I see the argument of math and energy being truth. BTC then appears to be a solution to the everlasting power/control dilemma of individual sovereignty in a socially necessary structure.
My problem with BTC being THE solution is that it is entirely dependent, initially on computational power, but ultimately wholly reliant upon the electrical grid that in scale is controlled by the same powers that be and CBs. Nuclear war would largely eliminate those structures, and a Solar Flare would end them for many generations.
The solution to that could be the legendary Nicola Tesla free, natural energy approach. We do not know how that could work in reality, though I've seen drawings of towers and the like. Yet even those are reliant upon the current manufacturing and financial structures that would be in vehement opposition to their replacement.
'Catch 22' it would seem.
I'm elderly and won't likely survive the transition to any other societal form, barring the Rapture, so my dog in this hunt is of limited relevance. But my genuine concern for the future of humanity and individually sovereign freedom is absolute.
It's all about HOW you think it's going to be THE solution, Curt.
I do think it's A solution to our problem with scarcity, but I don't think that means other exchange layers, such as gold-silver and even representations of them (dollars) disappear, only that they're backed by that scarcity.
I'm not sure that you addressed my reservation regarding the dependency on the same structures currently being abused. Again, one solar flare and the electrical grid and all electrical apparati are cinders. Back-up distributed servers would ALSO be cinders!
Dystopian, I know, but we KNOW that EMPs already exist on tactical weapons scale. But the BTX Maxis seem to have a deliberate blind spot about such vulnerabilities.
How I think is truly beside the point. I grok the scarcity motif, but I don't consider BTC to be THE solution, though it might be A part. Blockchain itself is a much bigger part, but still subject to the vulnerabilities above.
Is this how Atlantis ended? By arrogantly insisting we ignore the blind spot ?
You would have to assume the entire world is EMP'd all at once to take down BTC. Decentralized allows BTC to still function even when infrastructure you mention goes down in an area , even a large area. Just not at capacity perhaps, but still working. Concurrently, if powers that be try to interfere with the internet, it can not all be shut down at once so BTC is still running in some part of the world. Bitcoin technology is military grade tech. It is nuclear proof by design. And don't forget about Starlink. For more information on your questions, go to Gmoney's show Rugpull Radio on Badlands Media or Gmoney's substack with all the links. He explains in detail.. BTC is the future. And for many things too. Relax.
Solar flares do not take out grids...its easy to scare people with that threat because people can't see or understand grid complexity. Plus they rely on government scientists to tell them that a flare happened.
Only 160 years ago, and smaller than I was warning about. That is because geomagnetic conditions are far less robust in defending the planet now. That's why they are seeing Auroras as far south as Arizona.
Some folks mouth off to diminish others, and others make statements grounded in fact!
I'm not fearful, though my pacemaker would likely burst into flame internally.
Any small electrical device could not possibly have adequate buffering to survive such an event. That doesn't mean I'm constructing Faraday Cages either.
I was just pointing out a genuine, albeit somewhat remote, risk! But to NOT consider it for a world financial system would be malfeasance of the highest order!
BTW, the Truth Community does NOT trust the pronouncements of the Administrative State at face value!
1. GPS: aids in the synchronization of nodes & maintains Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) parameters. Perfected by the US Air Force.
2. TCP/IP: [Transmission Control Protocol], and the [Internet Protocol], developed by DARPA, is a nuclear resistant communication system.
3. SHA256: [Secure Hashing Algorithm] designed by NSA for cybersecurity communication.
4. Tor: [The Onion Routing] project. Developed by The US Navy, based on DARPA research. Helps protect anonymity against surveillance.
Every substantial piece of Bitcoin is a DoD design feature, built for Defense Against Destructive Nuclear Attacks.
—>Bitcoin is a Military Weapons System, a National Strategic Security Imperative and obliterates the Radical Modernist/Marxist liberal state by being more powerful than the State; by securing Rights, including Private Property rights.
BB, you covered a lot of ground in this article. On the Musk side, we are in complete agreement. I have gone back and forth on whether or not he was an asset of the DS or a 'white hat' and he has finally tipped his hand to the good guys. On the financial side, I would say I largely agree with you in that Block Chain is the future. Bitcoin is a block chain creation and has the sexiness of valuation explosion vs 'traditional money' aka Gold, Silver. This gives bitcoin, a seemingly new type of money, a fair amount of appeal. The 'math' you talk about, that comes from block chain structure, has an absoluteness to it that attracts those of us who see the doom of fiat. What I would argue though, is that Gold and particularly Silver, have been suppressed by the DS and could very well be moving back to block chain valuations. Gold has had a bit of a collective breakout for a decade or so now as BRIC, or white hat, nations have gathered to gain price control. Silver, however, has not. If Silver is truly the money of the common man, it is my belief that once these assets are 'block chained' away from fiat and into a proper finite value we will see valuations increase significantly... with Silver seeing the biggest increase and Platinum and Palladium close behind. Carry on my good Anon... ~M
I completely agree with you re: gold and silver, and tried to be clear in the feature that, while I think they melt relative to fiat, I do see them as a harder exchange layer resting atop or adjacent to absolute scarcity.
We're in for a fascinating transition, and I have no doubt Americans will be guided through it with as little damage as possible.
~ I work w/someone who is a metals, securities, & old coins trading guru. He explained that mined gold is found with silver, copper, & platinum & other metals. Demand for gold also supplies other metals. Silver, copper, & aluminum are not their own masters, but subject to demand for other metals. Also, they are more widely used commercially: Jewellery accounts for 46% (95,547t, US$6tn)
Central banks hold 17% (35,715t, US$2tn) as reserves
Bars and coins represent 21% (43,044t, US$3tn)
Physically backed gold ETFs hold 2% (3,473t, US$0.2tn)
Decoupling precious metals from the fiat system will be beneficial to the value of all of them. That is a good thing and if they can be anchored in Bitcoin's blockchain it will be great, I own some gold and silver.
The reason they all still go to zero against Bitcoin is that Bitcoin is finite and cannot be corrupted. Precious metal can be mined and stored on infinitum so as to never be finite.
You're right Joe that gold is free. It's there in the ground, free to be taken by anyone willing to do the work to get it.
That work is the rub. It takes a significant effort to dig an ounce's worth of gold-bearing placer deposits up from a stream bed and separate out the gold. Human work, equipment and energy, at the present almost always in the form of diesel fuel.
So yes, gold is theoretically unlimited; but in practice, so long as recovering it takes significant energy, you can't just print more of it.
Joe, all cryptographic methods eventually are broken. So far as I know, there has never been an exception. It is only a matter of time.
Once SHA-256 is broken, the entire bitcoin blockchain is hacked. I don't see any way this can be avoided. If you would like to consult an authoritative reference, I recommend the 'cryptographer's Bible,' Applied Cryptography by Bruce Schneier, widely considered the definitive text on the subject. Originally written in 1996, the information on specific algorithms is no longer current (because most of them have been broken), but the main contribution of the book relates to cryptographic techniques and protocols, and these remain true as the algorithms themselves change over the years.
~ Gold may also have a finite horizon. Although they've said the same abt oil & gas. ~ "The below-ground stock of gold reserves is currently estimated to be around 50,000 tonnes, according to the US Geological Survey.
To put that in perspective, around 190,000 tonnes of gold has been mined in total, although estimates do vary.
Based on these rough figures, there is about 20% still to be mined. But this is a moving target.
Try trading your fiat for .0000001 #Bitcoin. You will be pleasantly surprised. Each BTC is divided into "Satoshi's" or 100million times. You can be a Satoshi millionaire for $390 usd.
Excellent article BB. I think a lot of people are underestimating the power of the blockchain technology that has been “accelerated” through Bitcoin that will give us not only true freedom but power over our own lives and the governments meant to serve us.
This technology sets us above our government and will be the permanent check and balance.
I think your article will dovetail nicely with my coming article.
At first, I assumed that the name Tesla for making electric cars was rip-off. Nikola Tesla would never have entered into green new deal ideology of solar power and windmills and have made something so complex and flawed as Tesla cars. A few years ago, I was working on a 10kW radiance-to-electric converter that could drop into a Tesla and continuously charge the batteries as the car was driven and parked. However, like you, I realized that there is more behind the selection of the Tesla name. Simply the observation that we have a new super-powered Space Force with Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) invented by Tesla before WW2, and now installed in some of the thousands of Starlink satellites in low orbit around the world tells us that the work of Nikola Tesla is alive and well in the US military and in the mind of Elon Musk.
The DEW uses the same radiance amplification and radiance-to-electric technologies I was attempting to work into the 10kW generator. This tells me that there is probably already a place in currently built Tesla cars to drop in such a generator when the time arrives to rug pull the entire world-wide EV market and end the Earth raping practice of scavenging every atom of lithium and cobalt from the ground. This generator is probably already designed and ready for production at the Tesla mega-factory in Reno. The technology was all there 100 years ago in Tesla’s lab, waiting to be discovered by Trump’s uncle, and saved until now, to be deployed in the mind war. Tesla was 100 years ahead of his time. Despite having his lab burned by JP Morgan, and now that the current deployments are underway, Tesla has prevailed and, once again, the entire world will benefit.
All this is so above-my-paygrade that I returned to applying this technology to the development of gadgets to unwind the AI installed in the nervous systems of humans by CIA Mockingbird operations and Big Pharma. Unwinding the AI in human nervous systems is the same objective as held by such outstanding Badlands programs as Defected, and firecrackers like BB and Mr. Human.
I think there is MUCH more to come from Tesla than we've seen so far. They're undercutting the Deep State's conglomerates slowly, so as not to completely disrupt/destroy traditional energy and jobs markets. It's a difficult tightrope to walk.
I never saw Tesla's work on antigravity. I've seen stories. I have seen some of the research of T Townsend Brown, which is pretty cool. Garage researchers in this field should be sure to read "Lost Science" https://borderlandsciences.org/cart/gerry-vassilatos/#LostScience
What an amazing post covering a tremendous amount of ground! Exactly why I am always thrilled when you write an article; each one more and more layered as you incorporate the ideas of multiple minds (you, Paul, Just Human, Jon, etc.). Your mind alone is a powerful gift from God and I have NO doubt about why!
This is exactly what my process is when anything occurs in narrative or actual: ‘As such, it’s best you get comfortable thinking asymmetrically, and applying your full cognition to the act of understanding before reacting....’ thanks to the teaching of you and Just Human!
Your points concerning Elon are actually a short history of his transformation from role to role (he’s gifted with an amazing genius, too) from anons to the technologically minded to the abandoned left youth, he IS a major red pill machine. Likewise, actions show his definite power to diminish the cabal for ultimate destruction as well as understanding and likely participating in the rebuilding.
Unfortunately, Bitcoin is unaffordable for most people and because of that fact, many cannot see it being the potential it is. I don’t know the process, but I have to assume that the brilliant minds/quantum mechanics of the Q ops also have determined a method for the people to transfer whatever wealth they have to Bitcoin or whatever the permanent system is next. It is, as you have shown, based upon math and math is God’s basis for the universe and is ‘truth’ ultimately. ‘Math is perfect. Math is real. Math IS’
I concur that what has been stolen for generations is not just choice and freedom, but, more importantly time and energy! We are carbon based, like the stars of the universe and that was no coincidence.
I celebrate your observation that the cabal and their system of systems have to expend so much energy to create the unreal and coverup their crimes while the truth does not. That renders them vulnerable and eventually, once WE realize our collective power and begin to use it, ensures the end of the Ouroboros cycle and their ultimate destruction.
God has gifted the wonderful ‘frog army’ as well as a myriad of other warriors who will ultimately win this war with and for the world’s patriots, but He also will have gifted many more for the rebuilding based on individual energy, time, choice and freedom.
This is the most amazing time in all of the world’s known history to live and that realization is due to God’s warriors, like you Fearless Tiger, who have help bring us to that realization! God bless each one who willingly uses their gifts in this war!🙏🙏
What I'm also trying to do in this publication is learning through the exercise of questioning.
And one of the reasons I love this comments section is so I can continue to educate myself.
Also, one note: you don't need to buy a full BTC to get into the market. You can literally buy it out 8 decimal places, so buying a whole BTC is not necessary, nor the best path.
Thank you for your comment / summary. It really helped me. I love BB’s mind and usually enjoy the brain exercise that most of his articles require from me (I say that fondly of BB) but this time I struggled. Bless you for condensing the important take aways!! I will read it again and I’m sure it will make more sense to me now !❤️🙏
All tasks become easier with repetition. Ergo, the more BB articles you read, the easier it gets to parse his grammar and lexicon. I suppose you could call that a 'mind meld' as your mind is absorbing some of how BB thinks from cumulative exposure to his work.
I believe that Starlink is the beginning of the worldwide infrastructure that a future financial Exchange will be run on, and that blockchain will definitely be an integral feature of that New Fi. Bitcoin is merely a proof, and many other spinoffs have demonstrated many further proofs of ways blockchain can be used, with some (for instance like Solana) showing how investment financial exchanges could be run. Bitcoin represents a Wild West approach, with inherent instabilities as regards it's massive energy use in particular - free energy would change that equation. Other cryptos offer up visions of an investment revolution: invest in your neighbor's loans on the same exchange you took a loan from, for instance. No intermediaries, just investment in people.
Many new ideas are already out there, and it appears to me that whatever we all decide on Post Meltdown (WWG1WGA), the Low Earth Orbit (blazing fast) infrastructure of Starlink may become a future backbone. Also associated with "Musk" of course. Each country, region, whatever holds tangible wealth: farm and range land, water, minerals, technology, gold - these can underpin each region's sovereign currency valuations - and whether an individual or organization trades inside a curruncy or between currencies, the worldwide block chain exchange can make it private, secure, and possible. It may even mark the beginning of the end of government as we know it. Hell, BRICS is already teed up.
Wow! You are wealth of information I didn’t know about. That why I read the comments….lots of folks educating us by sharing their knowledge! Thank you and Hod bless you, Sarah.🙏
BB this article was a great journey through our collective awakening. I, like you, believe Trump and Elon are the biggest movers within our movement (they are also the best trollers :-)). This "Second Term" of Trump has been frustrating and nerve shattering at first but has moved me to a very comfyAF position as it moved forward. Primarily due to a lot of prayer but helped greatly by leaders like Trump & Elon along with this Truth Community (including you, Chris Paul, Jon, PIP, Badlands Media, and others…). Now watching all of this with eyes wide open is very exhilarating.
While all of the pillars are important and while we have to acknowledge that our elections are stolen and must be fixed to solve any of our societal issues money is still the root of all evil.
This awakening has brought me down many rabbit holes and has opened my eye to things I never thought possible. Prior to 2020 if you said conspiracy theory my mind immediately shut down and I turned away. Now there is not a single “conspiracy theory” that I dismiss. While some still seem high unlikely I now “never say never”.
The Bitcoin rabbit hole has been an amazing journey. Patriots in Progress (PIP) really started me down that path. I have read his Q Drop articles since the beginning and he often made/makes reference to Bitcoin. At first I ignored them but then began to do my own research. Rugpull Radio was a great source for my research. The books they recommended and the guests they introduced me to resulted in me becoming a Bitcoin maximalist (in my own small way). The subject has a lot of moving parts and most of them are VERY confusing. My IT background helped me traverse a pretty steep learning curve but along the way I jumped in and the services offered/provided by the Rugpull Radio folks got me on solid ground. The learning is constant but I love to learn.
I highly recommend Robert Breedlove’s What is Money series on Youtube with Michael Saylor.
I do believe like your article points out and the book “SoftWar” describes Bitcion is/can be the basis for us to build our own sovereign power and take and keep it away for the DS Rat Bastards who have made us guardians of our own prisons.
Sorry for the long rambling but I loved your article and could not agree with you more.
This is a stunning intellectual assessment of where we are in the west. We are at the inflection point and how we progress is anyone’s guess, but BB has given us his best.
With Yah as our true north, we look to His Word as our guide. By grace, He has told us in advance of where we are headed. Everything of man will come to nought as we self-destructively obliterate each other. Stay alert in the Spirit, it will get ugly from here.
And yes, I am positive. I am positive that unfulfilled biblical prophecy is truth in waiting.
I did not mean to infer that you had figured it all out. You are a humble human and I meant to convey that you had given it your best shot, and that is much more than most. I thank you for your inspired contributions and keep at it.
Excellent article! We are just beginning to see future proving past, and past portending the future. To add to the thought process, isn't it interesting how John Trump's nephew has teamed up with Musk, a follower of Tesla, and both are encircling the earth with an array of intercommunicating satellites, while the earth bound is forming a decentralized system of money that can survive as long as one node out of thousands survives any impending natural or supernatural disaster. This way the remnant has hope it can survive and thrive...
And add to the mix that John Trump ( a professor of electrical engineering at MIT, working for the DoD at the time of WWII ) was the only man to read all of Tesla's papers, and was sworn to secrecy about the contents. Then Donald gets to see them all 70 years later and employs Musk/Tesla as the biggest DoD contractor, and creates Space Force...
A great article BB. When I look ahead into our new world I have tried to look past the financial aspect as I believe it is the root of our now very well established roots of evil. I like to envision a world where money isn’t needed. Energy is free (as we well know it is) and land and property is valued based on what it contributes to the community. In other words, all land and property must contribute to society and you as owner manages such contributions. I look at a world where we trade goods, we value what feeds us and the materials which provide shelter. People in power and government does not have a place in my vision of a new world. Yeah, my vision appears to be built on the assumption our world as we know it today is decimated and we are starting over. So it’s more of a plan B or worse case scenario. I start at the bottom it seems. Thank you for providing us with these constant avenues of thought. We are mapping paths to our new world and all things must be considered.
It absolutely seems like free energy, if possible, will bring us into the true, peaceful future that is our birthright. All that remains to be seen is the timeline.
Energy is indeed free, but it takes work to make it into something usable and deliver it to a point of use. This is an example of the law of entropy (the universe tends to a greater state of disorder). Reversing the law of entropy (or the appearance of it) requires energy to be supplied; and in reality (in terms of the entire universe) the net effect is still tending to a greater state of disorder, because reducing entropy in one place requires increasing it elsewhere by a greater amount.
As an example, coal is free. It is buried in the earth waiting to be dug up and burnt as fuel. The digging and trucking of the coal to its place of use takes work. The building of a power plant to burn the coal, generate steam, and run a turbine takes work and resources, like steel and concrete for starters. Building and maintaining a transmission and distribution system to convey the resulting electric energy to homes and businesses also takes work.
Is it possible to build some sort of device that one could buy and harness Tesla's zero-point energy directly in their home? Maybe, but that device will not be free and it will likely require some sort of maintenance.
Someone once said there's no such thing as a free lunch. Energy, harnessed and used to do something worthwhile, will never be 'free' but it could cost much less than it does today.
I largely agree with this, in that time is the baseline layer of ultimate energy expression, and is always going to be the "work" we invest in any endeavor of production.
When you have to work for it, it’s still free, no? To raise food say in a field, you must plow, pull other plants (weed) and harvest. All work, but free nonetheless. So if we must work to gain access to energy, it’s free but requires labor. We can’t imagine labor without pay in our current society but that’s my whole point. We contribute, we trade and we benefit from our community efforts. That’s a world I envision.
Power is the ability to do work. Work takes up valuable resources which fundamentally is time. You have a finite time amount. Everything costs time. Everything costs something.
Right. Perspective. There was a time (I should use the word period) when humans spent their days hunting, preparing food, farming and seeing to their shelter needs and preparing for winter or elements brought by the change of seasons. Is this labor?
Absolutely...did they need to trade? Absolutely...trade increases efficiency of production. That's where forms of money come in as a medium between traders. Honest money is best because it doesn't favor one side of any trade. Welcome to #Bitcoin the hardest of decentralized honest money.
I like the idea of trade being goods and services. Here is a cow and six chickens to build me a barn. I’d like to have zero need for currency. We each bring something to the table and can trade our expertise. I would fail miserably building a barn but I have one heck of a green thumb. Hard work and basic needs are harmonic, currency enters the picture and you get the evil element with it. I think simply and would enjoy living that way as well.
That depends on what else you could be doing with your time.
Economists discuss the 'fungibility' of factors of production. For instance you can nail a shingle to a roof using a manual hammer that you can buy for let's say $20 (and it has been a long, long time since I bought my last hammer, so don't hit me too hard on that number), or you can get a compressor and an air-operated nailer for let's say $400. And you can put in 15x as many nails per hour with the powered setup. What you are doing is substituting capital (the extra $380) for labor (reduced by a factor of 15). In general all factors are fungible at least to a first approximation. Your choices may be different than someone else's, for reasons unique to you. But, there is always something else you could be doing with your time, even if it is only taking a nap. That nap might be more valuable to you than the cost of a more time-efficient machine to do a job.
So to consider something free when the only factor (input) is your own labor, and you value your labor at zero, is possible; but in fact few folks actually feel that their labor is worthless. Even if the alternative use is taking a nap.
The commune life can work for small, socially-coherent groups, like a family; but the first time that one of the hippies decides that his 'work' meditating by the river is as valuable as another's work growing and cooking supper, the party is over.
Time. It’s an interesting concept, our steadfast focus of time. I believe we were conditioned to focus on time. I believe the global elites like us working all day (for our money) but also a people with time are dangerous. With time we can congregate, we can innovate, we can plan and organize. I believe our consciousness of time is a deterrent and overly important. Hours of daylight should drive our ambitions such as is the case for animals. When days are long we prepare for shorter days and the upcoming winter elements. The shorter days are days of rest and reflection. Time has become as valuable as currency and enslaves us. Just my opinion.
Labor is necessary to me, for my well being. Even if there’s nothing to do, I’ll find something. And I think I can count on one hand the number of naps I’ve taken in my lifetime. I’m saying it’s a matter of perspective. Your points are excellent but they don’t relate to me. They probably do relate to the majority. I think I’m an old soul. In a previous life I probably had a simple and labor intensive life and I’m really longing for it!
There was an interview on one of the Rugpull Radio episodes with Jeff Booth who talked and had written a book "The Price of Tomorrow" talks about why deflation is the key to an abundant future. Very interesting.
When we break free from the prison the DS Rat Bastards have grown us in the possibilities can blow your mind.
Since there is inherent evil in the world, that utopia cannot happen, unless you have a fully transparent weight and measure that insures asset protection and forces the correct incentives on society...#Bitcoin does that.
As someone who is still reaping rewards from Cryptos last bull run, I recommend getting ready to invest little, and get ALOT rich in this next bull run because Blackrock is pushing an ETF, to get approved by the Sec that, if approved, will shatter all records for crypto. If approved, Blackrock will invest heavily to secure it's hedgefunds and grow it. (As the blockchain is a verifiable public ledger, it's more secure from corruption than our fiat currency.) And let's face it, " what Blackrock wants, Blackrock gets" to quote my hubby-Michael Hillyer😉 Thanks BB. 😊 May God guide you to realizing your dream of writing for a living...or a crypto investment that makes that possible 😀
Kudos to you for your willingness to study Bitcoin, BB. I believe Bitcoin is the foundation of The Plan, as you stated. Nothing else can or will happen without an incorruptible, decentralized monetary system in place.
For those sitting in the back, it's called Bitcoin, not blockchain technology or crypto. Those are terms used by people who still don't get it.
Dear Lord, how little I know! Thank you for gifting these precious souls to fulfill Your Will for us! God bless you, Joe! Thank you for your ‘role’ and for sharing your gifts with us.🙏🙏
As complicated and complex as your learned, researched, and brilliant explanation may seem----it’s really quite simplistic, if not, obvious if you play with it enough inside your own mind. Dare I say, God like, Biblical?----of course I do. Thanks, I’m sleeping good tonight, and tomorrow night, etc......
I see the argument of math and energy being truth. BTC then appears to be a solution to the everlasting power/control dilemma of individual sovereignty in a socially necessary structure.
My problem with BTC being THE solution is that it is entirely dependent, initially on computational power, but ultimately wholly reliant upon the electrical grid that in scale is controlled by the same powers that be and CBs. Nuclear war would largely eliminate those structures, and a Solar Flare would end them for many generations.
The solution to that could be the legendary Nicola Tesla free, natural energy approach. We do not know how that could work in reality, though I've seen drawings of towers and the like. Yet even those are reliant upon the current manufacturing and financial structures that would be in vehement opposition to their replacement.
'Catch 22' it would seem.
I'm elderly and won't likely survive the transition to any other societal form, barring the Rapture, so my dog in this hunt is of limited relevance. But my genuine concern for the future of humanity and individually sovereign freedom is absolute.
It's all about HOW you think it's going to be THE solution, Curt.
I do think it's A solution to our problem with scarcity, but I don't think that means other exchange layers, such as gold-silver and even representations of them (dollars) disappear, only that they're backed by that scarcity.
I'm not sure that you addressed my reservation regarding the dependency on the same structures currently being abused. Again, one solar flare and the electrical grid and all electrical apparati are cinders. Back-up distributed servers would ALSO be cinders!
Dystopian, I know, but we KNOW that EMPs already exist on tactical weapons scale. But the BTX Maxis seem to have a deliberate blind spot about such vulnerabilities.
How I think is truly beside the point. I grok the scarcity motif, but I don't consider BTC to be THE solution, though it might be A part. Blockchain itself is a much bigger part, but still subject to the vulnerabilities above.
Is this how Atlantis ended? By arrogantly insisting we ignore the blind spot ?
You would have to assume the entire world is EMP'd all at once to take down BTC. Decentralized allows BTC to still function even when infrastructure you mention goes down in an area , even a large area. Just not at capacity perhaps, but still working. Concurrently, if powers that be try to interfere with the internet, it can not all be shut down at once so BTC is still running in some part of the world. Bitcoin technology is military grade tech. It is nuclear proof by design. And don't forget about Starlink. For more information on your questions, go to Gmoney's show Rugpull Radio on Badlands Media or Gmoney's substack with all the links. He explains in detail.. BTC is the future. And for many things too. Relax.
Solar flares do not take out grids...its easy to scare people with that threat because people can't see or understand grid complexity. Plus they rely on government scientists to tell them that a flare happened.
Yeah. Solid explainer on this common, but ultimately illogical fear base is here:
That video does a good job with the quantum computer argument. Not the "solar flares take all muh energy" argument.
Only 160 years ago, and smaller than I was warning about. That is because geomagnetic conditions are far less robust in defending the planet now. That's why they are seeing Auroras as far south as Arizona.
Some folks mouth off to diminish others, and others make statements grounded in fact!
I'm not fearful, though my pacemaker would likely burst into flame internally.
Any small electrical device could not possibly have adequate buffering to survive such an event. That doesn't mean I'm constructing Faraday Cages either.
I was just pointing out a genuine, albeit somewhat remote, risk! But to NOT consider it for a world financial system would be malfeasance of the highest order!
BTW, the Truth Community does NOT trust the pronouncements of the Administrative State at face value!
more on the view
From Gmoney telegram
Bitcoin is a Military Weapons System.
1. GPS: aids in the synchronization of nodes & maintains Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) parameters. Perfected by the US Air Force.
2. TCP/IP: [Transmission Control Protocol], and the [Internet Protocol], developed by DARPA, is a nuclear resistant communication system.
3. SHA256: [Secure Hashing Algorithm] designed by NSA for cybersecurity communication.
4. Tor: [The Onion Routing] project. Developed by The US Navy, based on DARPA research. Helps protect anonymity against surveillance.
Every substantial piece of Bitcoin is a DoD design feature, built for Defense Against Destructive Nuclear Attacks.
—>Bitcoin is a Military Weapons System, a National Strategic Security Imperative and obliterates the Radical Modernist/Marxist liberal state by being more powerful than the State; by securing Rights, including Private Property rights.
Yes, but global thermonuclear war or a coronal mass ejection event would do just that.
I'm not surprised at the MIC aspect of it.
Honestly, I'm too far advanced in years to care, other than just for clarity of thought which BB is famous for!
BB, you covered a lot of ground in this article. On the Musk side, we are in complete agreement. I have gone back and forth on whether or not he was an asset of the DS or a 'white hat' and he has finally tipped his hand to the good guys. On the financial side, I would say I largely agree with you in that Block Chain is the future. Bitcoin is a block chain creation and has the sexiness of valuation explosion vs 'traditional money' aka Gold, Silver. This gives bitcoin, a seemingly new type of money, a fair amount of appeal. The 'math' you talk about, that comes from block chain structure, has an absoluteness to it that attracts those of us who see the doom of fiat. What I would argue though, is that Gold and particularly Silver, have been suppressed by the DS and could very well be moving back to block chain valuations. Gold has had a bit of a collective breakout for a decade or so now as BRIC, or white hat, nations have gathered to gain price control. Silver, however, has not. If Silver is truly the money of the common man, it is my belief that once these assets are 'block chained' away from fiat and into a proper finite value we will see valuations increase significantly... with Silver seeing the biggest increase and Platinum and Palladium close behind. Carry on my good Anon... ~M
Thanks for your feedback, Michael!
I completely agree with you re: gold and silver, and tried to be clear in the feature that, while I think they melt relative to fiat, I do see them as a harder exchange layer resting atop or adjacent to absolute scarcity.
We're in for a fascinating transition, and I have no doubt Americans will be guided through it with as little damage as possible.
~ I work w/someone who is a metals, securities, & old coins trading guru. He explained that mined gold is found with silver, copper, & platinum & other metals. Demand for gold also supplies other metals. Silver, copper, & aluminum are not their own masters, but subject to demand for other metals. Also, they are more widely used commercially: Jewellery accounts for 46% (95,547t, US$6tn)
Central banks hold 17% (35,715t, US$2tn) as reserves
Bars and coins represent 21% (43,044t, US$3tn)
Physically backed gold ETFs hold 2% (3,473t, US$0.2tn)
The remainder, primarily industrial applications and holdings by financial institutions, is 15% (31,096t, US$2tn). https://www.gold.org/goldhub/research/market-primer/gold-market-primer-market-size-and-structure
Decoupling precious metals from the fiat system will be beneficial to the value of all of them. That is a good thing and if they can be anchored in Bitcoin's blockchain it will be great, I own some gold and silver.
The reason they all still go to zero against Bitcoin is that Bitcoin is finite and cannot be corrupted. Precious metal can be mined and stored on infinitum so as to never be finite.
Good stuff.
You're right Joe that gold is free. It's there in the ground, free to be taken by anyone willing to do the work to get it.
That work is the rub. It takes a significant effort to dig an ounce's worth of gold-bearing placer deposits up from a stream bed and separate out the gold. Human work, equipment and energy, at the present almost always in the form of diesel fuel.
So yes, gold is theoretically unlimited; but in practice, so long as recovering it takes significant energy, you can't just print more of it.
Also good points, which is why I think both systems have a part to play.
And the energy to produce Bitcoin is astronomical, nothing can touch it.
That will remain true until someone figures out how to break the SHA-256 hash algorithm.
Respectfully disagree :-))
Joe, all cryptographic methods eventually are broken. So far as I know, there has never been an exception. It is only a matter of time.
Once SHA-256 is broken, the entire bitcoin blockchain is hacked. I don't see any way this can be avoided. If you would like to consult an authoritative reference, I recommend the 'cryptographer's Bible,' Applied Cryptography by Bruce Schneier, widely considered the definitive text on the subject. Originally written in 1996, the information on specific algorithms is no longer current (because most of them have been broken), but the main contribution of the book relates to cryptographic techniques and protocols, and these remain true as the algorithms themselves change over the years.
I wish that this were not so, but the facts of history are unforgiving.
I respect you very much too, Joe.
~ Gold may also have a finite horizon. Although they've said the same abt oil & gas. ~ "The below-ground stock of gold reserves is currently estimated to be around 50,000 tonnes, according to the US Geological Survey.
To put that in perspective, around 190,000 tonnes of gold has been mined in total, although estimates do vary.
Based on these rough figures, there is about 20% still to be mined. But this is a moving target.
New technologies may make it possible to extract some known reserves that aren't currently economical to access." https://www.bbc.com/news/business-54230737
Silver will skyrocket, I hear.
It’s the only thing we commoners can afford at this point, so I believe you may have a point here.👍
Try trading your fiat for .0000001 #Bitcoin. You will be pleasantly surprised. Each BTC is divided into "Satoshi's" or 100million times. You can be a Satoshi millionaire for $390 usd.
Thank you!
You can buy tenth-ounce gold coins for around $250. AFAIK all bullion dealers sell them.
Not with all the paper contracts they have covering it. Silver is not a provable audited scarce asset. #Bitcoin is.
Thank you. All the info helps.
Excellent article BB. I think a lot of people are underestimating the power of the blockchain technology that has been “accelerated” through Bitcoin that will give us not only true freedom but power over our own lives and the governments meant to serve us.
This technology sets us above our government and will be the permanent check and balance.
I think your article will dovetail nicely with my coming article.
Very much looking forward to it.
Can’t wait!! You both are wonderfully gifted!!!
Thank you ALtab!
There is no second best to Bitcoin.
Joe, I am looking forward to your article on blockchain
At first, I assumed that the name Tesla for making electric cars was rip-off. Nikola Tesla would never have entered into green new deal ideology of solar power and windmills and have made something so complex and flawed as Tesla cars. A few years ago, I was working on a 10kW radiance-to-electric converter that could drop into a Tesla and continuously charge the batteries as the car was driven and parked. However, like you, I realized that there is more behind the selection of the Tesla name. Simply the observation that we have a new super-powered Space Force with Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) invented by Tesla before WW2, and now installed in some of the thousands of Starlink satellites in low orbit around the world tells us that the work of Nikola Tesla is alive and well in the US military and in the mind of Elon Musk.
The DEW uses the same radiance amplification and radiance-to-electric technologies I was attempting to work into the 10kW generator. This tells me that there is probably already a place in currently built Tesla cars to drop in such a generator when the time arrives to rug pull the entire world-wide EV market and end the Earth raping practice of scavenging every atom of lithium and cobalt from the ground. This generator is probably already designed and ready for production at the Tesla mega-factory in Reno. The technology was all there 100 years ago in Tesla’s lab, waiting to be discovered by Trump’s uncle, and saved until now, to be deployed in the mind war. Tesla was 100 years ahead of his time. Despite having his lab burned by JP Morgan, and now that the current deployments are underway, Tesla has prevailed and, once again, the entire world will benefit.
All this is so above-my-paygrade that I returned to applying this technology to the development of gadgets to unwind the AI installed in the nervous systems of humans by CIA Mockingbird operations and Big Pharma. Unwinding the AI in human nervous systems is the same objective as held by such outstanding Badlands programs as Defected, and firecrackers like BB and Mr. Human.
Totally agree with you, Richard.
I think there is MUCH more to come from Tesla than we've seen so far. They're undercutting the Deep State's conglomerates slowly, so as not to completely disrupt/destroy traditional energy and jobs markets. It's a difficult tightrope to walk.
Well said. Exactly.
Drop in a bit of zero point gravity, and you have those flying cars I've been so patiently waiting for.
I never saw Tesla's work on antigravity. I've seen stories. I have seen some of the research of T Townsend Brown, which is pretty cool. Garage researchers in this field should be sure to read "Lost Science" https://borderlandsciences.org/cart/gerry-vassilatos/#LostScience
Thank you!!🙏
What an amazing post covering a tremendous amount of ground! Exactly why I am always thrilled when you write an article; each one more and more layered as you incorporate the ideas of multiple minds (you, Paul, Just Human, Jon, etc.). Your mind alone is a powerful gift from God and I have NO doubt about why!
This is exactly what my process is when anything occurs in narrative or actual: ‘As such, it’s best you get comfortable thinking asymmetrically, and applying your full cognition to the act of understanding before reacting....’ thanks to the teaching of you and Just Human!
Your points concerning Elon are actually a short history of his transformation from role to role (he’s gifted with an amazing genius, too) from anons to the technologically minded to the abandoned left youth, he IS a major red pill machine. Likewise, actions show his definite power to diminish the cabal for ultimate destruction as well as understanding and likely participating in the rebuilding.
Unfortunately, Bitcoin is unaffordable for most people and because of that fact, many cannot see it being the potential it is. I don’t know the process, but I have to assume that the brilliant minds/quantum mechanics of the Q ops also have determined a method for the people to transfer whatever wealth they have to Bitcoin or whatever the permanent system is next. It is, as you have shown, based upon math and math is God’s basis for the universe and is ‘truth’ ultimately. ‘Math is perfect. Math is real. Math IS’
I concur that what has been stolen for generations is not just choice and freedom, but, more importantly time and energy! We are carbon based, like the stars of the universe and that was no coincidence.
I celebrate your observation that the cabal and their system of systems have to expend so much energy to create the unreal and coverup their crimes while the truth does not. That renders them vulnerable and eventually, once WE realize our collective power and begin to use it, ensures the end of the Ouroboros cycle and their ultimate destruction.
God has gifted the wonderful ‘frog army’ as well as a myriad of other warriors who will ultimately win this war with and for the world’s patriots, but He also will have gifted many more for the rebuilding based on individual energy, time, choice and freedom.
This is the most amazing time in all of the world’s known history to live and that realization is due to God’s warriors, like you Fearless Tiger, who have help bring us to that realization! God bless each one who willingly uses their gifts in this war!🙏🙏
Thanks so much for reading, ALtab.
What I'm also trying to do in this publication is learning through the exercise of questioning.
And one of the reasons I love this comments section is so I can continue to educate myself.
Also, one note: you don't need to buy a full BTC to get into the market. You can literally buy it out 8 decimal places, so buying a whole BTC is not necessary, nor the best path.
Thanks!! I’ll talk with my husband and check it out!! 🙏
God Bless YOU, ALtab🙏❤️
Thank you for your comment / summary. It really helped me. I love BB’s mind and usually enjoy the brain exercise that most of his articles require from me (I say that fondly of BB) but this time I struggled. Bless you for condensing the important take aways!! I will read it again and I’m sure it will make more sense to me now !❤️🙏
This was a departure for me. Hopefully people find the mental exercise worthwhile, though.
He’s wonderfully gifted, isn’t he? It gotten easier over the past few months…maybe a ‘mind meld’?🤣
All tasks become easier with repetition. Ergo, the more BB articles you read, the easier it gets to parse his grammar and lexicon. I suppose you could call that a 'mind meld' as your mind is absorbing some of how BB thinks from cumulative exposure to his work.
I attempt to mind meld with you freaks in the comments, too ;)
Pretty scary if you mind meld with some of us... Trouble with a capital T:-))
You are one whose comments add layers to our understanding and that’s a gift, too. Blessings.🙏
Math . . . “… an expression of God’s sheet music of creation…” Masterpiece of Truth, BB.
Thanks Miriam!
I believe that Starlink is the beginning of the worldwide infrastructure that a future financial Exchange will be run on, and that blockchain will definitely be an integral feature of that New Fi. Bitcoin is merely a proof, and many other spinoffs have demonstrated many further proofs of ways blockchain can be used, with some (for instance like Solana) showing how investment financial exchanges could be run. Bitcoin represents a Wild West approach, with inherent instabilities as regards it's massive energy use in particular - free energy would change that equation. Other cryptos offer up visions of an investment revolution: invest in your neighbor's loans on the same exchange you took a loan from, for instance. No intermediaries, just investment in people.
Many new ideas are already out there, and it appears to me that whatever we all decide on Post Meltdown (WWG1WGA), the Low Earth Orbit (blazing fast) infrastructure of Starlink may become a future backbone. Also associated with "Musk" of course. Each country, region, whatever holds tangible wealth: farm and range land, water, minerals, technology, gold - these can underpin each region's sovereign currency valuations - and whether an individual or organization trades inside a curruncy or between currencies, the worldwide block chain exchange can make it private, secure, and possible. It may even mark the beginning of the end of government as we know it. Hell, BRICS is already teed up.
There is definitely much more to come from Starlink.
Also fantastic takes regarding free or more efficient energy being a booster to Bitcoin, etc.
I also agree that land, gold-silver, etc. represent valuation layers atop the foundation.
I got my Starlink satellite system a couple of years ago and could not be happier (we live in the middle of nowhere).
Now I'm waiting for the release of the Pi phones.
"Tangible wealth" -- that is indeed the key.
Wow! You are wealth of information I didn’t know about. That why I read the comments….lots of folks educating us by sharing their knowledge! Thank you and Hod bless you, Sarah.🙏
Great! Thanks for sharing. I like reading ZH as well.
Life goals!
What a great comment, Sarah! Thank you very much ❤️
BB this article was a great journey through our collective awakening. I, like you, believe Trump and Elon are the biggest movers within our movement (they are also the best trollers :-)). This "Second Term" of Trump has been frustrating and nerve shattering at first but has moved me to a very comfyAF position as it moved forward. Primarily due to a lot of prayer but helped greatly by leaders like Trump & Elon along with this Truth Community (including you, Chris Paul, Jon, PIP, Badlands Media, and others…). Now watching all of this with eyes wide open is very exhilarating.
While all of the pillars are important and while we have to acknowledge that our elections are stolen and must be fixed to solve any of our societal issues money is still the root of all evil.
This awakening has brought me down many rabbit holes and has opened my eye to things I never thought possible. Prior to 2020 if you said conspiracy theory my mind immediately shut down and I turned away. Now there is not a single “conspiracy theory” that I dismiss. While some still seem high unlikely I now “never say never”.
The Bitcoin rabbit hole has been an amazing journey. Patriots in Progress (PIP) really started me down that path. I have read his Q Drop articles since the beginning and he often made/makes reference to Bitcoin. At first I ignored them but then began to do my own research. Rugpull Radio was a great source for my research. The books they recommended and the guests they introduced me to resulted in me becoming a Bitcoin maximalist (in my own small way). The subject has a lot of moving parts and most of them are VERY confusing. My IT background helped me traverse a pretty steep learning curve but along the way I jumped in and the services offered/provided by the Rugpull Radio folks got me on solid ground. The learning is constant but I love to learn.
I highly recommend Robert Breedlove’s What is Money series on Youtube with Michael Saylor.
I do believe like your article points out and the book “SoftWar” describes Bitcion is/can be the basis for us to build our own sovereign power and take and keep it away for the DS Rat Bastards who have made us guardians of our own prisons.
Sorry for the long rambling but I loved your article and could not agree with you more.
Keep up the great work.
God Wins!
God Bless!!!
Fantastic post. Thanks Joe!
Once you change from the Endgame Paradigm to the Process Paradigm, you actually start to enjoy the movie.
This is a stunning intellectual assessment of where we are in the west. We are at the inflection point and how we progress is anyone’s guess, but BB has given us his best.
With Yah as our true north, we look to His Word as our guide. By grace, He has told us in advance of where we are headed. Everything of man will come to nought as we self-destructively obliterate each other. Stay alert in the Spirit, it will get ugly from here.
And yes, I am positive. I am positive that unfulfilled biblical prophecy is truth in waiting.
Thanks a lot for reading, Geoffrey.
That said, I do NOT pretend to know where things are going. Trying to figure things out just like the rest of you awakening wonders.
I did not mean to infer that you had figured it all out. You are a humble human and I meant to convey that you had given it your best shot, and that is much more than most. I thank you for your inspired contributions and keep at it.
Thanks a lot, Geoffrey!
“Math is perfect. Math is real. Math IS.”
Truth is perfect. Truth is real. Truth IS.
Lies are imperfect. Lies are not real. Lies FAIL.
Well said!
Excellent article! We are just beginning to see future proving past, and past portending the future. To add to the thought process, isn't it interesting how John Trump's nephew has teamed up with Musk, a follower of Tesla, and both are encircling the earth with an array of intercommunicating satellites, while the earth bound is forming a decentralized system of money that can survive as long as one node out of thousands survives any impending natural or supernatural disaster. This way the remnant has hope it can survive and thrive...
Thank so much, Howard!
It is indeed interesting. Starlink has DoD and 'The Plan' written all over it.
And add to the mix that John Trump ( a professor of electrical engineering at MIT, working for the DoD at the time of WWII ) was the only man to read all of Tesla's papers, and was sworn to secrecy about the contents. Then Donald gets to see them all 70 years later and employs Musk/Tesla as the biggest DoD contractor, and creates Space Force...
That's what I hinted at in the feature. Massive data points, for sure.
“There is no second best”
A great article BB. When I look ahead into our new world I have tried to look past the financial aspect as I believe it is the root of our now very well established roots of evil. I like to envision a world where money isn’t needed. Energy is free (as we well know it is) and land and property is valued based on what it contributes to the community. In other words, all land and property must contribute to society and you as owner manages such contributions. I look at a world where we trade goods, we value what feeds us and the materials which provide shelter. People in power and government does not have a place in my vision of a new world. Yeah, my vision appears to be built on the assumption our world as we know it today is decimated and we are starting over. So it’s more of a plan B or worse case scenario. I start at the bottom it seems. Thank you for providing us with these constant avenues of thought. We are mapping paths to our new world and all things must be considered.
It absolutely seems like free energy, if possible, will bring us into the true, peaceful future that is our birthright. All that remains to be seen is the timeline.
Energy is indeed free, but it takes work to make it into something usable and deliver it to a point of use. This is an example of the law of entropy (the universe tends to a greater state of disorder). Reversing the law of entropy (or the appearance of it) requires energy to be supplied; and in reality (in terms of the entire universe) the net effect is still tending to a greater state of disorder, because reducing entropy in one place requires increasing it elsewhere by a greater amount.
As an example, coal is free. It is buried in the earth waiting to be dug up and burnt as fuel. The digging and trucking of the coal to its place of use takes work. The building of a power plant to burn the coal, generate steam, and run a turbine takes work and resources, like steel and concrete for starters. Building and maintaining a transmission and distribution system to convey the resulting electric energy to homes and businesses also takes work.
Is it possible to build some sort of device that one could buy and harness Tesla's zero-point energy directly in their home? Maybe, but that device will not be free and it will likely require some sort of maintenance.
Someone once said there's no such thing as a free lunch. Energy, harnessed and used to do something worthwhile, will never be 'free' but it could cost much less than it does today.
I largely agree with this, in that time is the baseline layer of ultimate energy expression, and is always going to be the "work" we invest in any endeavor of production.
When you have to work for it, it’s still free, no? To raise food say in a field, you must plow, pull other plants (weed) and harvest. All work, but free nonetheless. So if we must work to gain access to energy, it’s free but requires labor. We can’t imagine labor without pay in our current society but that’s my whole point. We contribute, we trade and we benefit from our community efforts. That’s a world I envision.
Power is the ability to do work. Work takes up valuable resources which fundamentally is time. You have a finite time amount. Everything costs time. Everything costs something.
Right. Perspective. There was a time (I should use the word period) when humans spent their days hunting, preparing food, farming and seeing to their shelter needs and preparing for winter or elements brought by the change of seasons. Is this labor?
Absolutely...did they need to trade? Absolutely...trade increases efficiency of production. That's where forms of money come in as a medium between traders. Honest money is best because it doesn't favor one side of any trade. Welcome to #Bitcoin the hardest of decentralized honest money.
I like the idea of trade being goods and services. Here is a cow and six chickens to build me a barn. I’d like to have zero need for currency. We each bring something to the table and can trade our expertise. I would fail miserably building a barn but I have one heck of a green thumb. Hard work and basic needs are harmonic, currency enters the picture and you get the evil element with it. I think simply and would enjoy living that way as well.
That depends on what else you could be doing with your time.
Economists discuss the 'fungibility' of factors of production. For instance you can nail a shingle to a roof using a manual hammer that you can buy for let's say $20 (and it has been a long, long time since I bought my last hammer, so don't hit me too hard on that number), or you can get a compressor and an air-operated nailer for let's say $400. And you can put in 15x as many nails per hour with the powered setup. What you are doing is substituting capital (the extra $380) for labor (reduced by a factor of 15). In general all factors are fungible at least to a first approximation. Your choices may be different than someone else's, for reasons unique to you. But, there is always something else you could be doing with your time, even if it is only taking a nap. That nap might be more valuable to you than the cost of a more time-efficient machine to do a job.
So to consider something free when the only factor (input) is your own labor, and you value your labor at zero, is possible; but in fact few folks actually feel that their labor is worthless. Even if the alternative use is taking a nap.
The commune life can work for small, socially-coherent groups, like a family; but the first time that one of the hippies decides that his 'work' meditating by the river is as valuable as another's work growing and cooking supper, the party is over.
Time. It’s an interesting concept, our steadfast focus of time. I believe we were conditioned to focus on time. I believe the global elites like us working all day (for our money) but also a people with time are dangerous. With time we can congregate, we can innovate, we can plan and organize. I believe our consciousness of time is a deterrent and overly important. Hours of daylight should drive our ambitions such as is the case for animals. When days are long we prepare for shorter days and the upcoming winter elements. The shorter days are days of rest and reflection. Time has become as valuable as currency and enslaves us. Just my opinion.
Labor is necessary to me, for my well being. Even if there’s nothing to do, I’ll find something. And I think I can count on one hand the number of naps I’ve taken in my lifetime. I’m saying it’s a matter of perspective. Your points are excellent but they don’t relate to me. They probably do relate to the majority. I think I’m an old soul. In a previous life I probably had a simple and labor intensive life and I’m really longing for it!
There was an interview on one of the Rugpull Radio episodes with Jeff Booth who talked and had written a book "The Price of Tomorrow" talks about why deflation is the key to an abundant future. Very interesting.
When we break free from the prison the DS Rat Bastards have grown us in the possibilities can blow your mind.
I’d expect this is where the ageless comment, (paraphrased) we don’t appreciate that we don’t work for….comes in..?
Since there is inherent evil in the world, that utopia cannot happen, unless you have a fully transparent weight and measure that insures asset protection and forces the correct incentives on society...#Bitcoin does that.
As someone who is still reaping rewards from Cryptos last bull run, I recommend getting ready to invest little, and get ALOT rich in this next bull run because Blackrock is pushing an ETF, to get approved by the Sec that, if approved, will shatter all records for crypto. If approved, Blackrock will invest heavily to secure it's hedgefunds and grow it. (As the blockchain is a verifiable public ledger, it's more secure from corruption than our fiat currency.) And let's face it, " what Blackrock wants, Blackrock gets" to quote my hubby-Michael Hillyer😉 Thanks BB. 😊 May God guide you to realizing your dream of writing for a living...or a crypto investment that makes that possible 😀
We'll see!
Thanks Deb.
Anything the Deep State invests in, we'll allow them to pump before we seize it all and reap the rewards.
Kudos to you for your willingness to study Bitcoin, BB. I believe Bitcoin is the foundation of The Plan, as you stated. Nothing else can or will happen without an incorruptible, decentralized monetary system in place.
For those sitting in the back, it's called Bitcoin, not blockchain technology or crypto. Those are terms used by people who still don't get it.
Will be a fascinating few years to watch, David. Thanks for reading.
The terms mean different things, that's why people use them.
Dear Lord, how little I know! Thank you for gifting these precious souls to fulfill Your Will for us! God bless you, Joe! Thank you for your ‘role’ and for sharing your gifts with us.🙏🙏
As complicated and complex as your learned, researched, and brilliant explanation may seem----it’s really quite simplistic, if not, obvious if you play with it enough inside your own mind. Dare I say, God like, Biblical?----of course I do. Thanks, I’m sleeping good tonight, and tomorrow night, etc......
Thanks for reading, Ali!