During the first few days after the 2020 election, I said that Trump would be back in the White House. My friends and family laughed at me. Of course, I meant sooner rather than later at the time. I didn’t know my optimism and what I thought to be the plan would be so painful and take four years (rule of law). We couldn’t simply be told what was happening to us; we had to be shown. Lives are impacted in horrific ways when our God gives us a trial to teach us His way. Our lives in the past four years have been affected in at least THREE ways financially, intellectually, and morally. The frog has been rescued from the pot. Enter the Great Awakening.

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Exactly what I maintained-Trump would be back, sooner than later. It’s taken the 4 painful years of Biden lies to wake up those scoffers around me.

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Your "Three Act Brilliance" article -- especially where you involve a DOVE -- is a literary gem!!! The word "brilliance" within the title of this article could just as easily be applied to the entirety of this brilliant analysis!!!

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I agree the dove is the key. It represents peace.

In my mind, the dove here also flies. It is Gold and it flew for the first time in 2017 in 650 cargo planes. But, how do you make that much real Gold disappear? One way is to expose it using a noted expert and then never show it again. Poof! Gone. Just like Trump in 2021.

Four years have passed and our economic situation has deteriorated at a record pace. The public is watching, but the Gold is gone! Most never knew it was missing, but what do you do with Trillions of dollars worth of Gold? Some of us have been enthralled by that question. That, to me, is one Hell of a magic trick. Our economy is tanking while we are sitting on a record volume of Gold.

So, here we are at the opening of Act 3. Can the magician make the 650 cargo planes of Gold reappear? I am not even going to watch. I know how this trick works and it isn’t even a trick to begin with.

This is going to change America and, better yet, it is going to change the World. He is going to take us back to before 1913! Now, that is one great trick in my book!

Sit back and enjoy the show! Watch the dollars in your pocket change right before your very eyes. And, it ain’t gonna be magic at work. It will be reality.

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That is very intriguing...and exciting!

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I just hope my analysis is correct. I think Trump can merely replace all existing dollars in circulation with Gold backed dollars. No need for fiat currency any longer. Poof, the Fed disappears!

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I’ve had the position that the debt would be disappeared exactly as it appeared and have never worried about the debt. It is interesting that immediately after Trump taking office, the ‘debt clock’ has been expanded to show much more real time data, including the DOGE stats.


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A lot of the debt can be “disappeared” because it is not really there. The lock box debt is an accounting trick that allowed the politicians to spend entitlement excess instead of paying off debt years ago. So, the lock box hold future debt, not actual debt. Republicans forced Democrats to show the future debt as their way of being honest about the trickery. Unfortunately the public is not that astute and both parties just played us as suckers.

Another part of the debt is held by the Federal Reserve as they monetized the debt. That can be eliminated along with the Fed.

The part of the debt that I think cannot be ignored is the debt held as a part of what has been sold for many decades as part of a sensible retirement plan. That debt will have to be covered as legitimate and paid off with Asset Backed Dollars. The same has to be true for the unfunded liability of our entitlements which is a much bigger problem than the existing debt. That liability cannot be ignored even though it is not on our books yet. That is the real debt trap that no one ever talks about.

The solution is to actually run our government as a business that makes money by selling assets or leasing land for exploration and taking a share of the business as an investor. That can generate $10 to $20 Trillion every year according to Elon Musk. That sounds like a good plan to me since our total budget is under $8 Trillion. That is how a business person deals with a losing proposition.

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Consider your temporal illustration without the element of time and replace Trump’s relatively condensed “trick” with the promised return of the Messiah to restore the world and “all things” to their created intentions. Of course that reality requires faith in the recorded words of a Triune Creator, something far more profound than the awakening referenced in the Q drops.

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You must do it yourself, no one can do it for you, we cannot do it alone. www.orsja.org

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I always think of the Lion,the Witch, and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis, which is also a very good parallel plot for Jesus death, the Lion holds back the “trick” that the witch has forgotten, the Deeper Magic from before the beginning of time. As by that route, he saves Narnia.

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Another anon. Talking without standing. Article I Section 1 is not about pretend.

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an anon has no standing as you must stand and deliver and stand and receive in your own name to have standing as a man or woman on the original jurisdiction of the land and soil. research ARTICLE I Section 1 www.orsja.org

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I also am a fan of templates, and the number three makes a good one, as you’ve described so well. Have you read any CS Lewis? The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe which I mentioned in another comment above, is a three part victory story I love. Lewis also wrote another 3 book series ending with That Hideous Strength which I’ve been thinking I need to reread. 😊 Thanks for the great work.

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My introduction to the rule of threes came just weeks into my career at IBM. I was told to prepare a presentation for management on a subject I do not even remember, but I will never forget the advice a guy gave me concerning the presentation: 1) Quickly tell them what you are going to tell them, 2) Tell them, 3) Quickly remind them about what you told them. That is the key to a great presentation.

There we have the rule of three that makes perfect sense. At least it did to me in 1967.

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That’s perfect, I have a presentation this week at an interview!

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That’s the exact formula I was taught for my career with the AF! Never thought of it this way!

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💥🔥 I love this analogy. Having been part of the Q op since it began, it makes a lot of sense. I'm going to link to this in my next post. ❤️💕

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I probably would have argued against myself until just this very moment. But I now think that the actual climax of this story may have taken place in Butler PA. For me it had been a plot point, but from that time, the story arc has been an unstoppable train descending the mountain toward “home, sweet, home.” The redemption appears to be happening without additional pain and suffering. There may be a bridge out ahead but this article, breaking at the dawn of week 2 makes me doubt it. There will be pain and suffering enough as the collective consciousness rides the dissonant truth wave ahead.

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You may be right, Kelly. I, too, am a little surprised that we did not experience "the big scare event", a major stock market/financial crash, etc., which many predicted, before Trump returned to the a white House. So comforting to know God is in control.

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Amen! 🙏

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BB, this article was FANTASTIC! Explains perfectly what has been going on for who knows how long. Although I am still a little anxious to finally wake up one day, and find that more and more people are finally getting it....after all, that is what we are waiting for here, right? The AWAKENING MINDS of the people...Thanks for this article...I really enjoyed it.

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Beautiful beautiful piece. The Prestige has always been my favorite of the Nolan movies. I played it over and over analyizing key scenes when it first was released.

I am also reminded by the 3 in my brief time in the Sierra Club where they taught us how to read maps by triangulating and matching the mountain peaks to the topographical maps we had to determine our location. The 10 essentials kit always has a good compass too.

Your writings always bring me great images.

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Well played, BB. The Three-Act Brilliance of BB's Grand Illusion. That's why I read.

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Great piece BB. The example laid over the Hegelian Dialectic, and finishing off with X and Mag - this alone is a 5D. You are a change agent.

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All in! We are ALL IN!!!

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Another great read BB. The description of the magic trick and the comparison to the Trump journey crystalizes the current story board.

What a glorious time to be alive and Awake. To have watched this magic trick unfold and to now ne entering the Golden Age is very humbling.

I truly enjoy your work, please keep it coming.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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excellent article, and this is precisely what is occurring; the outcome not in doubt but the delivery steeped in mystery.

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The trick or deceit began with March 1861 and we have had a color of law industrial/military/judicial/legislative/executiv​e/banker/ BAR/royalist/nazi/communist/jihadist/catholic/jesuit/Khazarian/UN/Big Pharma/medical conspiracy complex. Minus the Georgia Guidestones. Out of the color of law, de facto United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc. We removed this malevolent form of martial law on Oregon in 2018 by implementing ex parte Milligan, www.orsja,org

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Well Played!!!

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