It is a daily underlying concern I experience…worrying about the eventual harm caused by the bioweapon jabs to our first responders….in part because I know them locally but also everywhere and all of them across our country. As you said, these are compassionate people who didn’t hesitate to step up and do what they thought was the best t…
It is a daily underlying concern I experience…worrying about the eventual harm caused by the bioweapon jabs to our first responders….in part because I know them locally but also everywhere and all of them across our country. As you said, these are compassionate people who didn’t hesitate to step up and do what they thought was the best thing for others!
I hope with all my heart that they will maintain a good level of basic health until the remedies and, dare I hope cures are found! I believe it can be corrected…there are brilliant minds working on it. So many paths of true healing have been suppressed by the global cabal! The jabs are a certain vibrational frequency and in time the frequency to counter it, to shut down whatever instructions are going on will become known and widespread. There is a Russian biophysicist, Pjotr Garjajev, who discovered how to modify DNA and activate healing using only sound and light frequencies. 🤞
I hold on to this as well. I also believe there is medical tech that has been hidden/withheld from us - certainly nothing to do with pharmaceuticals! I think you are right especially about frequency - something that can be used to heal, or kill - can be used for good, and has been used to hurt us. I will look up Pjotr Grjajev, thank you - I am always looking for that sort of research. You probably already know, but have you read The Invisible Rainbow? Eye-opening to say the least. Also interesting is Veda Austin, who speaks about water - it responds directly to energy and consciousness and the implications are massive for health too:
(I started with Dr. Tom Cowan's book on structured water and got interested in it)
Thank you, Sarah! I have put The Invisible Rainbow on my list of books to read this year. I had not heard of it.
Next on my list though is a book by Leonard Horowitz, 528Hz…which I’ve been meaning to read for ages. I imagine you are familiar with the “conspiracy” back in the 1940s ?, when, through the influence of Nazi Joseph Goebbels, the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations changed the universal tuning from the natural frequency pitch of 432hz to the subtlety discordant 440hz. Len Horowitz has written several books on the frequency of music for healing.
Edgar Cayce said: “Sound will be the medicine of the future”
And I looked up Veda Austin. Her experiments remind me of Emoto’s work : )
It is quite a balancing act…wanting to stay informed with everything MAGA; staying tuned to The Great Awakening; paying attention to the evolving information re the bioweapon jabs; keeping up on the deepstate demise….
And the more spiritual tug I always feel to explore (and more deeply devote myself) to my spiritual path, to concepts of frequency healing, the amazing properties of water, meditation, Light, Sound…
On top of which Time itself seems to be speeding up!!
Thank you too! I knew that they changed the universal tuning to 440 Hz but I didn't know the details of who or when it happened. It was such a revelation to me, because throughout my life I never liked "pop" music, and all my friends thought I was weird for it. I did like certain songs, I don't know why or whether they had any different frequency (probably not any better), but the list has always been extremely short. Now that I know about the frequency change, I like modern music even less. I search out videos with 432 Hz online and play them often - my cat seems to like it too. I also get tinnitus quite often, so I search out "sound baths", especially the ones made for tinnitus, which really really help. Some are 12 hours long, LOL. I play them when I am going to sleep.
My dad played classical piano when I was young, so I do love that music and when I play Classical CDs it doesn't seem to bother me as much. I have no idea if they are tuned to the proper Hz or not though... I will look up Len Horowitz, thanks for that name! And I didn't know Edgar Cayce said that about sound!
Yes Veda Austin I believe was very influenced by Emoto, and then she took it a few steps further and just playing around with it discovered even more.
You are so right, the tugs coming from everywhere! I have to limit my own interaction with the stories about what is (supposedly!) happening. It's way to easy to just waste time reading the narratives, especially people's reactions, all of it - I do think it's important for me to check in and see what's going on, analyze what *I* think, but getting involved on Twitter for instance, talking to other people, posting things... I gotta limit that. Like you just said, the more important thing for me and you and anyone awake, is to live inside our own energy, our own frequency, because that is exactly what is changing the world - we have to move towards the beautiful new world that's coming. So easy to stay stuck in the old sometimes, I admit it! Time is totally speeding up, I was just saying this to my husband the other day! Thank you Featherjourney, for your kind, wise words. It is people like you who resonate with the beautiful, the true, and the good - what the world really IS. Blessings of light to surround you too, I feel blessed to be there together with you!
P.S. I don't know if you are interested in Astrology or not, but I am, at least now I am. In the darkest days of early 2020 I was having my second Saturn Return, and I found an extraordinary woman who does podcasts and videos on YouTube - truly a lightworker who has the most beautiful take on the changes happening to the world. She's a psychic, and I think a true one - I listen to her podcasts when I am going to sleep sometimes too - unlike any other astrologer I have ever seen. Most of them go on about "will you find true love this year?" and crap like that - not this one. She is truly an extraordinary soul. If you are interested, her name is Molly McCord and you can see her channel here:
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your comment / thoughts! Thank you so much, Sarah…
I do like astrology but never delved deeper into it. I’m grateful for the link and will check it out.
On that note, we are coming into The Age of Aquarius, the beginning influences. We as a collective consciousness on the Earth haven’t been here for some 25,000 years! An Age of Knowledge, Truth, Transparency. I find that so uplifting, that cosmic alignment and energies are affecting us in positive ways. All the brainwashing stuff about “climate change” and their ridiculous made-up causes all the while obscuring the cosmic energies coming to our planet.
What a privilege to be here on the Earth at this time, as BB might say, a time of great paradigm shift for humanity.
Btw, I love classical piano music…especially fond of Bach.
Oh my, if you are aware of all that cosmic energy you will love Molly McCord! And HEY, thanks for subscribing to my Substack! I only just got it started and am still in the process of moving old stuff over to it so you will have to bear with me on it, LOL xoxoxo
Country life, gardening, knowing your interest in sound frequencies…
I caught half of Molly’s latest on YT and noticed my own resonance to her description of energies affecting us now, like becoming more mindful of what is most important and devoting oneself to staying on track (tricky with so much going on in the country and how easily that can pull me away from staying focused on my more spiritual inner endeavors!)
Energies from the living sun!
Caught an interview by Mike Adams (HealthRanger) back a few weeks with David Wilcock who said energies will be coming from the sun that will have powerful healing effects for us.
Some of Molly's best vids are her Weekly Energies and her Monday podcasts, but also take a look at her playlist called "The USA Astrology Chart and the Upcoming American Revolution" on YouTube - The U.S. is right now this very minute experiencing it's Pluto Return, which only happens every 248 years - very interesting. She also has a bunch of "Channeled Cosmic Messages for the Decade" there regarding these ten years between 2020-2030 that I've found myself re-listening to again and again. It's amazing what she said about the sun flares this past week - I didn't know they were happening, but I've had so much trouble sleeping this past week and I didn't know why. Last night I listened to one of those 528 videos and went to sleep so much more easily, it was better than my regular go-to sound bath so thank you so much! I am watching your link now, and I have the 528 book on my Amazon list now. Thank YOU for the inspiration! Btw I am a Libra Sun, Pisces Moon, and Pluto has been squaring my Sun for years now, turning my life inside out, LOL. 🥰 ❤️
My husband and I just listened to your Horowitz video, VERY fascinating, all the connections coming up for us between so many things we have learned, especially as regards 432 Hz vs 528 Hz!! Thank you so much for that introduction!
You are very welcome, Sarah. We have helped each other…on a BurningBright post! I’ve always liked your comments on BB, have noticed you going back a ways now…Catch you next time, my friend ❤️
It is a daily underlying concern I experience…worrying about the eventual harm caused by the bioweapon jabs to our first responders….in part because I know them locally but also everywhere and all of them across our country. As you said, these are compassionate people who didn’t hesitate to step up and do what they thought was the best thing for others!
I hope with all my heart that they will maintain a good level of basic health until the remedies and, dare I hope cures are found! I believe it can be corrected…there are brilliant minds working on it. So many paths of true healing have been suppressed by the global cabal! The jabs are a certain vibrational frequency and in time the frequency to counter it, to shut down whatever instructions are going on will become known and widespread. There is a Russian biophysicist, Pjotr Garjajev, who discovered how to modify DNA and activate healing using only sound and light frequencies. 🤞
Good Bless your daughter and You ❤️
I hold on to this as well. I also believe there is medical tech that has been hidden/withheld from us - certainly nothing to do with pharmaceuticals! I think you are right especially about frequency - something that can be used to heal, or kill - can be used for good, and has been used to hurt us. I will look up Pjotr Grjajev, thank you - I am always looking for that sort of research. You probably already know, but have you read The Invisible Rainbow? Eye-opening to say the least. Also interesting is Veda Austin, who speaks about water - it responds directly to energy and consciousness and the implications are massive for health too:
(I started with Dr. Tom Cowan's book on structured water and got interested in it)
xo Thank you so much for your kind words, too ❤️
Thank you, Sarah! I have put The Invisible Rainbow on my list of books to read this year. I had not heard of it.
Next on my list though is a book by Leonard Horowitz, 528Hz…which I’ve been meaning to read for ages. I imagine you are familiar with the “conspiracy” back in the 1940s ?, when, through the influence of Nazi Joseph Goebbels, the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations changed the universal tuning from the natural frequency pitch of 432hz to the subtlety discordant 440hz. Len Horowitz has written several books on the frequency of music for healing.
Edgar Cayce said: “Sound will be the medicine of the future”
And I looked up Veda Austin. Her experiments remind me of Emoto’s work : )
It is quite a balancing act…wanting to stay informed with everything MAGA; staying tuned to The Great Awakening; paying attention to the evolving information re the bioweapon jabs; keeping up on the deepstate demise….
And the more spiritual tug I always feel to explore (and more deeply devote myself) to my spiritual path, to concepts of frequency healing, the amazing properties of water, meditation, Light, Sound…
On top of which Time itself seems to be speeding up!!
Thank you for this conversation, Sarah ❤️
Blessings of beautiful Light to surround you!
I just found Len Horowitz, and am downloading some more sound baths, thank you so much! ❤️
Thank you too! I knew that they changed the universal tuning to 440 Hz but I didn't know the details of who or when it happened. It was such a revelation to me, because throughout my life I never liked "pop" music, and all my friends thought I was weird for it. I did like certain songs, I don't know why or whether they had any different frequency (probably not any better), but the list has always been extremely short. Now that I know about the frequency change, I like modern music even less. I search out videos with 432 Hz online and play them often - my cat seems to like it too. I also get tinnitus quite often, so I search out "sound baths", especially the ones made for tinnitus, which really really help. Some are 12 hours long, LOL. I play them when I am going to sleep.
My dad played classical piano when I was young, so I do love that music and when I play Classical CDs it doesn't seem to bother me as much. I have no idea if they are tuned to the proper Hz or not though... I will look up Len Horowitz, thanks for that name! And I didn't know Edgar Cayce said that about sound!
Yes Veda Austin I believe was very influenced by Emoto, and then she took it a few steps further and just playing around with it discovered even more.
You are so right, the tugs coming from everywhere! I have to limit my own interaction with the stories about what is (supposedly!) happening. It's way to easy to just waste time reading the narratives, especially people's reactions, all of it - I do think it's important for me to check in and see what's going on, analyze what *I* think, but getting involved on Twitter for instance, talking to other people, posting things... I gotta limit that. Like you just said, the more important thing for me and you and anyone awake, is to live inside our own energy, our own frequency, because that is exactly what is changing the world - we have to move towards the beautiful new world that's coming. So easy to stay stuck in the old sometimes, I admit it! Time is totally speeding up, I was just saying this to my husband the other day! Thank you Featherjourney, for your kind, wise words. It is people like you who resonate with the beautiful, the true, and the good - what the world really IS. Blessings of light to surround you too, I feel blessed to be there together with you!
P.S. I don't know if you are interested in Astrology or not, but I am, at least now I am. In the darkest days of early 2020 I was having my second Saturn Return, and I found an extraordinary woman who does podcasts and videos on YouTube - truly a lightworker who has the most beautiful take on the changes happening to the world. She's a psychic, and I think a true one - I listen to her podcasts when I am going to sleep sometimes too - unlike any other astrologer I have ever seen. Most of them go on about "will you find true love this year?" and crap like that - not this one. She is truly an extraordinary soul. If you are interested, her name is Molly McCord and you can see her channel here:
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your comment / thoughts! Thank you so much, Sarah…
I do like astrology but never delved deeper into it. I’m grateful for the link and will check it out.
On that note, we are coming into The Age of Aquarius, the beginning influences. We as a collective consciousness on the Earth haven’t been here for some 25,000 years! An Age of Knowledge, Truth, Transparency. I find that so uplifting, that cosmic alignment and energies are affecting us in positive ways. All the brainwashing stuff about “climate change” and their ridiculous made-up causes all the while obscuring the cosmic energies coming to our planet.
What a privilege to be here on the Earth at this time, as BB might say, a time of great paradigm shift for humanity.
Btw, I love classical piano music…especially fond of Bach.
Thanks again for your inspiration ❤️
Oh my, if you are aware of all that cosmic energy you will love Molly McCord! And HEY, thanks for subscribing to my Substack! I only just got it started and am still in the process of moving old stuff over to it so you will have to bear with me on it, LOL xoxoxo
Easy decision to subscribe : )
Country life, gardening, knowing your interest in sound frequencies…
I caught half of Molly’s latest on YT and noticed my own resonance to her description of energies affecting us now, like becoming more mindful of what is most important and devoting oneself to staying on track (tricky with so much going on in the country and how easily that can pull me away from staying focused on my more spiritual inner endeavors!)
Energies from the living sun!
Caught an interview by Mike Adams (HealthRanger) back a few weeks with David Wilcock who said energies will be coming from the sun that will have powerful healing effects for us.
Thanks for all the inspiration, Sarah!
I’m a Taurean, btw 😊💕
Le Horowitz on the 528hz
Some of Molly's best vids are her Weekly Energies and her Monday podcasts, but also take a look at her playlist called "The USA Astrology Chart and the Upcoming American Revolution" on YouTube - The U.S. is right now this very minute experiencing it's Pluto Return, which only happens every 248 years - very interesting. She also has a bunch of "Channeled Cosmic Messages for the Decade" there regarding these ten years between 2020-2030 that I've found myself re-listening to again and again. It's amazing what she said about the sun flares this past week - I didn't know they were happening, but I've had so much trouble sleeping this past week and I didn't know why. Last night I listened to one of those 528 videos and went to sleep so much more easily, it was better than my regular go-to sound bath so thank you so much! I am watching your link now, and I have the 528 book on my Amazon list now. Thank YOU for the inspiration! Btw I am a Libra Sun, Pisces Moon, and Pluto has been squaring my Sun for years now, turning my life inside out, LOL. 🥰 ❤️
Just caught Molly’s part 5 on the USA astrology chart…So interesting. Thanks ❤️
(Paraphrasing) ‘We are here to restructure and rebuild during this major shift in the Country’
“Your soul knows why you are here at this time”
What a privilege to be on the earth now ❤️
My husband and I just listened to your Horowitz video, VERY fascinating, all the connections coming up for us between so many things we have learned, especially as regards 432 Hz vs 528 Hz!! Thank you so much for that introduction!
You are very welcome, Sarah. We have helped each other…on a BurningBright post! I’ve always liked your comments on BB, have noticed you going back a ways now…Catch you next time, my friend ❤️