposure of a plurality of the American ‘Elite,’ who can no longer hide behind their projected independence, as everyone from Fortune 500 companies to opposition party and even intra-party government officials closed ranks against a man—and a movement—they considered an outsider and therefore a threat to their dominion, and to their entire Systemic illusion.
Vladimir Putin’s rise in the 90s did not come directly on the heels of the USSR’s communist collapse. In fact, it came after a decade of faux capitalist rule, as the means of Soviet/Russian production, money lending and favors was split among the Russian Oligarchy—perhaps the most infamous in the world—en route to a system that was somehow even worse for the Russian people than communist rule, as they traded Marxist masters for corporate and energy overlords.
Putin vowed to put an end to this sort of crony ‘inside baseball,’ and following his installation as President, he spent the first decade of the new millennium doing exactly that, waging a legal and sometimes even kinetic war on said Oligarchs en route to a steady transfer of their corporations, businesses and assets back to the Russian people all while the Narrative drum beats sounded among the toothless bureaucrats in Brussels and Washington, DC, painting him a ‘threat’ to ‘their Democracy.’
Here is but of taste of Putin’s own anti-corruption purge:
And once more, as we have explored in this series so far, Xi Jinping not only seems to march in lockstep with Trump and Putin where it concerns his views on and actions toward the Chinese Oligarchy, represented by Legacy families and Bloodlines that stretch back farther than we in the west can conceive … he’s actually put them to shame.
Xi has not only gone to war on a Narrative and Legal level with the Chinese Communist Oligarchy, he’s rooted them out, arrested them and imprisoned them, often with shocking military deployments and even in mass style, having officially punished millions of ‘enemies’ to the Chinese Republic charged with corruption, but also thousands of government and administrative insiders accused of the very same.
While it is difficult or impossible to know if Xi’s arrests—much like Putin’s before him—are justified, the net effect of his reign of terror—to [them,] I would argue—has been the purging of legacy families from a CCP that served its people up on a silver platter to the American Oligarchy represented by Apple, Google, Amazon and the rest en route to farming out a veritable slave class to the collectivist west.
(Weird … all the same mega corps that are currently being targeted in massive anti-corruption suits by the US AND Chinese DOJ’s, respectively.)
Add to this the happy coincidence that the engineered COVID pandemic/scamdemic and ensuing lockdowns have resulted in a staggering and rapid decoupling of the eastern and western economic systems, and you might recast the trauma of the last few years in an entirely new light.
A War on the Globalists …
The fourth and final Mirrored Quadrant among the budding Sovereign Alliance runs concurrent with the third, as the embedded terrestrial and national Oligarchies these leaders have rooted out, purged or at the very least shaken in their respective rises coincides with the decoupling of their respective nations from the collectivist system best represented by the aforementioned American Oligarchy and the Administrative and illusory power base of the European Union.
While Trump did his part in highlighting the inherent weakness and corruption of the Globalist and Globalist-aligned system to a sleepy-eyed, but steadily waking American populace, Putin’s approach has been far less subtle, as he has effectively neutered the Globalist system on the world stage by his shocking, effective and ultimately successful Special Military Operation in the proxy state of Ukraine while the jackals on the borders of his empire threaten, sneer and ultimately remain rooted in powerless and actionless fear as he does his work.
And while Xi Jinping has been decried by conservative and sovereign-leaning westerners as readily as he is by the very leftists that sang his praises not so long ago, I would argue and will continue to argue that Xi’s antagonistic stance toward ‘leaders’ such as Biden, Trudeau and the council of hissing serpents in Brussels, along with his open and strengthening economic and military ties with the BRICS nations represented by Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa and the SATE nations represented by Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt are more indicative of the sovereign cooperative he seeks to help forge.
Of course, these three figures are not alone, as Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, Viktor Orban in Hungary, perhaps Giorgia Meloni in Italy and many more beside them are rising in their own respective corners of the globe as they attempt to root out and stamp out their own heads of the Hegelian Hydra we are all at war with, but this trinity of the US, China and Russia, if realized and actualized, could be the only one that is capable not just of creating the conditions for peace and sovereignty on the world stage, but of mandating it.
While deeper dives on each of these respective Mirrored Quadrants are needed in the future, and while I would never suggest that I can see all endings, I do believe that, in taking a Macro, zoomed-out view of global events and reframing the exposure of the System of Systems I write about so often of late, we might see that the pieces are already being moved into place for the Sovereign world to come.
And what a world it will be.
Well, if there’s one Chapter in the China Dig that stands the test of time, it’s probably that one, and yet, the last Chapter, while less heralded, could provide us the most signal where it concerns the future we’re rocketing toward, and that Trump and Xi are both playing major roles in accelerating.
Chapter 6 - CHIPS and Dips - December 2022
For those who’ve been following my writing for any length of time—and particularly those following my ongoing explorations of both China and Russia—you will know that I have a fascination with what I refer to as Potential Events.
Potential Events do not refer to ‘almost’ events or ‘false’ events, but rather events that take place in the realm of the Narrative. Virtually everything the Media Industrial Complex deploys on behalf of their Deep State, systemic masters is a Narrative or Potential Event, while counters from Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Vladimir Putin and many of the other political figures and thought leaders we track in the Information War fall along the same lines.
While the terms ‘potential’ and ‘narrative’ sometimes provoke a feeling within the reader that these events are somehow less important than Actual Events/occurrences, I have long argued that nothing could be further from the truth.
Potential Events originate within the realm of the mind, and are deployed either in service of or in opposition to the Collective Mind of American—even world—society, which is the ultimate prize sought by both Globalists in the System of Systems and patriots within what I refer to as the Sovereign Alliance standing in opposition to them. We are in the midst of a Fifth-Generation War for the very psyche of humanity, and that war is being fought on many fronts simultaneously, at different layers of reality itself.
There is nothing magical or pseudo-science about that. Narrative deployments and Media blitzes are as much weapons of war as kinetic deployments; it’s how [they] managed to infiltrate every institution and administration in world governments in order to seize the levers of power, corrupt our financial systems and begin the slow, steady and insidious process of subverting sovereign culture in the west in service to the faceless, formless, obedient collective they’d like to convert humanity into.
As we have explored this dig so far, perhaps no land has seen more systemic, unrelenting subversion than China, with its people largely being subjugated and controlled as a communist-dominated society that puts its focus on the system at the expense of the sovereign.
Sovereignty may be innate in the heart and soul of Man, but it is not ubiquitous to all societies. That said, I believe that the Great Awakening is global, and while I do believe the American experiment is returning to the spotlight, and may yet become the metaphorical city on the hill when it comes to shining a beacon of hope and light for liberty to the rest of the world once again, there are moves taking place throughout the world to that end, leading me to believe that we will be joined by many more sovereigns than we could possibly imagine.
And, while many of these battles for sovereignty are being fought on a Potential and Narrative level, those I have been digging into regarding the Chinese theater in the Shadow War find far more data points in the realm of the real, with Actual Events abounding that suggest a decoupling between our two economies in a way that, while painful in the interim—beginning with the lockdowns of the COVID era—will ultimately serve as a powerful mechanism for positive change when it comes to international trade agreements and therefore sovereignty and freedom.
Of course, the prospect that I would argue lockdowns and their ensuing trade disruptions could result in one of the most accelerated positive changes to world trade and monetary systems than we have seen in modern history carries with it both disconcerting and scintillating implications regarding just how long various ‘plans’ have been in the works, and by whom.
But I’ll save that particular rabbit hole for another time.
Today, I’d like to focus on a few Actual data points that seem to fly in the face of the ubiquitous idea that consumes this community that Joe Biden, the Pretender-in-Chief is a Globalist puppet of Chinese masters, while also suggesting that said masters may have been brought to heel in a more overt manner than purely Narrative engagement with the Information War would have you believe.
In previous chapters in my deep dive on China, both its systems and its leadership, I have explained that Xi Jinping’s actions and nationalist words paint a different picture of the man and his aims than what liberal AND conservative figures in the west would suggest.
In place of a domineering and collectivist heir to the Maoist empire of blood, Xi has seemingly waged war on the ‘tigers and flies’ of the Chinese oligarchy, which may as well be a dragon-blooded aristocracy that traces its insidious and daunting origins and power structures all the way back to the Ming Dynasty and beyond.
In short, when it comes to rooting out institutionalized corruption, it is fair and accurate to suggest that sovereigns would have their work cut out for them when it comes to China, even in comparison to the corruption we have seen infesting the west and our own lands, which also suggests that moves made to destabilize these Globalist power structures would have to be as impactful and far-reaching as they are carefully managed.
For I would argue that the Chinese oligarchy shares much more than common interests with the American, Russian and European oligarchies. I would suggest that they are one in the same, and that, in the place of family bloodlines and political legacies that dominate the ruling class and culture of the far east, corporations, logo’s and stock ticker acronyms do so in the far west.
There is no difference between Apple, Amazon, Google and other major U.S. Fortune 100 companies, just as there is no difference between them and ‘foreign’ corporations such as Samsung, Volkswagen and on and on.
No matter the original intent and function of these companies, subversive Globalist policies that allow them to benefit from engineered wars, front-run emerging crises and utilize slave labor as a means of production, cheap, communist means of distribution all to serve comparatively ‘rich’ consumer bases in the lands where they are incorporated have changed them into kingdoms unto themselves, and while the American citizen has seen his purchasing power suppressed over the decades by these practices, the horrors they have visited on other lands, such as China and the Chinese people are sobering to behold.
The unrest has already begun, and it has accelerated, with the recent riots in the city named after the iPhone to escalating push-back against draconian lockdown measures that may very well emanate from the enigmatic Xi himself, or regional magistrates still wrapped in the molting skin of their communist forebears.
Now imagine that a leader like Xi Jinping—like Vladimir Putin before him—is sick of seeing his people suffer and toil on behalf of foreign masters in order to put the latest and greatest modern tech into western pockets as cheaply as possible. And imagine he drummed up a plan—or helped to drum one up—that might begin to turn that ship around for said people.
What sort of complexion would that economic plan take?
Enter the CHIPS Act and other recent political and economic deployments ostensibly by the Biden Administration, but that either ideologically mirror his predecessor—the potentially-devolved Trump Administration—or that continue our chosen leader’s policies outright in a silent and significant break from the will of his Globalist masters, the powers that would be.
Semiconductors did not enter the public consciousness in a significant way until the aforementioned lockdowns of 2020, when international restriction policies severely contracted Chinese trade, thereby rendering western—global—dependence on this slave labor and ‘too good to be true’ production methods stark, sobering and horrifying.
Hell, even in the midst of this deep dive on the CHIPS act and other Biden actions limiting the economic influence of the Chinese Empire, it shocked me to learn that semiconductors are the MOST-TRADED commodity in the world. More than oil. More than steel. More than any single staple.
They make everything run, from the computer I type this on to the components that make up the thermostat calling for the heat to warm my draughty office as I type it, to the vehicle I need to move around in the modern world, to the backbone of every piece of technology that runs the modern world and modern society.
The CHIPS Act severely limits the fiscal benefit of U.S. companies doing business in China, limiting foreign production and restricting Chinese interference in an industry that should be considered a red-line national security directive.
In fact, to me, the CHIPS Act and Biden’s signing of it represents one of the clearest proofs yet of
’s Devolution theory, which posits that the United States Presidency was dissolved and devolved under Donald Trump and its powers distributed among a group of trusted advisors and administrators—perhaps the Combatant Commanders of the U.S. Military—in order to protect National Essential Functions until such a time as Trump—or someone like him—can be reinstalled into the public seat of power without risking a kick-off of Civil War.While it has undoubtedly been frustrating to live through this time period, from the COVID lockdown era to the inflationary environment the Federal Reserve and Central Bankers around the world have placed their peoples into, I believe that the System of Systems has been exposed like never before, and that the very hardships we are enduring right now are paving the way for the sovereign society to come, as the public mandate to reduce dependence on foreign, ‘cheap’ production, to onshore jobs and infrastructure and to produce national energy at home ratchets up by the day.
A multi-polar world order is being forged out of the ashes of the Globalist system, and if you know where to look, you can see that some of the very figures who are ostensibly meant to be clinging to that Globalist system—from Biden to Xi—seem to be forwarding political and economic objectives that serve only to destabilize collectivism while embracing sovereignty.
From the CHIPS Act that has resulted in Apple transitioning production from China to Arizona, to the approval of a Gulf Oil Terminal by the Biden Administration, to the continued strengthening of the BRICS sovereign and free trade alliance, of which Xi is a founding and central figure alongside Vladimir Putin of Russia, Jair Bolsonaro of the politically-embattled Brazil and Narendra Modi of the growing production powerhouse that is India, the world is changing for the better.
The foundation is being laid for a world order built on the budding individuality, sovereignty and nationalist strength of each respective nation, which seeks to serve itself before others, BY trading with others to mutual benefit, rather than by the designs of centralized collectivist oligarchs, and the pillars are being set atop it.
And while these moves will undoubtedly benefit the United States as we attempt to survive a necessary, albeit rocky transition out of a fiat central banking monetary system into a ‘real’ future, these moves will also serve as a net positive for the subjugated peoples of China, India and the collective east just as they will do so for the once-depressed and desperate Russian and Central Asian producer states.
So when you see the next contradictory signing or political deployment emerge out of the respective Biden or Xi Administrations—or any of the other usual suspects as we continue to parse the complicated and convoluted Information War—ask yourself who is really pulling the strings that count.
And smile when you arrive at the answer.
And that, ladies and gentlement, was my initial attempt at sussing out the Who, What and WHY of the Chinese Empire where it concerns the Sovereign Alliance.
At least from where I’m sitting, I think it’s held up pretty well, and warrants further digging by myself and by each and all of you.
I also think the CHIPS Chapter was more signal than I even knew at the time, and laid the initial cognitive groundwork for an ongoing projection and prediction module that became the ‘Weapons of the Future’ series, which started with an attempt to codify exactly what a Golden Age future COULD look like if these theories come to pass, starting with ‘The Bridge.’
(In)Conclusion …
As for whether or not Xi Jinping seems more or less aligned with the America First/free Sovereign movement than he did when I initially embarked on this journey, observe the following, from this past week:
That’s right. Trump and Xi seem to be waging war on the same collectivist enemy even as they play at waging a trade war with one another, but which is actually designed to further strengthen their respective nationalist turns.
That is the game beneath the game, and at the advent of the new American Golden Age, between tariffs and DOGEs galore, I think it’s safe to say we’re seeing the tide turn sharply in favor of the very multipolarity—the sovereignty—Trump, Putin and yes, Xi Jinping have championed for some time.
As I've been saying for years, when it comes to Narrative Warfare, analysis doesn't END with reverse indicators, but it should absolutely begin there.
As such, when the enemy fears something, and more importantly, when he tells YOU to fear something, you might want to check your underlying premises. When you do, you might find that your original impetus for forming that fear was based not only on a foundation of lies ... but that it could be preventing you from considering some seismic and encouraging possibilities.
Observe the following header from 2020 …
That’s right, on the doorstep of the now-infamous 2020 election, the media industrial complex spun up a 'New Cold War' narrative where it concerns Trump vs. Xi, and the US vs. China.
The mass psychological consciousness was well primed to absorb this narrative (even in a bipartisan manner,) as this time period represented the darkest and most tense hours of the engineered (and fake) Covid-19 crisis, which, as we know was ultimately used to help foment the most blatant election theft in American history ... that we know of.
Of course, virtually all sides of the sociopolitical spectrum were ready to blame 'China' for the Covid-19 crisis. That makes some sense, as this community is no doubt aware of the Wuhan Lab Leak theory, which is now being pushed by ... the CIA, of all institutions.
Now, I suppose you're allowed to suddenly believe that the CIA is telling you the truth.
Alternatively, it's also possible to accept that there never was a pandemic, and that if you think there was a pandemic, you probably strapped three masks to your face anywhere from 'two weeks to slow the spread' to three years.
And yet, I believe patriots PUSHING the 'lab leak' theory is signal, as it's obviously unveiling a web of institutional corruption that connects the NIH to the WHO, the CDC to the CIA, with the mass cognitive cypher that is Anthony Fauci a prime vector of disclosing the weaponization of bioweapons.
Keep in mind, IF any of these theories are true, it can be argued that the NIH was ALSO hiding this bioweapons research from China, and IF any of these theories are true, the Chinese people suffered greatly as a result.
Now, if you believe in the Sovereign Alliance theory, you will understand that it can BOTH be true that Xi Jinping is on our side AND that a Chinese oligarchy exists that was in league with the US Deep State. After all, the cabal is a borderless, globalist criminal network, which is why it's taking a Sovereign Alliance to expose and dismantle.
One of Donald Trump's major deployments during his first term was a de facto 'Trade War' with Xi Jinping and China, and the supply chain crisis the Covid era helped kick off went a long way toward retroactively supporting Trump's stance to a bipartisan audience.
Merge that with Xi's own projected philosophy of multipolarity, and you begin to see that BOTH men were fully in favor of the rapid decoupling from each other's economies.
(In)Conclusion … a multipolar world means mutual competition, yes, but over the future, which is one that can only be built on peace and ambition; this forms a feedback loop that perpetuates itself, contrary to the satanic inversion doom loop we’ve been caught in.
The last Chinese Dynasty ended in 1912 amidst foreign subversion, infiltration and ultimately subjugation, and as China’s rapid evolution disguised as devolution indicates, it never had to be this way.
Czar Nicholas II was murdered in 1918, the fallout of which we explored at length in the Righteous Russia series.
What happened in between was the first World War coming directly on the heels of the codification of the most recent Central Bank takeover of the United States.
As we know, the collectivists rose on the back of the collapse of the sovereigns … but this particular chapter of the story is going to have a different ending.
I titled this piece, ‘Doomed Dynasty’ not as a reference to China, then … but to the subversive empire that took it over, just as they did to the Russians, the Europeans, the Africans, the Australians … and yes, the Americans during the twentieth century.
The old Sovereign Dynasty was taken. We’re building a new one in its place, and we’re not alone.
After all, the Soviet Union is NOT the Russian Federation.
The Chinese Communist Party of the Clinton, Bush and Obama era is NOT the People's Republic of China circa 2025.
The US Military Industrial Complex is NOT the American people.
So, when you see stories spinning up throughout the year blaming everything from crashing tech stocks to engineered scamdemics on China, you have a choice to see it for what it is ... the next chapter of the story.
The future is so much brighter, and so much bigger, than you ever imagined.
And it may be kicking off in places you never considered.
So, as I have said for years regarding the US and Russia, and as I will say now where it concerns the US and China, the deals are already done.
The rest is a matter of timing ... and awakening.
Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
Bright Retrospective
Above, I said that we should always START with reverse indicators, even if we don’t end with them.
Well, isn’t it something that the latest anti-China mongering the Media Industrial Complex is up to concerns a warp speed charge ahead into … nuclear energy?
As I explored at length in the Weapons of the Future series, the enemy fears what they can’t control. They fear what could unleash human potential, and returning to the American Nuclear Dream means turning our back on Nuclear Nightmares, but that won’t stop the establishment from spinning up one more scare narrative to prevent exactly that.
Expect Trump and team to play into it … while rugging them all the same.
Denuclearization means the neutering of the Nuclear Narrative. Not the Nuclear Age.
That’s still coming, and it’s going to be glorious.
Read more about in ‘Amerigeddon,’ where I attempt to explore Fissions and Fusions between Nuclear Nightmares and American Dreams.
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Perhaps your best ever, BB, and I say that not to downgrade any of your past achievements; perhaps the very opposite - you excel here even at the level you yourself have set. Flow on. Enigmatic is the exactly apposite word to describe Chinese culture. You manage, in stages and phases, to shine light on its many and intangible facets in a way that subtly and unobtrusively pays tribute to that many-petalled array of profound intelligences. Cred.
‘What greater enemy to be compared against. What greater war to win?
What greater peace to be achieved.’
Your analysis has held up well, readily apparent at the macro level. When one reads this with the 5D information war in mind as well as Sun Tzu’s Art of War, it is a reasonable expectation that the end will be a long period of peace. The lightbulb moment with me on Putin was how the cabal’s minions reacted when he went into Ukraine. That led me to the Righteous Russia series. Eventually to Will Zoll’s PrussiaGate series that filled in much of the why and intent (at least to me). Then hints about Xi emerged more clearly. The event of walking Hu out was also another lightbulb moment because of his history with all the ‘wrong players’ and especially how the globalist media attacked Xi. Then some of the details on his purge of corruption there came to light and it began to make sense.
There are so many layers here and I concur with you that the likely outcome with Taiwan will be peaceful. The players are having their money source cut….permanently and their position is weakening daily.
There is still much to be revealed, but it looks like most, if not all, of the sovereign leaders are in place. Thanks to your analysis and patient teaching us about your process, we can see more clearly. God bless you, and now I think I have a clue on the choice of your tiger!🙏🐅