“They think I’m playing a trick on them.”
These were the words—spoken by Donald Trump at one of his many addresses in the lead-up to the 2024 election—that entered my mind most clearly as I watched him put on a masterclass of paradigm seizure and narrative convergence on January 20, 2025.
Trump spoke those words in reference to Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin and other world leaders in an effort to express to his followers—and anyone listening—just how absurd the story of the Biden Administration truly seemed to those who knew the truth that has nested at the heart of the Info War for the better part of a decade.
The truth that we’re in a War of Stories, that the first Trump Administration was one such story, and that it ‘inspired’ the story of the Biden Administration that directly followed it … the term Trump considered his second, in a manner of speaking … even if he “didn’t want the results” of it.
And so, those knowing (and telling) words inspired a theory I’ve hinted at on various podcast appearances since they were uttered, and spoke about at various conferences I’ve attended … though, until now, I hadn’t found the right moment to put it into any sense of structured permanence.
In short, I believe Donald Trump WAS playing a trick … and that he still is. I believe those who matter in the new, emerging multipolar (read: sovereign) world know the trick, and knew it the whole time … and I believe the choice to know it has been ours. And always will be.
And so, we’ve taken our first few steps into what we’re told will be a new American Golden Age to rival or surpass anything that’s come before, which, if you’ve been in the Truth Community for any length of time might recall some of the promises made not just in the era of Trump, but in the era of the Great Awakening, wherein the most effective information dissemination program of all time promised that the patriots behind Donald Trump would be showing us “a new world” we could scarcely imagine.
I explored some of the more fantastical, temporal and even technological readings of that particular refrain in the ongoing Weapons of the Future series, which will be expanding soon, but today, I want to delve into the cognitive realm in which I’m most comfortable, which will always orbit narrative, story and, in keeping with the theme of the also-ongoing Master series, character.
I almost went with a more fantastical header image for this particular piece, but something about the image of Donald Trump sat behind the resolute desk once more, signing Executive Orders while fielding questions from a temporarily-stunned, if not completely mollified media industrial complex struck me for its extraordinary normalcy, a contradiction that is not a contradiction and a beautiful paradox that inspired me to finally sit down and take a crack at elucidating one of my … stranger takes on the Great Awakening, and Trump’s role in it.
All of which is another way of saying, when it comes to Donald Trump in the War of Stories … have you been paying attention to the real war? The one layered over and under the Info War, the Mind War and the Shadow War?
Have you been paying attention to the War of Stories?
If so, this writing won’t so much be a revelation as a confirmation.
If not, you may be in for a treat.
Or … perhaps a trick.
Templates work, which is why I’m going to lay out another one for you today.
As any who’ve been following my writing for a while can attest, I’m quite fond of them, though I call them something different, more in keeping with the themes and motifs of the fifth-generation war we track, follow and even seek to affect so that it might not affect us in ways we don’t see coming:
I refer to Templates in the context of this war as Cognitive Cyphers.
Methods and mechanisms to awakening on both a Micro and, hopefully a Macro scale.
From Narrative Whiplash to Bicameral Thinking, Crisis Cascades to the Sovereign Alliance, the key theme of my writings in keeping with the War of Stories refrain that binds it all together isn’t to project reality, but to make sense of it by attempting to both analyze deployments by any and all sides in the ongoing Info War, but also to lend our own to the proceedings.
The reason templates work is owing to the inherently logical nature of Man, crafted and imbued with the ability to perceive and, should he put in the requisite work and cultivate the proper tuning, to analyze the world around him, all the better to make sense of it, which is to say, to control it. At least, to control his part in it.
If we understand and accept what Donald Trump himself has directly disclosed to us on several occasions—namely, that we have been subjected to illegal psychological operations for generations—then it obviously behooves us to engage with the underlying principles that buoy such operations, and to dissect the mechanisms and logical, rhetorical structures of the deployments that make them up.
And, once again, that doesn’t mean we can’t lend our own deployments to the proceedings. I do think that’s quite the point, after all.
More so, the reason I wanted to focus your mind’s eye on the concept of Templates is owing to the fact that I think there is one core template—one core dialectic—that takes on many forms and that forms the bedrock of most narrative deployments in the War of Stories, used by all sides in this war for the Collective Mind, even when they don’t fully, consciously intend it.
The Template I’m most interested in these days, then, concerns the number THREE, which doesn’t so much have rules layered into it, but that IS a rule, in many manners of speaking.
From the three-act structure common to most of the enduring works of fiction in the western tradition to the Hegelian Dialectic I discuss with frequency in these digital pages, three is synonymous with completion because it is inherent to logical structure in the first place.
To be as blunt and simple as possible, THREE is effective, THREE is memorable and THREE is enduring because THREE works.
Three is the smallest number that allows for the formation and recognition of a pattern—which is another way of saying, one cannot map or even draw a line of comparison, never mind demarcation without doing so in threes.
In order to stitch a thought together, one must consider the rule of three. In order to make something coherent, one must employ the rule of three. In order to start and continue, one must finish.
When it comes to infamous and useful concepts, cyphers … templates like the Hegelian Dialectic (the problem-reaction-solution theorem, as it is commonly understood) work not because they have been designed with some far-reaching genius in mind, but rather because they map what already IS and distill it for easy reading and thus, for easy deploying.
Thesis, antithesis and synthesis doesn’t work because some great thinker thought it should. It works because it tracks in the human mind, and because it collects, collates and converges observable, objective AND subjective ideation within the human mind.
Humans don’t just think in threes, then because to do so is inherently magical or divine—though it most certainly is—but rather because, well, it makes sense to do so. Because one informs another, which resolves and is resolved by the next.
And yet, the most important takeaway from the Rule of Three is owing to the simple fact that it is the structure most apparent and most obvious for the most lay and the most high-minded of persons to map and to project without the need for compartmentalization and complex analysis, even if I’m prone to each.
So, if the Rule of Three can be seen in everything from physics (a triangle is quite literally the strongest support shape, after all,) to religion, and if I’ve written about it extensively in the form of the three-act structure of narrative and of the Hegelian Dialectic that has been wielded both FOR and AGAINST us for generations, what form might it take when applied to one of the greatest stories ever told, that being the story of Donald Trump and the Great American Awakening?
It is this simple and yet, profound Rule of Three that I believe maps onto and was mapped BY both Donald Trump and the patriot ghosts in the sovereign machine at his back … a template that not only allowed him to ensnare the collective attention of the Collective Mind, but also to keep it fixed, locked and engaged before ultimately carrying it toward mass catharsis, which is to say, resolution.
Donald Trump is nothing if not a showman, is he not?
And so, what greater show is there than some of the oldest baked into the western tradition?
But then … everyone love’s a magic trick, don’t they?
Good, because to understand the story of Donald Trump, one needs to first understand the story of magic—the story of stories—as Trump’s Trick in my estimation isn’t about some actual sleight of hand (though there is that, in keeping with the increasingly-provable Devolution theory of my friend
,) but more so in sleight of mind.This ‘Trick’ DOES follow the Rule of Three, and it does come in the form of a story, but it also comes in the form of a show that some might call a movie. And it comes in the form of a performance for the ages.
It’s been said that the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
Well, I’m here to argue that Trump's greatest trick might be remembered as having reversed that spell, and exposed it for the world to see.
But that's not where analogues to magic end when it comes to the story of Donald Trump. In fact, I believe that the patriots behind him have used the Story of Trump in keeping not just with the three-act structure of storytelling, but more specifically, according to the three parts to a magic trick.
And what ARE the three parts to a magic trick?
Well, let’s let one of the most underrated American films of all time (and certainly the least appreciated of Christopher Nolan’s filmography,) The Prestige do the talking for now:
For those reading … the three parts to a magic trick are as follows:
But before delving into each, it is worth remembering that ‘Magic’ is a story, with the next key to understanding why patriots—and Donald Trump—have used it on the American people laying in recognizing that which every great magician—which every great performer—has recognized throughout human history when it comes to all stories:
The audience WANTS to believe it.
And yet … they won't lend that belief over lightly.
The greatest magicians, then, understand that the three parts of a magic trick must first ensnare, then engage and finally CHANGE the mind of the observer.
And he does this by following a time-tested dialectic.
FIRST, the magician unveils THE PLEDGE.
Here, the magician shows his audience something "ordinary," such as a dove.
The dove appears to be normal. For all intents and purposes, the dove IS normal. It is unemcumbered by tricks or traps, blissfully unaware of the show or the story it is the subject of, and yet, immediately draws the interest of the observing audience because of the forming context of the story that orbits it, and the magician who handles it.
In the context of Donald Trump and the Great Awakening, I believe ‘The Pledge’ was the first Trump Administration and the MAGA brand, which was itself a promise, which, in case you hadn’t noticed, is also another word for pledge.
By building his campaign and his base around the MAGA story, Trump reminded the American people of what was once ordinary in the land of the free and the home of the brave, while showing how easy it COULD be to return this nation to its former heights with the right leadership and, perhaps more imporantly, public mandate to see it done.
The first Trump Administration may not have been seen as historic for all the right reasons by a majority of Americans at the time, but with the benefit of hindsight, it most certainly is.
And yet, no matter how bifurcated and segmented the Collective American Mind is—and most importantly, WAS at the time—the PLEDGE inherent in that story cycle stands to all as its most enduring legacy, which some saw as a lie.
The brand was a story. And that story remains.
Donald Trump showed the American people a dove, and through four years of obfuscation and impediment from the Deep State he revealed as a consequence of the show he performed, Trump made what SHOULD have been a rather ordinary term attempting to carry out the Collective Will of the Collective Mind seem surreal, thereby revealing the foreboding and forbidding magic of the play around him, and around us.
The spell we were under, and that the dove was above to fall prey to in the second part of a grand American illusion, one not meant to ensnare in order to trap, but in order to free.
SECOND, the magician enacts THE TURN.
Here, the magician does something extraordinary, for better or worse, often by taking the ordinary thing away from the observing audience.
In other words … he makes the dove disappear.
In the context of the story of Donald Trump and the Great Awakening, this part of the narrative—the ‘trick’—comes clear in the minds of any reading this piece.
In January of 2021 on the back of November 2020, Donald Trump simply ceased to be our president, despite all previous signs of being exactly that.
What’s more, this isn’t because we saw him depart under normal circumstances. It isn’t because we saw the dove take flight from the magician’s hand and fly up into the airy, light and smoke-streaked rafters of the entertainment hall, nor be crushed in a mess of red and white to the shocked horror of those watching in the front row.
No, this ‘disappearance’ was at once shocking in its mechanism as in its arrival. The dove simply was until it was not.
Such a ‘turn,’ though expected by many in the audience nevertheless intrigues them … draws them in. Closer. Closer. Closest.
They might begin to sweat. They might shiver. Some might even begin to jeer in restless anticipation that turns to doubt as the illusion—as the ‘turn’ within the trick extends well beyond its welcome point.
It is at this point wherein the magician—the storyteller—MUST make good on his original Pledge, on the Promise inherent in the three-act structure that also stands as a de facto contract forged between every storyteller and every listener or reader, and in the form of every story told.
Think of the 2020 election rug-pull, which, with the benefit of hindsight, we know Trump not only seeded, but very likely planned, going ‘underground’ as part of the most advanced covert military operation of all time so the seeds of awakening might be germinated by the advent of the Biden era, which we might call the darkness before the light.
And think of that darkness we were told in advance in another great pledge adjacent to the Trump Administration, when the infamous Q Drops told us it was not only coming, but that it was wholly necessary in order to guide the story to where it needed to go.
We were told this and yet, as the months turned to years and the years to a brief and suffocating era of waiting and yearning, some gave up hope. Some got up and left. Some left the magician to his tricks and traps, and by drawing their faith away, left the story and the show unfinished in their own minds, forever breaking the Rule of Three and making catharsis impossible on the Micro, and perhaps more difficult on the Macro.
But not impossible. Not for those that stayed. Not for those that remembered the Pledge and the Promise, and who mapped the Turn and recognized it for what it was, even if they couldn’t pull it apart in order to examine its many pieces … though not for lack of trying.
And so, the Turn results in mass engagement with the story (the illusion) the magician is selling, and most importantly, makes the audience simultaneously doubt and yearn for the return of The Pledge, paving the way for the ultimate resolution, which is to say, the ending of the show.
THIS is where the third and most important part of the magic trick comes into play ...
THIRD, the magician ends with The Prestige.
Here, the magician takes that ordinary thing that was taken away and, against all odds and against some belief, brings it back, not just as it was, but changed for the better.
Transformed and yet, largely the same.
Without the Prestige, the magician is not a magician at all, but a trickster. A storyteller without an ending.
And that, my friends is NOT the sort of movie we're watching.
Donald Trump will not just Make America Great Again because he pledged that he would, but because that pledge is possible. Because he doesn’t need magic to return our sovereign state to one built on truth and transparency, nor to cultivate peace on a global scale, but rather the belief—the knowing—that to do each is possible and so, must be made inevitable.
Now, run the above dialectic along multiple rails, from the American economy to its standing on the world stage, from the war against the globalist Deep State to the war for peace.
What was promised?
What was taken?
Most importantly, what must be returned to the American people?
What has been?
You see, the reason I kicked off this piece with an image of Donald Trump sitting behind the resolute desk, executing the powers of the office the audience—that WE—installed him into, that we Pledged through him, is owing to the fact that the image and the scene takes on added meaning to the observing audience not in spite of, but BECAUSE of the story that led us there.
Because we have seen him sat at that desk before, drawing promises and telling stories.
And now, we see him sat there again after some time away—after he ‘disappeared’ from the public stage for a time that stretched near to the point of breaking the illusion, of breaking the story. He is back, very much the same and yet, changed.
Not because he is different than he was … though perhaps he is.
Not because the story that was promised has diverted from the one ultimately being told.
But rather because the audience has both mapped and been mapped, because the story is alive not just through the performance of its central character—its key cognitive cypher—but rather animated through the collective belief of the Collective Mind.
Why will this time be different, then, as we take the first unhalting steps into a new American Golden Age?
Because we would have it so. Because we would make it so.
Because Donald Trump isn’t selling a story to us, but because we are telling one THROUGH him.
But then … you have been paying attention, have you not? Surely you haven’t missed the trick … like so many have before, both friends and enemies.
Surely you didn’t leave the arena before the end of the show … turned your back as the magician turned his story and turned you along with it.
What is another name for a magic trick?
A spell, and it’s cast in the form of a story with three parts.
How do you counter a spell? By countering the story it rides.
Finally … at what stage of the game do you play the Trump Card?
My friends, as we look ahead to a new era—nay, as we endeavor to forge it, to draw it from the ether and collapse it into the realm of the real—do not do so while holding yourself apart from Donald Trump, which is to say, apart from the magician on the stage.
The reason he performs in front of you is owing to the fact that his spells—that the spells weaved through him—are animated by YOU. They are made OF you.
Donald Trump doesn’t hold the Trump Card. He never did.
He IS the Trump Card, and he was played by us, and for us.
His ride down that golden escalator, then, wasn’t a declaration of war, as myself and many other in this movement have long speculated.
It was a declaration of victory.
The rest, as I always say is a matter of timing, and awakening.
So long as you believe it, and act accordingly.
It’s been said that the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
Unfortunately for him, we're in a War of Stories, and we have better writers.
Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
Bright Retrospective
Perhaps one of my favorite personal pieces of writing in this publication is one of the least-read, and I think that was owing to its more esoteric nature combined with a crazy story cycle at the time (October 2023.) That said, I wanted to bring it back to the surface for long-time readers and expose new arrivals to it.
In ‘Rage and Serenity,’ I used the fictional cyphers of Charles Xavier (Professor X) and Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) to lay out what I believe to be the eternal struggle at the heart of Man, which is being elucidated through the War of Stories.
Do check it out, as I think, like many of these writings, it’s more relevant now than when it was originally conceived.
Is there a path to hope, then? Could peace be an option, after all?
I believe so, and before we pave the way there, I think the Collective Mind is being shown in no uncertain terms what NOT to do, and by an infinitely more cartoonish version of the comic book villains than we’ve ever seen in the pages or reels of X-Men adaptations.
True focus, as Charles Xavier says, lies between rage and serenity.
This philosophical, intellectual and even spiritual clash between hope and doom rules the hearts of men, and may ultimately prove our salvation, or damnation.
To prevent the darkest path, we must first recognize it. To stop the darkest future, we must confront it.
The road to peace begins with the threat of war.
Burning Bright’s goal is to provide a valuable resource for Truth, Discernment and Logic-Based Positivity, and all of my content is free. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a Free or Paid Subscriber.
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ALL members of the growing Bright Army are appreciated.
During the first few days after the 2020 election, I said that Trump would be back in the White House. My friends and family laughed at me. Of course, I meant sooner rather than later at the time. I didn’t know my optimism and what I thought to be the plan would be so painful and take four years (rule of law). We couldn’t simply be told what was happening to us; we had to be shown. Lives are impacted in horrific ways when our God gives us a trial to teach us His way. Our lives in the past four years have been affected in at least THREE ways financially, intellectually, and morally. The frog has been rescued from the pot. Enter the Great Awakening.
Your "Three Act Brilliance" article -- especially where you involve a DOVE -- is a literary gem!!! The word "brilliance" within the title of this article could just as easily be applied to the entirety of this brilliant analysis!!!