You absolutely blow my mind every time you write. But this time you touched something deep inside. Something I can't explain. I cried. I laughed. I don't even know how to explain how great this story is. You SIR BB are a genius!! Thank you so much for this writing. This needs to be printed in the history books. I mean that sincerely. . I'm going to print this out to read whenever I'm down. If it's ok with you. Please don't ever stop writing.
I followed Q as a curiosity...I dug when I had questions..I talked about it to my friends who dismissed it and me. Your article was emotional for me, it put into eloquent words exactly how I feel. I will always be grateful to Q for opening my eyes to the truth of this world. WWG1WGA is not just a slogan for me it is how I live my life.
I've not delved in to the world of Q yet. Most days my head already wants to burst as I'm trying furiously to absorb/read/learn. Where do I find him/his writings? Searched Q Drops on substack only to see others posts re: his work. TIA :)
1000%...blows my mind at the incredible and amazing God given gift of writing and inspiring the truth movement to hold the line, press on and never give up...we are winning because God always wins! Thank you, BB for the incredible work you do!
Spot on "sandycrafter" ! It did the very same to me as well . It reached deep into my patriot spirit and gave it quite the stir . The teary eyed , tight throated ardent stir of hope and exhortation . Something that eludes explanation . Loved it ! God Bless you fellow Patriot !
In early 2020, I dove headfirst off the high dive down, deeply into my first rabbit hole. The horror of learning the truth about the system of systems was a palling, but at the same time freeing, because I was finally learning the truth! To this day, I dig on And I will never go back. More truth every day, sharing with all of you, brings me the hope and the confidence that we are forging an incredible future together!  In mid 2020, my hope was  a small pilot light, but now, the fire rages, and burns brightly!
It was also about the same time for me. I will never forget a vacation my husband and I took to the Bahamas and we were in the resort pool with drinks in hand, did I say it was a great vacy?, anyway I was talking to a couple from England and we were talking about Q when hubby waded up to insert himself into our conversation and promptly started stepping on my foot to get me to stop talking. Well I had had enough and confronted him in front of the couple and told him to stop stepping on my foot because it hurt and that this was a conversation for Q believers and that he needed to swim off! So freeing!! But I did let him stay and he has never done that to me again. He believes Q now! How could he not!
‘ 58 years ago on Christmas Eve 1963 , after the assassination of President Kennedy, 77 US Generals came together and the plan to save the world was born ( the Q Movement). Three months later 133 Generals became part of Operation Freedom Eagle 35. That Q movement has spread to 22 Nations and 1600 Generals who are now part of the Alliance or White Hats.l’. I saw this posted on Truth Social a couple of days ago and took a picture of it.
I really enjoy reading your articles. Happy New Year.
"The cabal is a group of people that have had complete control of the Earth and its people for a very long time. They control through their passion to own land, hoarding ungodly amounts of valuables, controlling the leaders of the world, and doing it by any means necessary. For them to do this they have to rid themselves of all morals, destroy their own spirit and let the demons of the underworld control them. The demons and false gods they praise and sacrifice for have been in existence since the dawn of time."
I would not be surprised to learn that White Hat ruminations were going on regarding what has become the Q Movement well before 1963. Evil has been with us since the birth of civilization.
Can you please give me the TS account where you saw this? Most interesting set of dates, numbers, facts, about something I’ve vaguely heard about. Thanks for sharing. I thought about the famous video of Trump surrounded by military men and women when he said, “The Calm Before the Storm”. That must be them.
No problem. We all are on the same team. If you follow- TheRoodBridge- He stated ‘there‘a alot more to Putin that meets the eye’. Then Tommymac171 replied to him with the information that I stated. I retruthed it JLynnDar.
I love that you made note of the fact that many people were already Anons, already digging, already searching for the truth before Q came along. We just didn't know about each other, we didn't know there was hope, we didn't know there was invisible coordination and fighting, we didn't know we could be organized ourselves. My whole life I read "alternative" media because a member of my family did, but I didn't know how to evaluate it as the dialectic it was, or how to begin parsing out and thinking for myself until recent years. When I started digging into 9/11 in 2004, and the banking system in 2006, I was so alone. Truth-telling blogs would inevitably get taken over by [them] and twisted, I fell for the new dialectics sometimes, I did NOT have hope. I was just a weirdo. Other people told me I was crazy, so I didn't talk about it, and it was overwhelming. It was a very dark time and I lived in a lot of fear before Q came along and made me see that I wasn't alone. And at the same time Q was making me see just how big the Evil was, it was also making me see there was an army of Good out there too, one that I could join. You seriously made me cry with your observation. I wasn't crazy, I was just doing the best I could on my own, and now I'm not alone anymore.
Sarah, you just made me cry as it seems so many of us could relate to your story being our how wonderful it is to actually know we have been on the right track and united with people of the same mind and heart...
p.s. I laugh about it now that my family chipped in and bought me the Conspiracy board I laughed when they gave it to me...maybe when their eyes can see the truth, we will play that game together....
❤️ I hope you get to play that game with them soon! I am waiting for the day my daughter finally opens up her consciousness. She's a paramedic/firefighter and the medical world's indoctrination worked against her - she can't yet see the full truth about Covid. Plus in 2020 she married into a very left-wing family that is greatly influencing her perceptions. Right now though she is away for a year in Army flight training, so she's spending a lot of time away from them. Fingers crossed this coming year will change things...
It's hard to overstate how dark and terrifying it was to face down the truth alone - that the world is run by pyschopathic child rapists, that they are in the process of killing us, that we were caught in a financial trap. I spent a lot of time learning homesteading and survival skills, learning to hide under the radar, how to protect my family, etc - I wasn't going to go down without a fight. It's a good thing that at the time I didn't know the weapons [they] had would have made all of my preparations useless - there are plenty of things I didn't find out about until after I read Q - things like Directed Energy Weapons and the new tech. The scope of the truth just continues to keep getting bigger and bigger...
My husband is a retired fire chief and recently (thanks to the bioweapon jabs!) retired paramedic. It took him years to accept that 9/11 was an inside job…he just couldn’t wrap his head around it, that our government could do this to us. Ironically, it was the NYC firefighters and first responders who, in that first year after 9/11, contributed to my own awakening. Back then, there wasn’t hardly any censoring on YouTube and NYC first responders were bravely voicing their suspicions that the “story” being fed to us wasn’t adding up.
He tried to caution members of our local FD about the jabs but the new chief was full steam ahead and more than 90% of the dept got their double jabs and the 1st booster.
9/11 was my awakening and the beginning of countless rabbit hole dives…
But BB is so right, Q gave us Hope…brought us together as seekers of Truth and the Collective Mind became a vibrant counter force… unstoppable!
What an amazing time to be on the Earth…Awake ❤️🇺🇸🌎
This is one of the most insidious aspects of this sick narrative they are selling - it turns the very best of people into promoters of it. The very people who care so much about other people that they are willing to risk their lives for them, they aim their propaganda directly at them - making them believe that complying and distributing the poison is the loving, heroic thing to do. It's so sick, turning these wonderful people - nurses too - against their own true principles and compassion. I see it in my daughter, her own FD went full vax too. I begged her not to take any of them and I haven't had the courage to ask her if she ever got any "boosters"... I admit it's the one thing I can't face.
Those incredible NYC Firefighters were integral to my own wake up too - I remember YouTube back then! It was wide open and you could find all kinds of eyewitness videos - some I have since learned were planted, but most were real back then. (All the real ones were deleted of course.) I'm very glad your husband took the stand that he did and chose his health over policy! It is an amazing time here on Earth, and I have SUCH a joyful expectation inside of me for what is coming, don't you? It's like nothing I've ever experienced before!
It is a daily underlying concern I experience…worrying about the eventual harm caused by the bioweapon jabs to our first responders….in part because I know them locally but also everywhere and all of them across our country. As you said, these are compassionate people who didn’t hesitate to step up and do what they thought was the best thing for others!
I hope with all my heart that they will maintain a good level of basic health until the remedies and, dare I hope cures are found! I believe it can be corrected…there are brilliant minds working on it. So many paths of true healing have been suppressed by the global cabal! The jabs are a certain vibrational frequency and in time the frequency to counter it, to shut down whatever instructions are going on will become known and widespread. There is a Russian biophysicist, Pjotr Garjajev, who discovered how to modify DNA and activate healing using only sound and light frequencies. 🤞
I hold on to this as well. I also believe there is medical tech that has been hidden/withheld from us - certainly nothing to do with pharmaceuticals! I think you are right especially about frequency - something that can be used to heal, or kill - can be used for good, and has been used to hurt us. I will look up Pjotr Grjajev, thank you - I am always looking for that sort of research. You probably already know, but have you read The Invisible Rainbow? Eye-opening to say the least. Also interesting is Veda Austin, who speaks about water - it responds directly to energy and consciousness and the implications are massive for health too:
(I started with Dr. Tom Cowan's book on structured water and got interested in it)
I have run into these "truth telling" blogs as well. Everything beautifully and clearly laid out and explained and then suddenly veers way off base into scurrilous sources with no thought or careful analysis. I think these are the DS who write these blogs. They have a pulse on the information that is being shared so they take it, share some incredibly accurate information to keep you going, and then turn crazy to totally discredit not just your information but also your prized source of that information. In this way, you can't share the truths without looking like an insane conspiracy theorist. An insult that vies only with racist as horror/shame inducer to the masses.
This is all a part of the Information War. Remember in a war [they] get a say as well. [They] are not just going to sit there and take it, getting smacked up one side and then another, without reacting.
The important thing is what we learn from [their] reactions. Which is, [they] are losing, we are winning, and [they] are desperate. But, and this is important, we must realize [they] will fight on. To the last Ukrainian if need be, to their last breath. Because if (i.e., when) they lose, they know that they will NOT like the way it ends. Nuremberg will look like child's play and [they] know it.
Yes, and they appear to have exploded in number since Q started. Now they just come and go, individuals gain followers who realize they are bogus and leave, as new followers arrive. It's almost a rite of passage or something, into learning how easily led we are. It's part of learning to think for ourselves!
I enjoy your writing and I love even better your conversations with Kyle. Of all Badlands stuff those conversations imo are the very best. Two insightful, intuitive people drilling down and delivering gold.
Wow, this is one of the very best articles I have ever read! Thank you for putting it in this perspective! Hope is one of the Brightest things you can have. Thanks for reminding us ❤️.
I heard General Flynn’s recent comment’s about Q on that PodCast and all I could think about was his and Boone Cutler’s new book “The Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare”. Introduction to 5GW. It was almost like his way of Narrative Seeding to the next stage in the Truth movement. In any case Sir, you tie it all together with this, another excellent piece! Thank you!
It made me realize that Socrates, the inventor of western civilization, was the first psy op. In 450 BC.
“An enigmatic figure, Socrates authored no texts and is known mainly through the posthumous accounts of classical writers, particularly his students Plato and Xenophon. These accounts are written as dialogues, in which Socrates and his interlocutors examine a subject in the style of question and answer; they gave rise to the Socratic dialogue literary genre.”
Human thought (or the collective mind if you will) is the most powerful force in the world, because it can harness human energy like nothing else.
Which is why losing their power over human thought poses an existential threat to the enemy.
Which is why we are about to witness the mother of all conflicts, for which, as you rightly observed, what has come so far will have been our training.
We, both as a nation and as a movement, are about to take the Enemy’s version of Paul Atreides’ Gom Jabbar pain test. At all cost we must never forget that the pain box is actually empty. Another psy op.
The Socratic method is about independent, critical thinking…clearly the enemy to the global mafia / DeepState control through censorship and propaganda.
You are so right…independent thinkers, questioning [their] narrative and joining the ranks of independent thinkers into a collective energy of truth is “the existential threat to the enemy”!
I remember how shocked I was a decade or so ago learning all about Common Core and discovering that our universities/colleges were no longer a 50/50 balance of “liberal” vs conservative professors. The imbalance was heavily favoring the “liberal” progressive agenda. So much for honoring the Socratic method!…and here we are…DeSantis bringing Light, bringing back the conservative mindset to the New College of Florida…and oh my, how the Left is going crazy over that!
BB I’m grateful for you “taking the tiger by the tail” and addressing this topic. I watched General Flynn’s interview, he took a bite out of the host, he appeared distressed, he even lumped Qanon with BLM. He more or less called us stupid for allowing ourselves to fall for such a story, he said he can’t believe many still believe. I turned it off after a few minutes. I have allowed myself to digest what I heard. And here you are this morning addressing what no one wants to talk about. The elephant in the room, what is Q?
Your article, eloquently dances around this epic question. So beautifully articulated and fulfilling. Your words quieted the demons in my head.
Again, study Flynn in the interview, his tone and body language is very telling. I plan to watch it turning the sound off. He has a great deal of purpose, he’s at work in this video. You’ll see it.
Q is a doorway, as I mentioned earlier here in a reply. We will each enter it, doesn’t matter if you’ve read the Q drops, enough of us have, we each walked through the door with one sole intent, we greet the newcomers with love, warmth, and an abundance of hope. We are the light, we seek the truth, we can be trusted, we have your back. We have a unified journey to embark on, doesn’t matter when you jump in as a newcomer. Where we go one, we go all.
BB certainly does have a way of 'reading the waves;' most notably I believe in the comments from his readers. Day after day I see him responding to those comments, not directly (which he also often does in the Comments section) but by sensing the deepest feelings in his readers' hearts and coming up with yet another excellent piece, addressing those emotions and concerns and tying it all together in a way that helps us all to better understand where we are coming from and more importantly, where we are going. In that, he is truly a master. It is no wonder that those who have found this substack return loyally. Burning Bright is our guiding light.
I do believe “Nothing can stop what is coming and WWG1WGA!” When it its all over, Cabal exposed and justice prevails, the one important thing we will all have in common that carry’s most of us into the future is a “Great Awakening of the Truth” of our government. We as Patriotic Americans both Republican and yes even some Democrats, will never approach government without great skepticism! The one thing that got us here was putting blind trust in our government.
Excellent, as always BB. When I heard Gen Flynn dress down Seth on Man in America, I winced a little, but then laughed because ... What else could Flynn, Kash, etal possibly say??? I recalled Seth being onboard with Q months back (I think), and he had to take this spanking awkwardly. "Is your audience really that stupid?" lol, Seth blushed and took it well. Here's an obvious point: Both the Q narrative and the Devolution actual events require the same thing to succeed more than anything else. Bottom line: INDIVIDUALS MUST TAKE ACTION. Why would Flynn want Joe Schmoe to spend 40 hours understanding either concept, then fall complacent and rely on a theory? To your point, that's what Anons are wired for, and are teaching the Joes through the media takeover: Truth Social, reformed Twitter, Substack, etc while the MSM grows less trustworthy by the day. Average Joe is required to follow their gut and their talents because, as Flynn puts it "Local Action Equals National Impact."
Q and Devolution don't end at the top. They must manifest at the bottom, and the digital warriors are paving the way for Joe Schmoe Activist to engage the swamp creatures in his own backyard. It's a great time to be awake! Can't wait for tonight's show!
As always a very well written article and great analysis of Q BB! I read the article and went back to the Gen. Flynn interview afterwards. I don’t under the need to trash Q or Anons no matter how he views the Q op. Exactly what you said, no matter the intentions of Q originally it has awakened masses of people. I do not believe that without Q or the Anons I would be awake at all. I fully admit I needed info thrown in my face and explained before I fully woke up. I went down many rabbit holes whether true or false and learned to hone my discerning skills. I hate that someone of Flynn’s status and intelligence can’t at least admit Q did a great service for our country and indeed the world. Without Q many people would still be be looking for answers on Fox News. Because of Q we have great citizen journalists who tell the truth with documentation and in-depth analysis. I can now listen to the mockingbird media and immediately recognize BS. I can also listen to “anons” and hear BS there also. The important factor is I have learned to discern fake from real, truth from lies and how to not believe the first thing I hear. Whatever Qs original motive, I believe they have done the world a great service. Thank you BB for your insight. I appreciate you and those like you more than I can say. I do not have time for the recent infighting and am so thankful I have places to go where information is more important than tearing down those with differing opinions. After all, we are all just trying to find the truth and act accordingly. Blessings.
I totally understand what you are saying and how you feel. It's hard to hear someone like Flynn say that stuff. I think people like Flynn are not speaking for our ears though - they have parts to play in this movie. They know that Anons don't need validation precisely because we know how to parse and discern.. Flynn is trusting us to see the truth without his help. Same with others like Kash, Nunes, et al.
Right on brother. I look forward to all discussions with you, Jon, and the rest of the gang. Have been a Q follower since day one. I'm a registered nurse now for 45+ years and have known what the medical community has been doing to people since my first day at work. From shock treatments to now the killing of innocent patients with the supposed COVID. Thank God I was already retired and didn't have to resign, which I would have immediately. The local hospital wanted a mandate to have all medical personnel vaccinated. I told them to all walk out. Thankfully they took my advice and did so. The hospital didn't stay shut for long. The hospital in my community has been bought by a larger corporation, we will see how that turns out. Hopefully, better. Since I was a child, when Kennedy was assassinated as well as his brother, MLK, and countless others, from Waco to Ruby Ridge and even the Native Americans, which I am a descent of, have been in question into the motives of all the government dealings since then. I read autobiographies in high school on Hitler, JFK, Churchill etc. you get the jest. Many of my friends wondered about me. Thought I was a conspiracy theorist. Oddly enough most of those "theories" have come to be true. Just saying. I've questioned vaccines all my life and hardly taken any, except the polio vaccine when I started to school. I've had all the childhood diseases. My immune system is tops. I grew up a very good athlete in women's sport. Was given a scholarship in track and field but chose nursing instead. I knew the need for good health care and have served my profession well. I became a Nurse Manager for Surgical Services in several hospitals throughout the south and became a patient rights advocate. Needless to say, I've speculated as to who Q really is. I thought maybe Chris Miller and his gang, General Flynn, even Trump himself. Who knows, but you are right, a damn good psy op. Whomever it is, they are opening people's eyes. Mine have been open a long time. Thank God. Maybe God has a hand in this to guide whoever is writing these drops. It's a mystery to me that since 2017 that things dropped are really coming true. Odd don't you think. I think it can be God inspired. He is the only one that could know the future. Good writing, good reading that is thoughtful and well taken my me. Continue forward soldier and faithful patriot, as well as me. Have a blessed day full of HOPE for the future and for the children, because they are coming for them.
I became very depressed yesterday listening to an interview with the girlfriend of a J6 prisoner. I could not face the reality that our government would commit such an atrocity against its own people! And that no lawyer, no Senator, no Supreme Court Justice, no military --- not even Trump can penetrate that DC prison to free these people from the squalor and cruel and unusual punishment of the DC gulag. In past wars, we watched brave special ops free POWs in foreign lands where evil dictators rule. We expect these atrocities by dictator terrorists, but in a jail in our very own Capital? BB, I am glad we are Q and awake to all these horrors committed by those hell-bent on destroying the values and rights our forefathers fought to protect. But I wish we had superpowers.
We do, Julianne. Together, nothing can stop us. The more of us there are (and we are growing every day), the more powerful we become. That is why [they] are so worried. [They] have never faced such a well-informed and united enemy in the over 2000 years of their existence.
Hopefully powerful enough to rescue these desperate souls rotting in these prisons. Imagine the psychological, emotional and physical trauma! 2 years this man waits for just the minimum - a bond hearing, decent food, sanitary space without bugs and worse, time to see daylight and other people. It's so sad that this is allowed for 5 minutes, nevermind 2 years! The guards should be prosecuted for torture.
I found Q very early (pre 2020), and immediately became fascinated with the questions and drops. Although I didn’t understand all of them, the pieces became important and more understood as the months and then years went by. How fortunate for me to have found Q.
I realize now that the discovery journey I went on helped me feel more secure in my life. I felt more like me - if that makes sense. I must have been one of those people that was dying to wake up.
Like someone paying forward a gift, I used my awakening to alert others. Most of the time I could tell they WANTED to believe, but somehow it was still a bridge too far for them to cross.
Nevertheless, that journey continued to give me hope and a feeling of purpose for the Patriotic feelings I already had within me.
It is with great gratitude and love that I say thank you BB for shining a light onto those feelings and images with your beautiful writing. And the comments - I wish I could meet these wonderful people in person and smile at them and say - Yea, me too!
Exposure, disclosure, justice. I wish it moved faster but have faith that those responsible will face justice both here on earth, and celestial justice. Another example of man's inhumanity to man -- and the eternal wisdom of the Founders, trying to limit the powers of the US government to the minimum necessary.
Because 'power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely' -- Lord Acton
Hey, I saw this today: article dated December 16, 2021: The U.S. Marshals Service conducted a surprise inspection last month at the Central Treatment Facility and the Central Detention Facility in southeast Washington.
Though the U.S. Marshals concluded conditions in the D.C. jail are so poor that 400 inmates held there will be transferred to a federal prison in Pennsylvania, the inspection at CTF, which houses an estimated 120 federal detainees, including roughly 40 defendants in pretrial custody related to alleged offenses stemming from events that took place on Jan. 6 at the U.S. Capitol, “did not identify conditions that would necessitate the transfer of inmates from that facility at this time." So many fancy words, so much time passed in prison hellhole.
We are FAMILY! It has been an exciting journey: Trump > Q > Wictor > Jon > Kyle > BB and so many other great patriots!!!!! Even if our family and friends can't accept the truth yet, we always have our PATRIOT FAMILY!!!!!!!
The Q Op is like a person who has been sleeping for many years, until one day this guy (named Q) comes along, taps you on the shoulder firmly and says, "Wake up!" Some people have trouble waking up from a very deep sleep, but others wake up immediately. Regardless, it's working. Another great analysis, BB.
You absolutely blow my mind every time you write. But this time you touched something deep inside. Something I can't explain. I cried. I laughed. I don't even know how to explain how great this story is. You SIR BB are a genius!! Thank you so much for this writing. This needs to be printed in the history books. I mean that sincerely. . I'm going to print this out to read whenever I'm down. If it's ok with you. Please don't ever stop writing.
Thank you very much for your support, Sandy. As long as folks like you are here, I'll write.
I followed Q as a curiosity...I dug when I had questions..I talked about it to my friends who dismissed it and me. Your article was emotional for me, it put into eloquent words exactly how I feel. I will always be grateful to Q for opening my eyes to the truth of this world. WWG1WGA is not just a slogan for me it is how I live my life.
Glad to be of service, Julie.
Spot on...this is truly how we live our lives now...well said!
I've not delved in to the world of Q yet. Most days my head already wants to burst as I'm trying furiously to absorb/read/learn. Where do I find him/his writings? Searched Q Drops on substack only to see others posts re: his work. TIA :)
You can read them all here, sorting by first:
Me too Julie!
1000%...blows my mind at the incredible and amazing God given gift of writing and inspiring the truth movement to hold the line, press on and never give up...we are winning because God always wins! Thank you, BB for the incredible work you do!
God always wins, because God is Truth.
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me."
-- John 14:6 (RSV)
Thanks Nancy!
P.S. I cried too!
Spot on "sandycrafter" ! It did the very same to me as well . It reached deep into my patriot spirit and gave it quite the stir . The teary eyed , tight throated ardent stir of hope and exhortation . Something that eludes explanation . Loved it ! God Bless you fellow Patriot !
Thanks Robert!
Made me cry too!!!
haha it was a good kind of cry :)
See what did I say, FUNNY!
I had those same heartfelt *tears* too...
My bad!
I agree!
I agree sandyCrafter, that BB is a genius & telling us the way things really are.
Thank you Paul!
In early 2020, I dove headfirst off the high dive down, deeply into my first rabbit hole. The horror of learning the truth about the system of systems was a palling, but at the same time freeing, because I was finally learning the truth! To this day, I dig on And I will never go back. More truth every day, sharing with all of you, brings me the hope and the confidence that we are forging an incredible future together!  In mid 2020, my hope was  a small pilot light, but now, the fire rages, and burns brightly!
Same here ! No fear anymore either ! We have excellent allies, both here in North America and worldwide !!
Fear is the mind-killer.
Me too Kat.. around the same time too! you said it perfectly in a “nut shell” thank you & God Bless🙏
Thanks for reading, Carol.
Together we win.
And win we will. Thank you BB. This was inspirational.
Thanks for reading Janna.
About the same time for me also!!!! Amazing isn't it???
It sure is!!
It was also about the same time for me. I will never forget a vacation my husband and I took to the Bahamas and we were in the resort pool with drinks in hand, did I say it was a great vacy?, anyway I was talking to a couple from England and we were talking about Q when hubby waded up to insert himself into our conversation and promptly started stepping on my foot to get me to stop talking. Well I had had enough and confronted him in front of the couple and told him to stop stepping on my foot because it hurt and that this was a conversation for Q believers and that he needed to swim off! So freeing!! But I did let him stay and he has never done that to me again. He believes Q now! How could he not!
‘ 58 years ago on Christmas Eve 1963 , after the assassination of President Kennedy, 77 US Generals came together and the plan to save the world was born ( the Q Movement). Three months later 133 Generals became part of Operation Freedom Eagle 35. That Q movement has spread to 22 Nations and 1600 Generals who are now part of the Alliance or White Hats.l’. I saw this posted on Truth Social a couple of days ago and took a picture of it.
I really enjoy reading your articles. Happy New Year.
This here, I truly believe. This coalition began when Kennedy was assassinated.
It makes sense. Anonfamous's substack explains that the origins of the Cabal predate the birth of Christ:
Quite an interesting read. (edit: add excerpt):
"The cabal is a group of people that have had complete control of the Earth and its people for a very long time. They control through their passion to own land, hoarding ungodly amounts of valuables, controlling the leaders of the world, and doing it by any means necessary. For them to do this they have to rid themselves of all morals, destroy their own spirit and let the demons of the underworld control them. The demons and false gods they praise and sacrifice for have been in existence since the dawn of time."
I would not be surprised to learn that White Hat ruminations were going on regarding what has become the Q Movement well before 1963. Evil has been with us since the birth of civilization.
The story is bigger than most of us could imagine.
Agree 💯 Wild Bill!
Reptilian brain set
Most likely.
I have theorized this idea out of my research over the last few years. To see it in black and white struck me like a wrecking ball.
I didn't have actual numbers, dates, or much physical proof, but it just made sense after the events of 11/22/63.
That day the world changed.
That day was a turning point in the future of humanity.
There's a damn good reason why the grounds of the JFK memorial are shaped like a Q. And this is the reason in my opinion.
Thank you for reading, DDS!
Thank you for all of your hard work!
Can you please give me the TS account where you saw this? Most interesting set of dates, numbers, facts, about something I’ve vaguely heard about. Thanks for sharing. I thought about the famous video of Trump surrounded by military men and women when he said, “The Calm Before the Storm”. That must be them.
Hi Wendy:
No problem. We all are on the same team. If you follow- TheRoodBridge- He stated ‘there‘a alot more to Putin that meets the eye’. Then Tommymac171 replied to him with the information that I stated. I retruthed it JLynnDar.
Have a wonderful day.
I follow him too! Got to go back and look for that.
I love that you made note of the fact that many people were already Anons, already digging, already searching for the truth before Q came along. We just didn't know about each other, we didn't know there was hope, we didn't know there was invisible coordination and fighting, we didn't know we could be organized ourselves. My whole life I read "alternative" media because a member of my family did, but I didn't know how to evaluate it as the dialectic it was, or how to begin parsing out and thinking for myself until recent years. When I started digging into 9/11 in 2004, and the banking system in 2006, I was so alone. Truth-telling blogs would inevitably get taken over by [them] and twisted, I fell for the new dialectics sometimes, I did NOT have hope. I was just a weirdo. Other people told me I was crazy, so I didn't talk about it, and it was overwhelming. It was a very dark time and I lived in a lot of fear before Q came along and made me see that I wasn't alone. And at the same time Q was making me see just how big the Evil was, it was also making me see there was an army of Good out there too, one that I could join. You seriously made me cry with your observation. I wasn't crazy, I was just doing the best I could on my own, and now I'm not alone anymore.
Q unified us. It didn't create us.
Thanks Sarah.
Sarah, you just made me cry as it seems so many of us could relate to your story being our how wonderful it is to actually know we have been on the right track and united with people of the same mind and heart...
p.s. I laugh about it now that my family chipped in and bought me the Conspiracy board I laughed when they gave it to me...maybe when their eyes can see the truth, we will play that game together....
❤️ I hope you get to play that game with them soon! I am waiting for the day my daughter finally opens up her consciousness. She's a paramedic/firefighter and the medical world's indoctrination worked against her - she can't yet see the full truth about Covid. Plus in 2020 she married into a very left-wing family that is greatly influencing her perceptions. Right now though she is away for a year in Army flight training, so she's spending a lot of time away from them. Fingers crossed this coming year will change things...
It's hard to overstate how dark and terrifying it was to face down the truth alone - that the world is run by pyschopathic child rapists, that they are in the process of killing us, that we were caught in a financial trap. I spent a lot of time learning homesteading and survival skills, learning to hide under the radar, how to protect my family, etc - I wasn't going to go down without a fight. It's a good thing that at the time I didn't know the weapons [they] had would have made all of my preparations useless - there are plenty of things I didn't find out about until after I read Q - things like Directed Energy Weapons and the new tech. The scope of the truth just continues to keep getting bigger and bigger...
My husband is a retired fire chief and recently (thanks to the bioweapon jabs!) retired paramedic. It took him years to accept that 9/11 was an inside job…he just couldn’t wrap his head around it, that our government could do this to us. Ironically, it was the NYC firefighters and first responders who, in that first year after 9/11, contributed to my own awakening. Back then, there wasn’t hardly any censoring on YouTube and NYC first responders were bravely voicing their suspicions that the “story” being fed to us wasn’t adding up.
He tried to caution members of our local FD about the jabs but the new chief was full steam ahead and more than 90% of the dept got their double jabs and the 1st booster.
9/11 was my awakening and the beginning of countless rabbit hole dives…
But BB is so right, Q gave us Hope…brought us together as seekers of Truth and the Collective Mind became a vibrant counter force… unstoppable!
What an amazing time to be on the Earth…Awake ❤️🇺🇸🌎
This is one of the most insidious aspects of this sick narrative they are selling - it turns the very best of people into promoters of it. The very people who care so much about other people that they are willing to risk their lives for them, they aim their propaganda directly at them - making them believe that complying and distributing the poison is the loving, heroic thing to do. It's so sick, turning these wonderful people - nurses too - against their own true principles and compassion. I see it in my daughter, her own FD went full vax too. I begged her not to take any of them and I haven't had the courage to ask her if she ever got any "boosters"... I admit it's the one thing I can't face.
Those incredible NYC Firefighters were integral to my own wake up too - I remember YouTube back then! It was wide open and you could find all kinds of eyewitness videos - some I have since learned were planted, but most were real back then. (All the real ones were deleted of course.) I'm very glad your husband took the stand that he did and chose his health over policy! It is an amazing time here on Earth, and I have SUCH a joyful expectation inside of me for what is coming, don't you? It's like nothing I've ever experienced before!
It is a daily underlying concern I experience…worrying about the eventual harm caused by the bioweapon jabs to our first responders….in part because I know them locally but also everywhere and all of them across our country. As you said, these are compassionate people who didn’t hesitate to step up and do what they thought was the best thing for others!
I hope with all my heart that they will maintain a good level of basic health until the remedies and, dare I hope cures are found! I believe it can be corrected…there are brilliant minds working on it. So many paths of true healing have been suppressed by the global cabal! The jabs are a certain vibrational frequency and in time the frequency to counter it, to shut down whatever instructions are going on will become known and widespread. There is a Russian biophysicist, Pjotr Garjajev, who discovered how to modify DNA and activate healing using only sound and light frequencies. 🤞
Good Bless your daughter and You ❤️
I hold on to this as well. I also believe there is medical tech that has been hidden/withheld from us - certainly nothing to do with pharmaceuticals! I think you are right especially about frequency - something that can be used to heal, or kill - can be used for good, and has been used to hurt us. I will look up Pjotr Grjajev, thank you - I am always looking for that sort of research. You probably already know, but have you read The Invisible Rainbow? Eye-opening to say the least. Also interesting is Veda Austin, who speaks about water - it responds directly to energy and consciousness and the implications are massive for health too:
(I started with Dr. Tom Cowan's book on structured water and got interested in it)
xo Thank you so much for your kind words, too ❤️
I have run into these "truth telling" blogs as well. Everything beautifully and clearly laid out and explained and then suddenly veers way off base into scurrilous sources with no thought or careful analysis. I think these are the DS who write these blogs. They have a pulse on the information that is being shared so they take it, share some incredibly accurate information to keep you going, and then turn crazy to totally discredit not just your information but also your prized source of that information. In this way, you can't share the truths without looking like an insane conspiracy theorist. An insult that vies only with racist as horror/shame inducer to the masses.
"Limited hangouts."
It's definitely a thing.
This is all a part of the Information War. Remember in a war [they] get a say as well. [They] are not just going to sit there and take it, getting smacked up one side and then another, without reacting.
The important thing is what we learn from [their] reactions. Which is, [they] are losing, we are winning, and [they] are desperate. But, and this is important, we must realize [they] will fight on. To the last Ukrainian if need be, to their last breath. Because if (i.e., when) they lose, they know that they will NOT like the way it ends. Nuremberg will look like child's play and [they] know it.
Well said.
Yes, and they appear to have exploded in number since Q started. Now they just come and go, individuals gain followers who realize they are bogus and leave, as new followers arrive. It's almost a rite of passage or something, into learning how easily led we are. It's part of learning to think for ourselves!
I enjoy your writing and I love even better your conversations with Kyle. Of all Badlands stuff those conversations imo are the very best. Two insightful, intuitive people drilling down and delivering gold.
Thanks Julie! You'll be seeing a lot of Kyle and I together. We have become close friends in short order.
I can see that friendship growing between you two! He has the best laugh!
Wow, this is one of the very best articles I have ever read! Thank you for putting it in this perspective! Hope is one of the Brightest things you can have. Thanks for reminding us ❤️.
Thanks for reading, Chris!
I heard General Flynn’s recent comment’s about Q on that PodCast and all I could think about was his and Boone Cutler’s new book “The Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare”. Introduction to 5GW. It was almost like his way of Narrative Seeding to the next stage in the Truth movement. In any case Sir, you tie it all together with this, another excellent piece! Thank you!
I thought it was funny, his comments on Q - I was like, "yeah right, you JUST published a book on that exact thing LOL" 😂
Thanks Mark!
Beautifully explained.
It made me realize that Socrates, the inventor of western civilization, was the first psy op. In 450 BC.
“An enigmatic figure, Socrates authored no texts and is known mainly through the posthumous accounts of classical writers, particularly his students Plato and Xenophon. These accounts are written as dialogues, in which Socrates and his interlocutors examine a subject in the style of question and answer; they gave rise to the Socratic dialogue literary genre.”
Human thought (or the collective mind if you will) is the most powerful force in the world, because it can harness human energy like nothing else.
Which is why losing their power over human thought poses an existential threat to the enemy.
Which is why we are about to witness the mother of all conflicts, for which, as you rightly observed, what has come so far will have been our training.
We, both as a nation and as a movement, are about to take the Enemy’s version of Paul Atreides’ Gom Jabbar pain test. At all cost we must never forget that the pain box is actually empty. Another psy op.
Sometimes we must look behind to see what's ahead.
You always add so much to our tiger’s brilliant articles! I love ancient history and concur completely about Socrates! God bless you, Pluribus!🙏
Thank you dear ALtab and God bless you too ☺️
Great comment, Pluribus : )
The Socratic method is about independent, critical thinking…clearly the enemy to the global mafia / DeepState control through censorship and propaganda.
You are so right…independent thinkers, questioning [their] narrative and joining the ranks of independent thinkers into a collective energy of truth is “the existential threat to the enemy”!
I remember how shocked I was a decade or so ago learning all about Common Core and discovering that our universities/colleges were no longer a 50/50 balance of “liberal” vs conservative professors. The imbalance was heavily favoring the “liberal” progressive agenda. So much for honoring the Socratic method!…and here we are…DeSantis bringing Light, bringing back the conservative mindset to the New College of Florida…and oh my, how the Left is going crazy over that!
"Common Core."
They tell you what they're doing in the open.
Good times 😊😉🌞
VERY well said. I agree, lots more is coming and we will need our training.
Thank you Sarah.
Wow! Now I need to read Socrates work...wonderfully expressed Pluribus! I'm learning something new every time here!!!!
Thank you so much EternallyHis! Unfortunately Socrates left no written works. But there is lots written about him. A good place to start:
Happy learning! 🙂👍🇺🇸
BB I’m grateful for you “taking the tiger by the tail” and addressing this topic. I watched General Flynn’s interview, he took a bite out of the host, he appeared distressed, he even lumped Qanon with BLM. He more or less called us stupid for allowing ourselves to fall for such a story, he said he can’t believe many still believe. I turned it off after a few minutes. I have allowed myself to digest what I heard. And here you are this morning addressing what no one wants to talk about. The elephant in the room, what is Q?
Your article, eloquently dances around this epic question. So beautifully articulated and fulfilling. Your words quieted the demons in my head.
Again, study Flynn in the interview, his tone and body language is very telling. I plan to watch it turning the sound off. He has a great deal of purpose, he’s at work in this video. You’ll see it.
Q is a doorway, as I mentioned earlier here in a reply. We will each enter it, doesn’t matter if you’ve read the Q drops, enough of us have, we each walked through the door with one sole intent, we greet the newcomers with love, warmth, and an abundance of hope. We are the light, we seek the truth, we can be trusted, we have your back. We have a unified journey to embark on, doesn’t matter when you jump in as a newcomer. Where we go one, we go all.
BB thank you.
BB certainly does have a way of 'reading the waves;' most notably I believe in the comments from his readers. Day after day I see him responding to those comments, not directly (which he also often does in the Comments section) but by sensing the deepest feelings in his readers' hearts and coming up with yet another excellent piece, addressing those emotions and concerns and tying it all together in a way that helps us all to better understand where we are coming from and more importantly, where we are going. In that, he is truly a master. It is no wonder that those who have found this substack return loyally. Burning Bright is our guiding light.
Doing the best I can to create a positive and illuminating feedback loop in this community.
And you do it well! Loved seeing you without your stripes! But I admit I love the tiger too!
Love that Lisa..."Q is a doorway" spot on!
Always appreciate your comments, Lisa.
Beautiful comment, Lisa…we’ll said ❤️
I do believe “Nothing can stop what is coming and WWG1WGA!” When it its all over, Cabal exposed and justice prevails, the one important thing we will all have in common that carry’s most of us into the future is a “Great Awakening of the Truth” of our government. We as Patriotic Americans both Republican and yes even some Democrats, will never approach government without great skepticism! The one thing that got us here was putting blind trust in our government.
There's no putting this collective genie back in the bottle.
Excellent, as always BB. When I heard Gen Flynn dress down Seth on Man in America, I winced a little, but then laughed because ... What else could Flynn, Kash, etal possibly say??? I recalled Seth being onboard with Q months back (I think), and he had to take this spanking awkwardly. "Is your audience really that stupid?" lol, Seth blushed and took it well. Here's an obvious point: Both the Q narrative and the Devolution actual events require the same thing to succeed more than anything else. Bottom line: INDIVIDUALS MUST TAKE ACTION. Why would Flynn want Joe Schmoe to spend 40 hours understanding either concept, then fall complacent and rely on a theory? To your point, that's what Anons are wired for, and are teaching the Joes through the media takeover: Truth Social, reformed Twitter, Substack, etc while the MSM grows less trustworthy by the day. Average Joe is required to follow their gut and their talents because, as Flynn puts it "Local Action Equals National Impact."
Q and Devolution don't end at the top. They must manifest at the bottom, and the digital warriors are paving the way for Joe Schmoe Activist to engage the swamp creatures in his own backyard. It's a great time to be awake! Can't wait for tonight's show!
My thoughts exactly. Well said.
Well said "Q and Devolution don't end at the top... they manifest at the bottom"
Thank you!
Do you know where I can find that video?
As always a very well written article and great analysis of Q BB! I read the article and went back to the Gen. Flynn interview afterwards. I don’t under the need to trash Q or Anons no matter how he views the Q op. Exactly what you said, no matter the intentions of Q originally it has awakened masses of people. I do not believe that without Q or the Anons I would be awake at all. I fully admit I needed info thrown in my face and explained before I fully woke up. I went down many rabbit holes whether true or false and learned to hone my discerning skills. I hate that someone of Flynn’s status and intelligence can’t at least admit Q did a great service for our country and indeed the world. Without Q many people would still be be looking for answers on Fox News. Because of Q we have great citizen journalists who tell the truth with documentation and in-depth analysis. I can now listen to the mockingbird media and immediately recognize BS. I can also listen to “anons” and hear BS there also. The important factor is I have learned to discern fake from real, truth from lies and how to not believe the first thing I hear. Whatever Qs original motive, I believe they have done the world a great service. Thank you BB for your insight. I appreciate you and those like you more than I can say. I do not have time for the recent infighting and am so thankful I have places to go where information is more important than tearing down those with differing opinions. After all, we are all just trying to find the truth and act accordingly. Blessings.
This is why I examine the net effects of movements and events. They tell you all you need to know.
Thanks for reading!
I totally understand what you are saying and how you feel. It's hard to hear someone like Flynn say that stuff. I think people like Flynn are not speaking for our ears though - they have parts to play in this movie. They know that Anons don't need validation precisely because we know how to parse and discern.. Flynn is trusting us to see the truth without his help. Same with others like Kash, Nunes, et al.
Right on brother. I look forward to all discussions with you, Jon, and the rest of the gang. Have been a Q follower since day one. I'm a registered nurse now for 45+ years and have known what the medical community has been doing to people since my first day at work. From shock treatments to now the killing of innocent patients with the supposed COVID. Thank God I was already retired and didn't have to resign, which I would have immediately. The local hospital wanted a mandate to have all medical personnel vaccinated. I told them to all walk out. Thankfully they took my advice and did so. The hospital didn't stay shut for long. The hospital in my community has been bought by a larger corporation, we will see how that turns out. Hopefully, better. Since I was a child, when Kennedy was assassinated as well as his brother, MLK, and countless others, from Waco to Ruby Ridge and even the Native Americans, which I am a descent of, have been in question into the motives of all the government dealings since then. I read autobiographies in high school on Hitler, JFK, Churchill etc. you get the jest. Many of my friends wondered about me. Thought I was a conspiracy theorist. Oddly enough most of those "theories" have come to be true. Just saying. I've questioned vaccines all my life and hardly taken any, except the polio vaccine when I started to school. I've had all the childhood diseases. My immune system is tops. I grew up a very good athlete in women's sport. Was given a scholarship in track and field but chose nursing instead. I knew the need for good health care and have served my profession well. I became a Nurse Manager for Surgical Services in several hospitals throughout the south and became a patient rights advocate. Needless to say, I've speculated as to who Q really is. I thought maybe Chris Miller and his gang, General Flynn, even Trump himself. Who knows, but you are right, a damn good psy op. Whomever it is, they are opening people's eyes. Mine have been open a long time. Thank God. Maybe God has a hand in this to guide whoever is writing these drops. It's a mystery to me that since 2017 that things dropped are really coming true. Odd don't you think. I think it can be God inspired. He is the only one that could know the future. Good writing, good reading that is thoughtful and well taken my me. Continue forward soldier and faithful patriot, as well as me. Have a blessed day full of HOPE for the future and for the children, because they are coming for them.
Some of us didn't really even engage with the idea of God until Q came along.
It's been a worldwide movement for truth, justice and a return of the American Way.
I became very depressed yesterday listening to an interview with the girlfriend of a J6 prisoner. I could not face the reality that our government would commit such an atrocity against its own people! And that no lawyer, no Senator, no Supreme Court Justice, no military --- not even Trump can penetrate that DC prison to free these people from the squalor and cruel and unusual punishment of the DC gulag. In past wars, we watched brave special ops free POWs in foreign lands where evil dictators rule. We expect these atrocities by dictator terrorists, but in a jail in our very own Capital? BB, I am glad we are Q and awake to all these horrors committed by those hell-bent on destroying the values and rights our forefathers fought to protect. But I wish we had superpowers.
"I wish we had superpowers."
We do, Julianne. Together, nothing can stop us. The more of us there are (and we are growing every day), the more powerful we become. That is why [they] are so worried. [They] have never faced such a well-informed and united enemy in the over 2000 years of their existence.
Hopefully powerful enough to rescue these desperate souls rotting in these prisons. Imagine the psychological, emotional and physical trauma! 2 years this man waits for just the minimum - a bond hearing, decent food, sanitary space without bugs and worse, time to see daylight and other people. It's so sad that this is allowed for 5 minutes, nevermind 2 years! The guards should be prosecuted for torture.
I found Q very early (pre 2020), and immediately became fascinated with the questions and drops. Although I didn’t understand all of them, the pieces became important and more understood as the months and then years went by. How fortunate for me to have found Q.
I realize now that the discovery journey I went on helped me feel more secure in my life. I felt more like me - if that makes sense. I must have been one of those people that was dying to wake up.
Like someone paying forward a gift, I used my awakening to alert others. Most of the time I could tell they WANTED to believe, but somehow it was still a bridge too far for them to cross.
Nevertheless, that journey continued to give me hope and a feeling of purpose for the Patriotic feelings I already had within me.
It is with great gratitude and love that I say thank you BB for shining a light onto those feelings and images with your beautiful writing. And the comments - I wish I could meet these wonderful people in person and smile at them and say - Yea, me too!
Thanks for reading, Claire!
Q questions, Q drops and OUR answers !
Exposure, disclosure, justice. I wish it moved faster but have faith that those responsible will face justice both here on earth, and celestial justice. Another example of man's inhumanity to man -- and the eternal wisdom of the Founders, trying to limit the powers of the US government to the minimum necessary.
Because 'power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely' -- Lord Acton
Hey, I saw this today: article dated December 16, 2021: The U.S. Marshals Service conducted a surprise inspection last month at the Central Treatment Facility and the Central Detention Facility in southeast Washington.
Though the U.S. Marshals concluded conditions in the D.C. jail are so poor that 400 inmates held there will be transferred to a federal prison in Pennsylvania, the inspection at CTF, which houses an estimated 120 federal detainees, including roughly 40 defendants in pretrial custody related to alleged offenses stemming from events that took place on Jan. 6 at the U.S. Capitol, “did not identify conditions that would necessitate the transfer of inmates from that facility at this time." So many fancy words, so much time passed in prison hellhole.
Nobody wants to pull the tiger's tail...
Thanks for reading, Julianne. It's not always easy, but it's necessary.
sovereignty, good will, morality...roll on!
got me a little teary on this one
We were all connected before we connected
I love that Sally..."We were all connected before we connected"
The reason 'where we go one, we go all.'
We are FAMILY! It has been an exciting journey: Trump > Q > Wictor > Jon > Kyle > BB and so many other great patriots!!!!! Even if our family and friends can't accept the truth yet, we always have our PATRIOT FAMILY!!!!!!!
I've felt that since 2014 when I first took to "social media". Always felt connected to the earth. At one.
Thanks Sally!
The Q Op is like a person who has been sleeping for many years, until one day this guy (named Q) comes along, taps you on the shoulder firmly and says, "Wake up!" Some people have trouble waking up from a very deep sleep, but others wake up immediately. Regardless, it's working. Another great analysis, BB.
Sometimes it really is that simple. Thanks for reading!